-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2014 -- License : BSD -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Cached data for tracker responses. -- module Network.BitTorrent.Internal.Cache ( -- * Cache Cached , lastUpdated , updateInterval , minUpdateInterval -- * Construction , newCached , newCached_ -- * Query , isAlive , isStalled , isExpired , canUpdate , shouldUpdate -- * Cached data , tryTakeData , unsafeTryTakeData , takeData ) where import Control.Applicative import Data.Monoid import Data.Default import Data.Time import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import System.IO.Unsafe data Cached a = Cached { -- | Time of resource creation. lastUpdated :: !POSIXTime -- | Minimum invalidation timeout. , minUpdateInterval :: !NominalDiffTime -- | Resource lifetime. , updateInterval :: !NominalDiffTime -- | Resource data. , cachedData :: a } deriving (Show, Eq) -- INVARIANT: minUpdateInterval <= updateInterval instance Default (Cached a) where def = mempty instance Functor Cached where fmap f (Cached t i m a) = Cached t i m (f a) posixEpoch :: NominalDiffTime posixEpoch = 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 instance Applicative Cached where pure = Cached 0 posixEpoch posixEpoch f <*> c = Cached { lastUpdated = undefined , minUpdateInterval = undefined , updateInterval = undefined , cachedData = cachedData f (cachedData c) } instance Alternative Cached where empty = mempty (<|>) = error "cached alternative instance: not implemented" instance Monad Cached where return = pure Cached {..} >>= f = Cached { lastUpdated = undefined , updateInterval = undefined , minUpdateInterval = undefined , cachedData = undefined } instance Monoid (Cached a) where mempty = Cached { lastUpdated = 0 , minUpdateInterval = 0 , updateInterval = 0 , cachedData = error "cached mempty: impossible happen" } mappend a b | expirationTime a > expirationTime b = a | otherwise = b normalize :: NominalDiffTime -> NominalDiffTime -> (NominalDiffTime, NominalDiffTime) normalize a b | a < b = (a, b) | otherwise = (b, a) {-# INLINE normalize #-} newCached :: NominalDiffTime -> NominalDiffTime -> a -> IO (Cached a) newCached minInterval interval x = do t <- getPOSIXTime let (mui, ui) = normalize minInterval interval return Cached { lastUpdated = t , minUpdateInterval = mui , updateInterval = ui , cachedData = x } newCached_ :: NominalDiffTime -> a -> IO (Cached a) newCached_ interval x = newCached interval interval x {-# INLINE newCached_ #-} expirationTime :: Cached a -> POSIXTime expirationTime Cached {..} = undefined isAlive :: Cached a -> IO Bool isAlive Cached {..} = do currentTime <- getPOSIXTime return $ lastUpdated + updateInterval > currentTime isExpired :: Cached a -> IO Bool isExpired Cached {..} = undefined isStalled :: Cached a -> IO Bool isStalled Cached {..} = undefined canUpdate :: Cached a -> IO (Maybe NominalDiffTime) canUpdate = undefined --isStaled shouldUpdate :: Cached a -> IO (Maybe NominalDiffTime) shouldUpdate = undefined -- isExpired tryTakeData :: Cached a -> IO (Maybe a) tryTakeData c = do alive <- isAlive c return $ if alive then Just (cachedData c) else Nothing unsafeTryTakeData :: Cached a -> Maybe a unsafeTryTakeData = unsafePerformIO . tryTakeData invalidateData :: Cached a -> IO a -> IO (Cached a) invalidateData Cached {..} action = do t <- getPOSIXTime x <- action return Cached { lastUpdated = t , updateInterval = updateInterval , minUpdateInterval = minUpdateInterval , cachedData = x } takeData :: Cached a -> IO a -> IO a takeData c action = do mdata <- tryTakeData c case mdata of Just a -> return a Nothing -> do c' <- invalidateData c action takeData c' action