-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2014 -- License : BSD -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Multitracker Metadata Extension support. -- -- For more info see: -- module Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.List ( -- * Tracker list TrackerList -- * Construction , trackerList , shuffleTiers -- * Traversals , traverseAll , traverseTiers ) where import Prelude hiding (mapM, foldr) import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Data.List as L (elem, any, filter, null) import Data.Maybe import Data.Foldable import Data.Traversable import Network.URI import System.Random.Shuffle import Data.Torrent import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.RPC as RPC {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tracker list datatype -----------------------------------------------------------------------} type Tier a = [a] -- | Tracker list is either a single tracker or list of tiers. All -- trackers in each tier must be checked before the client goes on to -- the next tier. data TrackerList a = Announce a -- ^ torrent file 'announce' field only | TierList [Tier a] -- ^ torrent file 'announce-list' field only deriving (Show, Eq) instance Functor TrackerList where fmap f (Announce a) = Announce (f a) fmap f (TierList a) = TierList (fmap (fmap f) a) instance Foldable TrackerList where foldr f z (Announce a ) = f a z foldr f z (TierList xs) = foldr (flip (foldr f)) z xs instance Traversable TrackerList where traverse f (Announce a ) = Announce <$> f a traverse f (TierList xs) = TierList <$> traverse (traverse f) xs {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List extraction -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- BEP12 do not expose any restrictions for the content of -- 'announce-list' key - there are some /bad/ cases can happen with -- poorly designed or even malicious torrent creation software. -- -- Bad case #1: announce-list is present, but empty. -- -- { tAnnounce = Just "http://a.com" -- , tAnnounceList = Just [[]] -- } -- -- Bad case #2: announce uri do not present in announce list. -- -- { tAnnounce = Just "http://a.com" -- , tAnnounceList = Just [["udp://a.com"]] -- } -- -- The addBackup function solves both problems by adding announce uri -- as backup tier. -- addBackup :: [[URI]] -> URI -> [[URI]] addBackup tiers bkp | L.any (L.elem bkp) tiers = tiers | otherwise = tiers ++ [[bkp]] fixList :: Maybe [[URI]] -> Maybe URI -> Maybe [[URI]] fixList mxss mx = do xss <- mxss let xss' = L.filter (not . L.null) xss return $ maybe xss' (addBackup xss') mx -- | Extract set of trackers from torrent file. The 'tAnnounce' key is -- only ignored if the 'tAnnounceList' key is present. trackerList :: Torrent -> TrackerList URI trackerList Torrent {..} = fromMaybe (TierList []) $ do TierList <$> (tAnnounceList `fixList` tAnnounce) <|> Announce <$> tAnnounce -- | Shuffle /order of trackers/ in each tier, preserving original -- /order of tiers/. This can help to balance the load between the -- trackers. shuffleTiers :: TrackerList a -> IO (TrackerList a) shuffleTiers (Announce a ) = return (Announce a) shuffleTiers (TierList xs) = TierList <$> mapM shuffleM xs {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Special traversals (suppressed RPC exceptions) -----------------------------------------------------------------------} catchRPC :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a catchRPC a b = catch a (f b) where f :: a -> RpcException -> a f = const throwRPC :: String -> IO a throwRPC = throwIO . GenericException -- | Like 'traverse' but ignore 'RpcExceptions'. traverseAll :: (a -> IO a) -> TrackerList a -> IO (TrackerList a) traverseAll action = traverse (action $?) where f $? x = catchRPC (f x) (return x) -- | Like 'traverse' but put working trackers to the head of tiers. -- This can help to avoid exceessive requests to not available -- trackers at each reannounce. traverseTiers :: (a -> IO a) -> TrackerList a -> IO (TrackerList a) traverseTiers action (Announce a) = Announce <$> action a traverseTiers action (TierList tiers) = TierList <$> goTiers (goTier []) tiers where goTiers _ [] = throwRPC "traverseTiers: no tiers" goTiers f (x : xs) = catchRPC shortcut failback where shortcut = do x' <- f x return (x' : xs) failback = do xs' <- goTiers f xs return (x : xs') goTier _ [] = throwRPC "traverseTiers: no trackers in tier" goTier failed (a : as) = catchRPC shortcut failback where shortcut = do a' <- action a return (a' : as ++ failed) -- failed trackers at the end failback = goTier (a : failed) as