module Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Session.Status ( -- * Environment StatusUpdates , runStatusUpdates -- * Status , SessionStatus , sessionStatus -- * Query , getBitfield , getRequestQueueLength -- * Control , scheduleBlocks , resetPending , pushBlock ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.State import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Default import Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import Data.Map as M import Data.Set as S import Data.Tuple import Data.Torrent.Piece import Data.Torrent.Bitfield as BF import Network.BitTorrent.Core import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Block as Block import System.Torrent.Storage (Storage, writePiece) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Piece entry -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data PieceEntry = PieceEntry { pending :: [(PeerAddr IP, BlockIx)] , stalled :: Bucket } pieceEntry :: PieceSize -> PieceEntry pieceEntry s = PieceEntry [] (Block.empty s) isEmpty :: PieceEntry -> Bool isEmpty PieceEntry {..} = L.null pending && Block.null stalled holes :: PieceIx -> PieceEntry -> [BlockIx] holes pix PieceEntry {..} = fmap mkBlockIx (spans defaultTransferSize stalled) where mkBlockIx (off, sz) = BlockIx pix off sz {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Session status -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data SessionStatus = SessionStatus { inprogress :: !(Map PieceIx PieceEntry) , bitfield :: !Bitfield , pieceSize :: !PieceSize } sessionStatus :: Bitfield -> PieceSize -> SessionStatus sessionStatus bf ps = SessionStatus { inprogress = M.empty , bitfield = bf , pieceSize = ps } type StatusUpdates a = StateT SessionStatus IO a -- | runStatusUpdates :: MVar SessionStatus -> StatusUpdates a -> IO a runStatusUpdates var m = modifyMVar var (fmap swap . runStateT m) getBitfield :: MVar SessionStatus -> IO Bitfield getBitfield var = bitfield <$> readMVar var getRequestQueueLength :: PeerAddr IP -> StatusUpdates Int getRequestQueueLength addr = do m <- gets (M.elems . (L.filter ((==) addr . fst) . pending) . inprogress) return $ L.sum $ L.length m modifyEntry :: PieceIx -> (PieceEntry -> PieceEntry) -> StatusUpdates () modifyEntry pix f = modify $ \ s @ SessionStatus {..} -> s { inprogress = alter (g pieceSize) pix inprogress } where g s = h . f . fromMaybe (pieceEntry s) h e | isEmpty e = Nothing | otherwise = Just e {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Piece download -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO choose block nearest to pending or stalled sets to reduce disk -- seeks on remote machines chooseBlocks :: [BlockIx] -> Int -> StatusUpdates [BlockIx] chooseBlocks xs n = return (L.take n xs) -- TODO use selection strategies from Exchange.Selector choosePiece :: Bitfield -> StatusUpdates (Maybe PieceIx) choosePiece bf | BF.null bf = return $ Nothing | otherwise = return $ Just $ BF.findMin bf scheduleBlocks :: PeerAddr IP -> Bitfield -> Int -> StatusUpdates [BlockIx] scheduleBlocks addr maskBF n = do SessionStatus {..} <- get let wantPieces = maskBF `BF.difference` bitfield let wantBlocks = L.concat $ M.elems $ M.mapWithKey holes $ M.filterWithKey (\ pix _ -> pix `BF.member` wantPieces) inprogress bixs <- if L.null wantBlocks then do mpix <- choosePiece wantPieces case mpix of -- TODO return 'n' blocks Nothing -> return [] Just pix -> return [leadingBlock pix defaultTransferSize] else chooseBlocks wantBlocks n forM_ bixs $ \ bix -> do modifyEntry (ixPiece bix) $ \ e @ PieceEntry {..} -> e { pending = (addr, bix) : pending } return bixs -- | Remove all pending block requests to the remote peer. May be used -- when: -- -- * a peer closes connection; -- -- * remote peer choked this peer; -- -- * timeout expired. -- resetPending :: PeerAddr IP -> StatusUpdates () resetPending addr = modify $ \ s -> s { inprogress = reset (inprogress s) } where reset = fmap $ \ e -> e { pending = L.filter (not . (==) addr . fst) (pending e) } -- | MAY write to storage, if a new piece have been completed. pushBlock :: Block BL.ByteString -> Storage -> StatusUpdates (Maybe Bool) pushBlock blk @ Block {..} storage = do mpe <- gets (M.lookup blkPiece . inprogress) case mpe of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (pe @ PieceEntry {..}) | blockIx blk `L.notElem` fmap snd pending -> return Nothing | otherwise -> do let bkt' = Block.insertLazy blkOffset blkData stalled case toPiece bkt' of Nothing -> do modifyEntry blkPiece $ \ e @ PieceEntry {..} -> e { pending = L.filter ((==) (blockIx blk) . snd) pending , stalled = bkt' } return (Just False) Just pieceData -> do -- TODO verify liftIO $ writePiece (Piece blkPiece pieceData) storage modify $ \ s @ SessionStatus {..} -> s { inprogress = M.delete blkPiece inprogress , bitfield = BF.insert blkPiece bitfield } return (Just True)