-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Every tracker should support announce query. This query is used -- to discover peers within a swarm and have two-fold effect: -- -- * peer doing announce discover other peers using peer list from -- the response to the announce query. -- -- * tracker store peer information and use it in the succeeding -- requests made by other peers, until the peer info expires. -- -- By convention most trackers support another form of request — -- scrape query — which queries the state of a given torrent (or -- a list of torrents) that the tracker is managing. -- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Message ( -- * Announce -- ** Request Event(..) , AnnounceQuery(..) , renderAnnounceQuery , ParamParseFailure , parseAnnounceQuery -- ** Response , PeerList (..) , AnnounceInfo(..) , defaultNumWant , paramFailureCode -- * Scrape , ScrapeQuery , ScrapeInfo(..) , Scrape ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..)) import Data.Aeson.TH import Data.BEncode as BE import Data.BEncode.BDict as BE import Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import Data.Char as Char import Data.List as L import Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Serialize as S hiding (Result) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding import Data.Typeable import Data.URLEncoded as URL import Data.Word import Network import Network.HTTP.Types.QueryLike import Network.HTTP.Types.URI hiding (urlEncode) import Network.Socket import Network.URI import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Data.Torrent.InfoHash import Data.Torrent.Progress import Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerId import Network.BitTorrent.Core.PeerAddr {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Events -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Events used to specify which kind of announce query is performed. data Event = Started -- ^ For the first request: when a peer join the swarm. | Stopped -- ^ Sent when the peer is shutting down. | Completed -- ^ To be sent when the peer completes a download. deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Typeable) $(deriveJSON (L.map toLower . L.dropWhile isLower) ''Event) -- | HTTP tracker protocol compatible encoding. instance URLShow Event where urlShow e = urlShow (Char.toLower x : xs) where -- INVARIANT: this is always nonempty list (x : xs) = show e type EventId = Word32 -- | UDP tracker encoding event codes. eventId :: Event -> EventId eventId Completed = 1 eventId Started = 2 eventId Stopped = 3 -- TODO add Regular event putEvent :: Putter (Maybe Event) putEvent Nothing = putWord32be 0 putEvent (Just e) = putWord32be (eventId e) getEvent :: S.Get (Maybe Event) getEvent = do eid <- getWord32be case eid of 0 -> return Nothing 1 -> return $ Just Completed 2 -> return $ Just Started 3 -> return $ Just Stopped _ -> fail "unknown event id" {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Announce query -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | A tracker request is HTTP GET request; used to include metrics -- from clients that help the tracker keep overall statistics about -- the torrent. The most important, requests are used by the tracker -- to keep track lists of active peer for a particular torrent. -- data AnnounceQuery = AnnounceQuery { -- | Hash of info part of the torrent usually obtained from -- 'Torrent'. reqInfoHash :: !InfoHash -- | ID of the peer doing request. , reqPeerId :: !PeerId -- | Port to listen to for connections from other -- peers. Tracker should respond with this port when -- some /other/ peer request the tracker with the same info hash. -- Normally, this port is choosed from 'defaultPorts'. , reqPort :: !PortNumber -- | Current progress of peer doing request. , reqProgress :: !Progress -- | The peer IP. Needed only when client communicated with -- tracker throught a proxy. , reqIP :: Maybe HostAddress -- | Number of peers that the peers wants to receive from. See -- note for 'defaultNumWant'. , reqNumWant :: Maybe Int -- | If not specified, the request is regular periodic request. , reqEvent :: Maybe Event } deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) $(deriveJSON (L.map toLower . L.dropWhile isLower) ''AnnounceQuery) instance URLShow PortNumber where urlShow = urlShow . fromEnum instance URLShow Word32 where urlShow = show {-# INLINE urlShow #-} -- | HTTP tracker protocol compatible encoding. instance URLEncode AnnounceQuery where urlEncode AnnounceQuery {..} = mconcat [ -- s "peer_id" %= reqPeerId s "port" %= reqPort -- , urlEncode reqProgress , s "ip" %=? reqIP , s "numwant" %=? reqNumWant , s "event" %=? reqEvent ] where s :: String -> String; s = id; {-# INLINE s #-} instance QueryLike AnnounceQuery where toQuery AnnounceQuery {..} = [ ("info_hash", toQueryValue reqInfoHash) , ("peer_id" , toQueryValue reqPeerId) ] -- | UDP tracker protocol compatible encoding. instance Serialize AnnounceQuery where put AnnounceQuery {..} = do put reqInfoHash put reqPeerId put reqProgress putEvent reqEvent putWord32be $ fromMaybe 0 reqIP putWord32be $ 0 -- TODO what the fuck is "key"? putWord32be $ fromIntegral $ fromMaybe (-1) reqNumWant put reqPort get = do ih <- get pid <- get progress <- get ev <- getEvent ip <- getWord32be -- key <- getWord32be -- TODO want <- getWord32be port <- get return $ AnnounceQuery { reqInfoHash = ih , reqPeerId = pid , reqPort = port , reqProgress = progress , reqIP = if ip == 0 then Nothing else Just ip , reqNumWant = if want == -1 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral want) , reqEvent = ev } -- | Encode announce query and add it to the base tracker URL. renderAnnounceQuery :: URI -> AnnounceQuery -> URI renderAnnounceQuery announceURI req = URL.urlEncode req `addToURI` announceURI `addHashToURI` reqInfoHash req data QueryParam = ParamInfoHash | ParamPeerId | ParamPort | ParamUploaded | ParamLeft | ParamDownloaded | ParamIP | ParamNumWant | ParamEvent deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum) data ParamParseFailure = Missing QueryParam -- ^ param not found in query string; | Invalid QueryParam ByteString -- ^ param present but not valid. deriving (Show, Eq) paramName :: QueryParam -> ByteString paramName ParamInfoHash = "info_hash" paramName ParamPeerId = "peer_id" paramName ParamPort = "port" paramName ParamUploaded = "uploaded" paramName ParamLeft = "left" paramName ParamDownloaded = "downloaded" paramName ParamIP = "ip" paramName ParamNumWant = "numwant" paramName ParamEvent = "event" class FromParam a where fromParam :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe a instance FromParam InfoHash where fromParam = byteStringToInfoHash instance FromParam PeerId where fromParam = byteStringToPeerId instance FromParam Word32 where fromParam = readMaybe . BC.unpack instance FromParam Word64 where fromParam = readMaybe . BC.unpack instance FromParam Int where fromParam = readMaybe . BC.unpack instance FromParam PortNumber where fromParam bs = fromIntegral <$> (fromParam bs :: Maybe Word32) instance FromParam Event where fromParam bs = case BC.uncons bs of Nothing -> Nothing Just (x, xs) -> readMaybe $ BC.unpack $ BC.cons (Char.toUpper x) xs withError e = maybe (Left e) Right reqParam param xs = do val <- withError (Missing param) $ L.lookup (paramName param) xs withError (Invalid param val) (fromParam val) optParam param ps | Just x <- L.lookup (paramName param) ps = pure <$> withError (Invalid param x) (fromParam x) | otherwise = pure Nothing parseProgress :: SimpleQuery -> Either ParamParseFailure Progress parseProgress params = Progress <$> reqParam ParamDownloaded params <*> reqParam ParamLeft params <*> reqParam ParamUploaded params -- | Parse announce request from a query string. parseAnnounceQuery :: SimpleQuery -> Either ParamParseFailure AnnounceQuery parseAnnounceQuery params = AnnounceQuery <$> reqParam ParamInfoHash params <*> reqParam ParamPeerId params <*> reqParam ParamPort params <*> parseProgress params <*> optParam ParamIP params <*> optParam ParamNumWant params <*> optParam ParamEvent params -- TODO add extension datatype {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Announce response -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Tracker can return peer list in either compact(BEP23) or not -- compact form. -- -- For more info see: -- data PeerList = PeerList { getPeerList :: [PeerAddr] } | CompactPeerList { getPeerList :: [PeerAddr] } deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) instance ToJSON PeerList where toJSON = toJSON . getPeerList instance FromJSON PeerList where parseJSON v = PeerList <$> parseJSON v putCompactPeerList :: S.Putter [PeerAddr] putCompactPeerList = mapM_ put getCompactPeerList :: S.Get [PeerAddr] getCompactPeerList = many get instance BEncode PeerList where toBEncode (PeerList xs) = toBEncode xs toBEncode (CompactPeerList xs) = toBEncode $ runPut (putCompactPeerList xs) fromBEncode (BList l ) = PeerList <$> fromBEncode (BList l) fromBEncode (BString s ) = CompactPeerList <$> runGet getCompactPeerList s fromBEncode _ = decodingError "Peer list" -- | The tracker response includes a peer list that helps the client -- participate in the torrent. The most important is 'respPeer' list -- used to join the swarm. -- data AnnounceInfo = Failure !Text -- ^ Failure reason in human readable form. | AnnounceInfo { -- | Number of peers completed the torrent. (seeders) respComplete :: !(Maybe Int) -- | Number of peers downloading the torrent. (leechers) , respIncomplete :: !(Maybe Int) -- | Recommended interval to wait between requests, in seconds. , respInterval :: !Int -- | Minimal amount of time between requests, in seconds. A -- peer /should/ make timeout with at least 'respMinInterval' -- value, otherwise tracker might not respond. If not specified -- the same applies to 'respInterval'. , respMinInterval :: !(Maybe Int) -- | Peers that must be contacted. , respPeers :: !PeerList -- | Human readable warning. , respWarning :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Show, Typeable) $(deriveJSON (L.map toLower . L.dropWhile isLower) ''AnnounceInfo) -- | HTTP tracker protocol compatible encoding. instance BEncode AnnounceInfo where toBEncode (Failure t) = toDict $ "failure reason" .=! t .: endDict toBEncode AnnounceInfo {..} = toDict $ "complete" .=? respComplete .: "incomplete" .=? respIncomplete .: "interval" .=! respInterval .: "min interval" .=? respMinInterval .: "peers" .=! respPeers .: "warning message" .=? respWarning .: endDict fromBEncode (BDict d) | Just t <- BE.lookup "failure reason" d = Failure <$> fromBEncode t | otherwise = (`fromDict` (BDict d)) $ do AnnounceInfo <$>? "complete" <*>? "incomplete" <*>! "interval" <*>? "min interval" <*>! "peers" <*>? "warning message" fromBEncode _ = decodingError "Announce info" -- | UDP tracker protocol compatible encoding. instance Serialize AnnounceInfo where put (Failure msg) = put $ encodeUtf8 msg put AnnounceInfo {..} = do putWord32be $ fromIntegral respInterval putWord32be $ fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 0 respIncomplete putWord32be $ fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 0 respComplete forM_ (getPeerList respPeers) put get = do interval <- getWord32be leechers <- getWord32be seeders <- getWord32be peers <- many get return $ AnnounceInfo { respWarning = Nothing , respInterval = fromIntegral interval , respMinInterval = Nothing , respIncomplete = Just $ fromIntegral leechers , respComplete = Just $ fromIntegral seeders , respPeers = PeerList peers } -- | Above 25, new peers are highly unlikely to increase download -- speed. Even 30 peers is /plenty/, the official client version 3 -- in fact only actively forms new connections if it has less than -- 30 peers and will refuse connections if it has 55. -- -- -- defaultNumWant :: Int defaultNumWant = 50 missingOffset :: Int missingOffset = 101 invalidOffset :: Int invalidOffset = 150 -- TODO use Network.HTTP.Types.Status -- | Get HTTP response error code from a announce params parse -- failure. -- -- For more info see: -- -- paramFailureCode :: ParamParseFailure -> Int paramFailureCode (Missing param ) = missingOffset + fromEnum param paramFailureCode (Invalid param _) = invalidOffset + fromEnum param {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Scrape message -----------------------------------------------------------------------} type ScrapeQuery = [InfoHash] -- | Overall information about particular torrent. data ScrapeInfo = ScrapeInfo { -- | Number of seeders - peers with the entire file. siComplete :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- | Total number of times the tracker has registered a completion. , siDownloaded :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- | Number of leechers. , siIncomplete :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- | Name of the torrent file, as specified by the "name" -- file in the info section of the .torrent file. , siName :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) $(deriveJSON (L.map toLower . L.dropWhile isLower) ''ScrapeInfo) -- TODO hash map -- | Scrape info about a set of torrents. type Scrape = Map InfoHash ScrapeInfo -- | HTTP tracker protocol compatible encoding. instance BEncode ScrapeInfo where toBEncode ScrapeInfo {..} = toDict $ "complete" .=! siComplete .: "downloaded" .=! siDownloaded .: "incomplete" .=! siIncomplete .: "name" .=? siName .: endDict fromBEncode = fromDict $ do ScrapeInfo <$>! "complete" <*>! "downloaded" <*>! "incomplete" <*>? "name" -- | UDP tracker protocol compatible encoding. instance Serialize ScrapeInfo where put ScrapeInfo {..} = do putWord32be $ fromIntegral siComplete putWord32be $ fromIntegral siDownloaded putWord32be $ fromIntegral siIncomplete get = do seeders <- getWord32be downTimes <- getWord32be leechers <- getWord32be return $ ScrapeInfo { siComplete = fromIntegral seeders , siDownloaded = fromIntegral downTimes , siIncomplete = fromIntegral leechers , siName = Nothing }