-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam T. 2013 -- License : MIT -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- This module implement opaque broadcast message passing. It -- provides sessions needed by Network.BitTorrent and -- Network.BitTorrent.Exchange and modules. To hide some internals -- of this module we detach it from Exchange. -- -- Note: expose only static data in data field lists, all dynamic -- data should be modified through standalone functions. -- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Internal ( Progress(..), startProgress -- * Client , ClientSession (clientPeerID, allowedExtensions) , ThreadCount , defaultThreadCount , newClient , getCurrentProgress , getSwarmCount , getPeerCount -- * Swarm , SwarmSession( SwarmSession, torrentMeta, clientSession ) , SessionCount , getSessionCount , newLeecher , newSeeder , getClientBitfield , enterSwarm , leaveSwarm , waitVacancy , pieceLength -- * Peer , PeerSession( PeerSession, connectedPeerAddr , swarmSession, enabledExtensions , sessionState ) , SessionState , withPeerSession -- ** Broadcasting , available , getPending -- ** Exceptions , SessionException(..) , isSessionException , putSessionException -- ** Properties , bitfield, status , findPieceCount -- * Timeouts , updateIncoming, updateOutcoming ) where import Prelude hiding (mapM_) import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent.MSem as MSem import Control.Lens import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.IORef import Data.Default import Data.Function import Data.Foldable (mapM_) import Data.Ord import Data.Set as S import Data.Typeable import Data.Serialize hiding (get) import Text.PrettyPrint import Network import Network.Socket import Network.Socket.ByteString import GHC.Event as Ev import Data.Bitfield as BF import Data.Torrent import Network.BitTorrent.Extension import Network.BitTorrent.Peer import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Protocol as BT import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Protocol as BT {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Progress -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | 'Progress' contains upload/download/left stats about -- current client state and used to notify the tracker. -- -- This data is considered as dynamic within one client -- session. This data also should be shared across client -- application sessions (e.g. files), otherwise use 'startProgress' -- to get initial 'Progress'. -- data Progress = Progress { _uploaded :: !Integer -- ^ Total amount of bytes uploaded. , _downloaded :: !Integer -- ^ Total amount of bytes downloaded. , _left :: !Integer -- ^ Total amount of bytes left. } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- TODO use atomic bits and Word64 $(makeLenses ''Progress) -- | Initial progress is used when there are no session before. -- -- Please note that tracker might penalize client some way if the do -- not accumulate progress. If possible and save 'Progress' between -- client sessions to avoid that. -- startProgress :: Integer -> Progress startProgress = Progress 0 0 -- | Used when the client download some data from /any/ peer. downloadedProgress :: Int -> Progress -> Progress downloadedProgress (fromIntegral -> amount) = (left -~ amount) . (downloaded +~ amount) {-# INLINE downloadedProgress #-} -- | Used when the client upload some data to /any/ peer. uploadedProgress :: Int -> Progress -> Progress uploadedProgress (fromIntegral -> amount) = uploaded +~ amount {-# INLINE uploadedProgress #-} -- | Used when leecher join client session. enqueuedProgress :: Integer -> Progress -> Progress enqueuedProgress amount = left +~ amount {-# INLINE enqueuedProgress #-} -- | Used when leecher leave client session. -- (e.g. user deletes not completed torrent) dequeuedProgress :: Integer -> Progress -> Progress dequeuedProgress amount = left -~ amount {-# INLINE dequeuedProgress #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Client session -----------------------------------------------------------------------} {- NOTE: If we will not restrict number of threads we could end up with thousands of connected swarm and make no particular progress. Note also we do not bound number of swarms! This is not optimal strategy because each swarm might have say 1 thread and we could end up bounded by the meaningless limit. Bounding global number of p2p sessions should work better, and simpler.-} -- | Each client might have a limited number of threads. type ThreadCount = Int -- | The number of threads suitable for a typical BT client. defaultThreadCount :: ThreadCount defaultThreadCount = 1000 {- NOTE: basically, client session should contain options which user app store in configuration files. (related to the protocol) Moreover it should contain the all client identification info. (e.g. DHT) -} -- | Client session is the basic unit of bittorrent network, it has: -- -- * The /peer ID/ used as unique identifier of the client in -- network. Obviously, this value is not changed during client -- session. -- -- * The number of /protocol extensions/ it might use. This value -- is static as well, but if you want to dynamically reconfigure -- the client you might kill the end the current session and -- create a new with the fresh required extensions. -- -- * The number of /swarms/ to join, each swarm described by the -- 'SwarmSession'. -- -- Normally, you would have one client session, however, if we need, -- in one application we could have many clients with different peer -- ID's and different enabled extensions at the same time. -- data ClientSession = ClientSession { -- | Used in handshakes and discovery mechanism. clientPeerID :: !PeerID -- | Extensions we should try to use. Hovewer some particular peer -- might not support some extension, so we keep enabledExtension in -- 'PeerSession'. , allowedExtensions :: [Extension] -- | Semaphor used to bound number of active P2P sessions. , activeThreads :: !(MSem ThreadCount) -- | Max number of active connections. , maxActive :: !ThreadCount -- | Used to traverse the swarm session. , swarmSessions :: !(TVar (Set SwarmSession)) , eventManager :: !EventManager -- | Used to keep track global client progress. , currentProgress :: !(TVar Progress) } -- currentProgress field is reduntant: progress depends on the all swarm bitfields -- maybe we can remove the 'currentProgress' and compute it on demand? instance Eq ClientSession where (==) = (==) `on` clientPeerID instance Ord ClientSession where compare = comparing clientPeerID -- | Get current global progress of the client. This value is usually -- shown to a user. getCurrentProgress :: MonadIO m => ClientSession -> m Progress getCurrentProgress = liftIO . readTVarIO . currentProgress -- | Get number of swarms client aware of. getSwarmCount :: MonadIO m => ClientSession -> m SessionCount getSwarmCount ClientSession {..} = liftIO $ S.size <$> readTVarIO swarmSessions -- | Get number of peers the client currently connected to. getPeerCount :: MonadIO m => ClientSession -> m ThreadCount getPeerCount ClientSession {..} = liftIO $ do unused <- peekAvail activeThreads return (maxActive - unused) -- | Create a new client session. The data passed to this function are -- usually loaded from configuration file. newClient :: SessionCount -- ^ Maximum count of active P2P Sessions. -> [Extension] -- ^ Extensions allowed to use. -> IO ClientSession -- ^ Client with unique peer ID. newClient n exts = do mgr <- Ev.new -- TODO kill this thread when leave client _ <- forkIO $ loop mgr ClientSession <$> newPeerID <*> pure exts <*> MSem.new n <*> pure n <*> newTVarIO S.empty <*> pure mgr <*> newTVarIO (startProgress 0) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Swarm session -----------------------------------------------------------------------} {- NOTE: If client is a leecher then there is NO particular reason to set max sessions count more than the_number_of_unchoke_slots * k: * thread slot(activeThread semaphore) * will take but no So if client is a leecher then max sessions count depends on the number of unchoke slots. However if client is a seeder then the value depends on . -} -- | Used to bound the number of simultaneous connections and, which -- is the same, P2P sessions within the swarm session. type SessionCount = Int defSeederConns :: SessionCount defSeederConns = defaultUnchokeSlots defLeacherConns :: SessionCount defLeacherConns = defaultNumWant -- | Swarm session is data SwarmSession = SwarmSession { torrentMeta :: !Torrent -- | , clientSession :: !ClientSession -- | Represent count of peers we _currently_ can connect to in the -- swarm. Used to bound number of concurrent threads. , vacantPeers :: !(MSem SessionCount) -- | Modify this carefully updating global progress. , clientBitfield :: !(TVar Bitfield) , connectedPeers :: !(TVar (Set PeerSession)) -- TODO use bounded broadcast chan with priority queue and drop old entries -- | Channel used for replicate messages across all peers in -- swarm. For exsample if we get some piece we should sent to all -- connected (and interested in) peers HAVE message. -- , broadcastMessages :: !(TChan Message) } -- INVARIANT: -- max_sessions_count - sizeof connectedPeers = value vacantPeers instance Eq SwarmSession where (==) = (==) `on` (tInfoHash . torrentMeta) instance Ord SwarmSession where compare = comparing (tInfoHash . torrentMeta) newSwarmSession :: Int -> Bitfield -> ClientSession -> Torrent -> IO SwarmSession newSwarmSession n bf cs @ ClientSession {..} t @ Torrent {..} = SwarmSession <$> pure t <*> pure cs <*> MSem.new n <*> newTVarIO bf <*> newTVarIO S.empty <*> newBroadcastTChanIO -- | New swarm session in which the client allowed to upload only. newSeeder :: ClientSession -> Torrent -> IO SwarmSession newSeeder cs t @ Torrent {..} = newSwarmSession defSeederConns (haveAll (pieceCount tInfo)) cs t -- | New swarm in which the client allowed both download and upload. newLeecher :: ClientSession -> Torrent -> IO SwarmSession newLeecher cs t @ Torrent {..} = do se <- newSwarmSession defLeacherConns (haveNone (pieceCount tInfo)) cs t atomically $ modifyTVar' (currentProgress cs) (enqueuedProgress (contentLength tInfo)) return se --isLeacher :: SwarmSession -> IO Bool --isLeacher = undefined -- | Get the number of connected peers in the given swarm. getSessionCount :: SwarmSession -> IO SessionCount getSessionCount SwarmSession {..} = do S.size <$> readTVarIO connectedPeers getClientBitfield :: SwarmSession -> IO Bitfield getClientBitfield = readTVarIO . clientBitfield {- haveDone :: MonadIO m => PieceIx -> SwarmSession -> m () haveDone ix = liftIO $ atomically $ do bf <- readTVar clientBitfield writeTVar (have ix bf) currentProgress -} -- acquire/release mechanism: for internal use only enterSwarm :: SwarmSession -> IO () enterSwarm SwarmSession {..} = do MSem.wait (activeThreads clientSession) MSem.wait vacantPeers leaveSwarm :: SwarmSession -> IO () leaveSwarm SwarmSession {..} = do MSem.signal vacantPeers MSem.signal (activeThreads clientSession) waitVacancy :: SwarmSession -> IO () -> IO () waitVacancy se = bracket (enterSwarm se) (const (leaveSwarm se)) . const pieceLength :: SwarmSession -> Int pieceLength = ciPieceLength . tInfo . torrentMeta {-# INLINE pieceLength #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Peer session -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Peer session contain all data necessary for peer to peer -- communication. data PeerSession = PeerSession { -- | Used as unique 'PeerSession' identifier within one -- 'SwarmSession'. connectedPeerAddr :: !PeerAddr -- | The swarm to which both end points belong to. , swarmSession :: !SwarmSession -- | Extensions such that both peer and client support. , enabledExtensions :: [Extension] -- | To dissconnect from died peers appropriately we should check -- if a peer do not sent the KA message within given interval. If -- yes, we should throw an exception in 'TimeoutCallback' and -- close session between peers. -- -- We should update timeout if we /receive/ any message within -- timeout interval to keep connection up. , incomingTimeout :: !TimeoutKey -- | To send KA message appropriately we should know when was last -- time we sent a message to a peer. To do that we keep registered -- timeout in event manager and if we do not sent any message to -- the peer within given interval then we send KA message in -- 'TimeoutCallback'. -- -- We should update timeout if we /send/ any message within timeout -- to avoid reduntant KA messages. -- , outcomingTimeout :: !TimeoutKey -- TODO use dupChan for broadcasting -- | Broadcast messages waiting to be sent to peer. , pendingMessages :: !(TChan Message) -- | Dymanic P2P data. , sessionState :: !(IORef SessionState) } -- TODO unpack some fields data SessionState = SessionState { _bitfield :: !Bitfield -- ^ Other peer Have bitfield. , _status :: !SessionStatus -- ^ Status of both peers. } deriving (Show, Eq) $(makeLenses ''SessionState) instance Eq PeerSession where (==) = (==) `on` connectedPeerAddr instance Ord PeerSession where compare = comparing connectedPeerAddr -- | Exceptions used to interrupt the current P2P session. This -- exceptions will NOT affect other P2P sessions, DHT, peer <-> -- tracker, or any other session. -- data SessionException = PeerDisconnected | ProtocolError Doc deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception SessionException -- | Do nothing with exception, used with 'handle' or 'try'. isSessionException :: Monad m => SessionException -> m () isSessionException _ = return () -- | The same as 'isSessionException' but output to stdout the catched -- exception, for debugging purposes only. putSessionException :: SessionException -> IO () putSessionException = print -- TODO modify such that we can use this in listener loop -- TODO check if it connected yet peer withPeerSession :: SwarmSession -> PeerAddr -> ((Socket, PeerSession) -> IO ()) -> IO () withPeerSession ss @ SwarmSession {..} addr = handle isSessionException . bracket openSession closeSession where openSession = do let caps = encodeExts $ allowedExtensions $ clientSession let ihash = tInfoHash torrentMeta let pid = clientPeerID $ clientSession let chs = Handshake defaultBTProtocol caps ihash pid sock <- connectToPeer addr phs <- handshake sock chs `onException` close sock cbf <- readTVarIO clientBitfield sendAll sock (encode (Bitfield cbf)) let enabled = decodeExts (enabledCaps caps (handshakeCaps phs)) ps <- PeerSession addr ss enabled <$> registerTimeout (eventManager clientSession) maxIncomingTime (return ()) <*> registerTimeout (eventManager clientSession) maxOutcomingTime (sendKA sock) <*> atomically (dupTChan broadcastMessages) <*> do { ; tc <- totalCount <$> readTVarIO clientBitfield ; newIORef (SessionState (haveNone tc) def) } atomically $ modifyTVar' connectedPeers (S.insert ps) return (sock, ps) closeSession (sock, ps) = do atomically $ modifyTVar' connectedPeers (S.delete ps) close sock findPieceCount :: PeerSession -> PieceCount findPieceCount = pieceCount . tInfo . torrentMeta . swarmSession {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Broadcasting: Have, Cancel, Bitfield, SuggestPiece -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- here we should enqueue broadcast messages and keep in mind that: -- -- * We should enqueue broadcast events as they are appear. -- * We should yield broadcast messages as fast as we get them. -- -- these 2 phases might differ in time significantly -- TODO do this; but only when it'll be clean which other broadcast -- messages & events we should send -- 1. Update client have bitfield --\____ in one transaction; -- 2. Update downloaded stats --/ -- 3. Signal to the all other peer about this. available :: Bitfield -> SwarmSession -> IO () available bf se @ SwarmSession {..} = do mark >> atomically broadcast where mark = do let bytes = pieceLength se * BF.haveCount bf atomically $ do modifyTVar' clientBitfield (BF.union bf) modifyTVar' (currentProgress clientSession) (downloadedProgress bytes) broadcast = mapM_ (writeTChan broadcastMessages . Have) (BF.toList bf) -- TODO compute size of messages: if it's faster to send Bitfield -- instead many Have do that -- -- also if there is single Have message in queue then the -- corresponding piece is likely still in memory or disc cache, -- when we can send SuggestPiece -- | Get pending messages queue appeared in result of asynchronously -- changed client state. Resulting queue should be sent to a peer -- immediately. getPending :: PeerSession -> IO [Message] getPending PeerSession {..} = atomically (readAvail pendingMessages) readAvail :: TChan a -> STM [a] readAvail chan = do m <- tryReadTChan chan case m of Just a -> (:) <$> pure a <*> readAvail chan Nothing -> return [] {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Timeouts -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- for internal use only sec :: Int sec = 1000 * 1000 maxIncomingTime :: Int maxIncomingTime = 120 * sec maxOutcomingTime :: Int maxOutcomingTime = 1 * sec -- | Should be called after we have received any message from a peer. updateIncoming :: PeerSession -> IO () updateIncoming PeerSession {..} = do updateTimeout (eventManager (clientSession swarmSession)) incomingTimeout maxIncomingTime -- | Should be called before we have send any message to a peer. updateOutcoming :: PeerSession -> IO () updateOutcoming PeerSession {..} = updateTimeout (eventManager (clientSession swarmSession)) outcomingTimeout maxOutcomingTime sendKA :: Socket -> IO () sendKA sock {- SwarmSession {..} -} = do return () -- print "I'm sending keep alive." -- sendAll sock (encode BT.KeepAlive) -- let mgr = eventManager clientSession -- updateTimeout mgr -- print "Done.."