-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- License : BSD -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Protocol independent bittorrent tracker API. -- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.RPC ( PeerInfo (..) -- * Manager , Options (..) , Manager , newManager , closeManager , withManager -- * RPC , SAnnounceQuery (..) , RpcException (..) , announce , scrape ) where import Control.Exception import Data.Default import Data.Typeable import Network import Network.URI import Network.Socket (HostAddress) import Data.Torrent.InfoHash import Data.Torrent.Progress import Network.BitTorrent.Core import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Message import qualified Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.RPC.HTTP as HTTP import qualified Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.RPC.UDP as UDP {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Simplified announce -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Info to advertise to trackers. data PeerInfo = PeerInfo { peerId :: !PeerId , peerIP :: !(Maybe HostAddress) , peerPort :: !PortNumber } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Default PeerInfo where def = PeerInfo def Nothing 6881 -- | Simplified announce query. data SAnnounceQuery = SAnnounceQuery { sInfoHash :: InfoHash , sProgress :: Progress , sNumWant :: Maybe Int , sEvent :: Maybe Event } fillAnnounceQuery :: PeerInfo -> SAnnounceQuery -> AnnounceQuery fillAnnounceQuery PeerInfo{..} SAnnounceQuery {..} = AnnounceQuery { reqInfoHash = sInfoHash , reqPeerId = peerId , reqPort = peerPort , reqProgress = sProgress , reqIP = peerIP , reqNumWant = sNumWant , reqEvent = sEvent } {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPC manager -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Tracker manager settings. data Options = Options { -- | HTTP tracker protocol specific options. optHttpRPC :: !HTTP.Options -- | UDP tracker protocol specific options. , optUdpRPC :: !UDP.Options -- | Whether to use multitracker extension. , optMultitracker :: !Bool } instance Default Options where def = Options { optHttpRPC = def , optUdpRPC = def , optMultitracker = True } -- | Tracker RPC Manager. data Manager = Manager { options :: !Options , peerInfo :: !PeerInfo , httpMgr :: !HTTP.Manager , udpMgr :: !UDP.Manager } -- | Normally a bittorrent client session need a single RPC manager -- only. newManager :: Options -> PeerInfo -> IO Manager newManager opts info = do h <- HTTP.newManager (optHttpRPC opts) u <- UDP.newManager (optUdpRPC opts) `onException` HTTP.closeManager h return $ Manager opts info h u closeManager :: Manager -> IO () closeManager Manager {..} = do UDP.closeManager udpMgr `finally` HTTP.closeManager httpMgr withManager :: Options -> PeerInfo -> (Manager -> IO a) -> IO a withManager opts info = bracket (newManager opts info) closeManager {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exceptions -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- TODO Catch IO exceptions on rpc calls (?) data RpcException = UdpException UDP.RpcException -- ^ UDP RPC driver failure; | HttpException HTTP.RpcException -- ^ HTTP RPC driver failure; | UnrecognizedProtocol String -- ^ unsupported scheme in announce URI; | GenericException String -- ^ for furter extensibility. deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception RpcException packException :: Exception e => (e -> RpcException) -> IO a -> IO a packException f m = try m >>= either (throwIO . f) return {-# INLINE packException #-} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- RPC calls -----------------------------------------------------------------------} dispatch :: URI -> IO a -> IO a -> IO a dispatch URI {..} http udp | uriScheme == "http:" = packException HttpException http | uriScheme == "udp:" = packException UdpException udp | otherwise = throwIO $ UnrecognizedProtocol uriScheme announce :: Manager -> URI -> SAnnounceQuery -> IO AnnounceInfo announce Manager {..} uri simpleQuery = dispatch uri (HTTP.announce httpMgr uri annQ) ( UDP.announce udpMgr uri annQ) where annQ = fillAnnounceQuery peerInfo simpleQuery scrape :: Manager -> URI -> ScrapeQuery -> IO ScrapeInfo scrape Manager {..} uri q = dispatch uri (HTTP.scrape httpMgr uri q) ( UDP.scrape udpMgr uri q)