-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2014 -- License : BSD -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Multitracker sessions. -- module Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Session ( -- * Session Session , newSession , closeSession , withSession -- * Query , Status (..) , getStatus , askPeers -- * Events , Event (..) , notify -- * Tracker Exchange -- | BEP28: , addTracker , removeTracker , getTrustedTrackers ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Data.Default import Data.Fixed import Data.Foldable import Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import Data.Time import Data.Traversable import Network.URI import Data.Torrent.InfoHash import Network.BitTorrent.Core import Network.BitTorrent.Internal.Cache import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.List import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Message import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.RPC as RPC {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Single tracker session -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Status of this client. data Status = Running -- ^ This client is announced and listenning for incoming -- connections. | Paused -- ^ This client does not expecting incoming connections. deriving (Show, Eq, Bounded, Enum) -- | Client starting in the paused state. instance Default Status where def = Paused -- | Tracker session starts with scrape unknown. instance Default LastScrape where def = LastScrape Nothing Nothing data LastScrape = LastScrape { leechersCount :: Maybe Int , seedersCount :: Maybe Int } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Single tracker session. data TrackerEntry = TrackerEntry { -- | Tracker announce URI. trackerURI :: !URI -- | Used to notify 'Stopped' and 'Completed' events. , statusSent :: !(Maybe Status) -- | Can be used to retrieve peer set. , peersCache :: Cached [PeerAddr IP] -- | Can be used to show brief swarm stats in client GUI. , scrapeCache :: Cached LastScrape } -- | Single tracker session with empty state. nullEntry :: URI -> TrackerEntry nullEntry uri = TrackerEntry uri Nothing def def -- | Do we need to notify this /specific/ tracker? needNotify :: Maybe Event -> Maybe Status -> Maybe Bool needNotify Nothing Nothing = Just True needNotify (Just Started) Nothing = Just True needNotify (Just Stopped) Nothing = Just False needNotify (Just Completed) Nothing = Just False needNotify Nothing (Just Running) = Nothing needNotify (Just Started) (Just Running) = Nothing needNotify (Just Stopped) (Just Running) = Just True needNotify (Just Completed) (Just Running) = Just True needNotify Nothing (Just Paused ) = Just False needNotify (Just Started) (Just Paused ) = Just True needNotify (Just Stopped) (Just Paused ) = Just False needNotify (Just Completed) (Just Paused ) = Just True -- | Client status after event announce succeed. nextStatus :: Maybe Event -> Status nextStatus Nothing = Running nextStatus (Just Started ) = Running nextStatus (Just Stopped ) = Paused nextStatus (Just Completed) = Running seconds :: Int -> NominalDiffTime seconds n = realToFrac (toEnum n :: Uni) cachePeers :: AnnounceInfo -> IO (Cached [PeerAddr IP]) cachePeers AnnounceInfo {..} = newCached (seconds respInterval) (seconds (fromMaybe respInterval respMinInterval)) (getPeerList respPeers) cacheScrape :: AnnounceInfo -> IO (Cached LastScrape) cacheScrape AnnounceInfo {..} = newCached (seconds respInterval) (seconds (fromMaybe respInterval respMinInterval)) LastScrape { seedersCount = respComplete , leechersCount = respIncomplete } -- | Make announce request to specific tracker returning new state. announceTo :: Manager -> InfoHash -> Maybe Event -> TrackerEntry -> IO TrackerEntry announceTo mgr ih mevent entry @ TrackerEntry {..} = do let shouldNotify = needNotify mevent statusSent mustNotify <- maybe (isExpired peersCache) return shouldNotify if not mustNotify then return entry else do let q = SAnnounceQuery ih def Nothing mevent res <- RPC.announce mgr trackerURI q TrackerEntry trackerURI (Just (nextStatus mevent)) <$> cachePeers res <*> cacheScrape res {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Multitracker Session -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Multitracker session. data Session = Session { -- | Infohash to announce at each 'announce' request. infohash :: !InfoHash -- | Status of this client is used to filter duplicated -- notifications, for e.g. we don't want to notify a tracker with -- ['Stopped', 'Stopped'], the last should be ignored. , currentStatus :: !(MVar Status) -- | A set of single-tracker sessions. Any request to a tracker -- must take a lock. , trackers :: !(MVar (TrackerList TrackerEntry)) } -- | Create a new multitracker session in paused state. Tracker list -- must contant only /trusted/ tracker uris. To start announcing -- client presence use 'notify'. newSession :: InfoHash -> TrackerList URI -> IO Session newSession ih origUris = do uris <- shuffleTiers origUris status <- newMVar def entries <- newMVar (fmap nullEntry uris) return (Session ih status entries) -- | Release scarce resources associated with the given session. closeSession :: Session -> IO () closeSession _ = return () -- | Normally you need to use 'Control.Monad.Trans.Resource.alloc'. withSession :: InfoHash -> TrackerList URI -> (Session -> IO ()) -> IO () withSession ih uris = bracket (newSession ih uris) closeSession -- | Get last announced status. The only action can alter this status -- is 'notify'. getStatus :: Session -> IO Status getStatus Session {..} = readMVar currentStatus -- | Do we need to sent this event to a first working tracker or to -- the all known good trackers? allNotify :: Maybe Event -> Bool allNotify Nothing = False allNotify (Just Started) = False allNotify (Just Stopped) = True allNotify (Just Completed) = True announceAll :: Manager -> Session -> Maybe Event -> IO () announceAll mgr Session {..} mevent = do modifyMVar_ trackers (traversal (announceTo mgr infohash mevent)) where traversal | allNotify mevent = traverseAll | otherwise = traverseTiers -- TODO send notifications to tracker periodically. -- | -- -- This function /may/ block until tracker query proceed. notify :: Manager -> Session -> Event -> IO () notify mgr ses event = do prevStatus <- swapMVar (currentStatus ses) (nextStatus (Just event)) when (needNotify (Just event) (Just prevStatus) == Just True) $ do announceAll mgr ses (Just event) -- TODO fork thread for reannounces -- | announce :: Manager -> Session -> IO () announce mgr ses = announceAll mgr ses Nothing -- TODO run announce if sesion have no peers -- | The returned list of peers can have duplicates. -- This function /may/ block. Use async if needed. askPeers :: Manager -> Session -> IO [PeerAddr IP] askPeers mgr ses = do list <- readMVar (trackers ses) L.concat <$> collect (tryTakeData . peersCache) list collect :: (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> TrackerList a -> IO [b] collect f lst =(catMaybes . toList) <$> traverse f lst --sourcePeers :: Session -> Source (PeerAddr IP) --sourcePeers {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- State query -----------------------------------------------------------------------} data TrackerInfo = TrackerInfo { } --instance ToJSON TrackerInfo where -- toJSON = undefined --getSessionState :: Session -> IO (TrackerList TrackerInfo) --getSessionState = undefined {----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tracker exchange -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- Trackers discovered through this protocol SHOULD be treated with a -- certain amount of suspicion. Since the source of a tracker exchange -- message cannot be trusted, an implementation SHOULD have a lower -- number of retries before giving up entirely. addTracker :: Session -> URI -> IO () addTracker = undefined removeTracker :: Session -> URI -> IO () removeTracker = undefined -- Also, as specified under the definitions section, a tracker that -- has not worked should never be propagated to other peers over the -- tracker exchange protocol. -- | Return all known trackers. getTrackers :: Session -> IO [URI] getTrackers = undefined -- | Return trackers from torrent file and getTrustedTrackers :: Session -> IO [URI] getTrustedTrackers = undefined