-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam T. 2013 -- License : MIT -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Every tracker should support announce query. This query is used -- to discover peers within swarm and have two-fold effect: -- -- * peer doing announce discover other peers using peer list from -- the response to the announce query. -- -- * tracker store peer information and use it in the succeeding -- requests made by other peers, until the peer info expires. -- -- By convention most trackers support another form of request -- -- scrape query -- which queries the state of a given torrent (or -- a list of torrents) that the tracker is managing. -- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Protocol ( -- * Announce Event(..) , AnnounceQuery(..) , AnnounceInfo(..) -- ** Defaults , defaultNumWant , defaultPorts -- * Scrape , ScrapeQuery , ScrapeInfo(..) , Scrape -- * TODO , Tracker(..) ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson.TH import Data.Char as Char import Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.List as L import Data.Word import Data.Monoid import Data.BEncode import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Encoding import Data.Serialize hiding (Result) import Data.URLEncoded as URL import Data.Torrent.Metainfo import Network import Network.Socket import Network.BitTorrent.Peer import Network.BitTorrent.Sessions.Types {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Announce messages -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Events used to specify which kind of tracker request is performed. data Event = Started -- ^ For the first request: when a peer join the swarm. | Stopped -- ^ Sent when the peer is shutting down. | Completed -- ^ To be sent when the peer completes a download. deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded) $(deriveJSON (L.map toLower . L.dropWhile isLower) ''Event) -- | A tracker request is HTTP GET request; used to include metrics -- from clients that help the tracker keep overall statistics about -- the torrent. The most important, requests are used by the tracker -- to keep track lists of active peer for a particular torrent. -- data AnnounceQuery = AnnounceQuery { reqInfoHash :: !InfoHash -- ^ Hash of info part of the torrent usually obtained from -- 'Torrent'. , reqPeerId :: !PeerId -- ^ ID of the peer doing request. , reqPort :: !PortNumber -- ^ Port to listen to for connections from other -- peers. Normally, tracker should respond with this port when -- some peer request the tracker with the same info hash. , reqProgress :: !Progress -- ^ Current progress of peer doing request. , reqIP :: Maybe HostAddress -- ^ The peer IP. Needed only when client communicated with -- tracker throught a proxy. , reqNumWant :: Maybe Int -- ^ Number of peers that the peers wants to receive from. See -- note for 'defaultNumWant'. , reqEvent :: Maybe Event -- ^ If not specified, the request is regular periodic request. } deriving Show $(deriveJSON (L.map toLower . L.dropWhile isLower) ''AnnounceQuery) -- | The tracker response includes a peer list that helps the client -- participate in the torrent. The most important is 'respPeer' list -- used to join the swarm. -- data AnnounceInfo = Failure Text -- ^ Failure reason in human readable form. | AnnounceInfo { respWarning :: Maybe Text -- ^ Human readable warning. , respInterval :: !Int -- ^ Recommended interval to wait between requests. , respMinInterval :: Maybe Int -- ^ Minimal amount of time between requests. A peer /should/ -- make timeout with at least 'respMinInterval' value, -- otherwise tracker might not respond. If not specified the -- same applies to 'respInterval'. , respComplete :: Maybe Int -- ^ Number of peers completed the torrent. (seeders) , respIncomplete :: Maybe Int -- ^ Number of peers downloading the torrent. (leechers) , respPeers :: ![PeerAddr] -- ^ Peers that must be contacted. } deriving Show $(deriveJSON (L.map toLower . L.dropWhile isLower) ''AnnounceInfo) -- | Ports typically reserved for bittorrent P2P listener. defaultPorts :: [PortNumber] defaultPorts = [6881..6889] -- | Above 25, new peers are highly unlikely to increase download -- speed. Even 30 peers is /plenty/, the official client version 3 -- in fact only actively forms new connections if it has less than -- 30 peers and will refuse connections if it has 55. -- -- So the default value is set to 50 because usually 30-50% of peers -- are not responding. -- defaultNumWant :: Int defaultNumWant = 50 {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bencode announce encoding -----------------------------------------------------------------------} instance BEncodable AnnounceInfo where toBEncode (Failure t) = fromAssocs ["failure reason" --> t] toBEncode AnnounceInfo {..} = fromAssocs [ "interval" --> respInterval , "min interval" -->? respMinInterval , "complete" -->? respComplete , "incomplete" -->? respIncomplete , "peers" --> respPeers ] fromBEncode (BDict d) | Just t <- M.lookup "failure reason" d = Failure <$> fromBEncode t | otherwise = AnnounceInfo <$> d >--? "warning message" <*> d >-- "interval" <*> d >--? "min interval" <*> d >--? "complete" <*> d >--? "incomplete" <*> getPeers (M.lookup "peers" d) where getPeers :: Maybe BEncode -> Result [PeerAddr] getPeers (Just (BList l)) = fromBEncode (BList l) getPeers (Just (BString s)) = runGet getCompactPeerList s getPeers _ = decodingError "Peers" fromBEncode _ = decodingError "AnnounceInfo" instance URLShow PortNumber where urlShow = urlShow . fromEnum instance URLShow Word32 where urlShow = show instance URLShow Event where urlShow e = urlShow (Char.toLower x : xs) where -- INVARIANT: this is always nonempty list (x : xs) = show e instance URLEncode AnnounceQuery where urlEncode AnnounceQuery {..} = mconcat [ s "peer_id" %= reqPeerId , s "port" %= reqPort , s "uploaded" %= _uploaded reqProgress , s "left" %= _left reqProgress , s "downloaded" %= _downloaded reqProgress , s "ip" %=? reqIP , s "numwant" %=? reqNumWant , s "event" %=? reqEvent ] where s :: String -> String; s = id; {-# INLINE s #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Binary announce encoding -----------------------------------------------------------------------} type EventId = Word32 eventId :: Event -> EventId eventId Completed = 1 eventId Started = 2 eventId Stopped = 3 -- TODO add Regular event putEvent :: Putter (Maybe Event) putEvent Nothing = putWord32be 0 putEvent (Just e) = putWord32be (eventId e) getEvent :: Get (Maybe Event) getEvent = do eid <- getWord32be case eid of 0 -> return Nothing 1 -> return $ Just Completed 2 -> return $ Just Started 3 -> return $ Just Stopped _ -> fail "unknown event id" instance Serialize AnnounceQuery where put AnnounceQuery {..} = do put reqInfoHash put reqPeerId put reqProgress putEvent reqEvent putWord32be $ fromMaybe 0 reqIP putWord32be $ 0 -- TODO what the fuck is "key"? putWord32be $ fromIntegral $ fromMaybe (-1) reqNumWant put reqPort get = do ih <- get pid <- get progress <- get ev <- getEvent ip <- getWord32be -- key <- getWord32be -- TODO want <- getWord32be port <- get return $ AnnounceQuery { reqInfoHash = ih , reqPeerId = pid , reqPort = port , reqProgress = progress , reqIP = if ip == 0 then Nothing else Just ip , reqNumWant = if want == -1 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral want) , reqEvent = ev } instance Serialize AnnounceInfo where put (Failure msg) = put $ encodeUtf8 msg put AnnounceInfo {..} = do putWord32be $ fromIntegral respInterval putWord32be $ fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 0 respIncomplete putWord32be $ fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 0 respComplete forM_ respPeers put get = do interval <- getWord32be leechers <- getWord32be seeders <- getWord32be peers <- many get return $ AnnounceInfo { respWarning = Nothing , respInterval = fromIntegral interval , respMinInterval = Nothing , respIncomplete = Just $ fromIntegral leechers , respComplete = Just $ fromIntegral seeders , respPeers = peers } {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Scrape messages -----------------------------------------------------------------------} type ScrapeQuery = [InfoHash] -- | Overall information about particular torrent. data ScrapeInfo = ScrapeInfo { -- | Number of seeders - peers with the entire file. siComplete :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- | Total number of times the tracker has registered a completion. , siDownloaded :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- | Number of leechers. , siIncomplete :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- | Name of the torrent file, as specified by the "name" -- file in the info section of the .torrent file. , siName :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Show, Eq) $(deriveJSON (L.map toLower . L.dropWhile isLower) ''ScrapeInfo) -- TODO hash map -- | Scrape info about a set of torrents. type Scrape = Map InfoHash ScrapeInfo instance BEncodable ScrapeInfo where toBEncode ScrapeInfo {..} = fromAssocs [ "complete" --> siComplete , "downloaded" --> siDownloaded , "incomplete" --> siIncomplete , "name" -->? siName ] fromBEncode (BDict d) = ScrapeInfo <$> d >-- "complete" <*> d >-- "downloaded" <*> d >-- "incomplete" <*> d >--? "name" fromBEncode _ = decodingError "ScrapeInfo" instance Serialize ScrapeInfo where put ScrapeInfo {..} = do putWord32be $ fromIntegral siComplete putWord32be $ fromIntegral siDownloaded putWord32be $ fromIntegral siIncomplete get = do seeders <- getWord32be downTimes <- getWord32be leechers <- getWord32be return $ ScrapeInfo { siComplete = fromIntegral seeders , siDownloaded = fromIntegral downTimes , siIncomplete = fromIntegral leechers , siName = Nothing } -- | Set of tracker RPCs. class Tracker s where announce :: s -> AnnounceQuery -> IO AnnounceInfo scrape_ :: s -> ScrapeQuery -> IO Scrape