-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- This module provides safe remote procedure call. One important -- point is exceptions and errors, so be able handle them properly -- we need to investigate a bit about how this all works. -- Internally, in order to make method invokation KRPC makes the -- following steps: -- -- * Caller serialize arguments to bencoded bytestrings; -- -- * Caller send bytestring data over UDP to the callee; -- -- * Callee receive and decode arguments to the method and method -- name. If it can't decode then it send 'ProtocolError' back to the -- caller; -- -- * Callee search for the @method name@ in the method table. -- If it not present in the table then callee send 'MethodUnknown' -- back to the caller; -- -- * Callee check if argument names match. If not it send -- 'ProtocolError' back; -- -- * Callee make the actuall call to the plain old haskell -- function. If the function throw exception then callee send -- 'ServerError' back. -- -- * Callee serialize result of the function to bencoded bytestring. -- -- * Callee encode result to bencoded bytestring and send it back -- to the caller. -- -- * Caller check if return values names match with the signature -- it called in the first step. -- -- * Caller extracts results and finally return results of the -- procedure call as ordinary haskell values. -- -- If every other error occurred caller get the 'GenericError'. All -- errors returned by callee are throwed as ordinary haskell -- exceptions at caller side. Make sure that both callee and caller -- uses the same method signatures and everything should be ok: this -- KRPC implementation provides some level of safety through -- types. Also note that both caller and callee use plain UDP, so -- KRPC is unreliable. -- -- Consider one tiny example. From now @caller = client@ and -- @callee = server or remote@. -- -- Somewhere we have to define all procedure signatures. Imagine -- that this is a library shared between client and server: -- -- > factorialMethod :: Method Int Int -- > factorialMethod = method "factorial" ["x"] ["y"] -- -- Otherwise you can define this code in both client and server of -- course. But in this case you might get into troubles: you can get -- 'MethodUnknown' or 'ProtocolError' if name or type of method -- will mismatch after not synced changes in client or server code. -- -- Now let's define our client-side: -- -- > main = withRemote $ \remote -> do -- > result <- call remote (0, 6000) factorialMethod 4 -- > assert (result == 24) $ print "Success!" -- -- It basically open socket with 'withRemote' and make all the other -- steps in 'call' as describe above. And finally our server-side: -- -- > factorialImpl :: Int -> Int -- > factorialImpl n = product [1..n] -- > -- > main = runServer [factorialMethod $ return . factorialImpl] -- -- Here we implement method signature from that shared lib and run -- server with runServer by passing method table in. -- -- For async API use /async/ package, old API have been removed. -- -- For more examples see @exsamples@ or @tests@ directories. -- -- For protocol details see 'Remote.KRPC.Protocol' module. -- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} module Network.KRPC ( -- * Method Method(..) , method, idM -- * Client , RemoteAddr , RPCException(..) , call -- * Server , MethodHandler , (==>) , (==>@) , server -- * Internal , call_ , withRemote ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Monad.Trans.Control import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.BEncode import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import Data.List as L import Data.Map as M import Data.Monoid import Data.Typeable import Network import GHC.Generics import Network.KRPC.Protocol -- | Method datatype used to describe name, parameters and return -- values of procedure. Client use a method to /invoke/, server -- /implements/ the method to make the actual work. -- -- We use the following fantom types to ensure type-safiety: -- -- * param: Type of method parameters. Ordinary Tuple type used -- to specify more than one parameter, so for example @Method -- (Int, Int) result@ will take two arguments. -- -- * result: Type of return value of the method. Similarly, -- tuple used to specify more than one return value, so for -- exsample @Method (Foo, Bar) (Bar, Foo)@ will take two arguments -- and return two values. -- -- To pass raw dictionaries you should specify empty param list: -- -- > method "my_method" [] [] :: Method BEncode BEncode -- -- In this case you should handle dictionary extraction by hand, both -- in client and server. -- data Method param result = Method { -- | Name used in query. methodName :: MethodName -- | Name of each parameter in /right to left/ order. , methodParams :: [ParamName] -- | Name of each return value in /right to left/ order. , methodVals :: [ValName] } deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic) instance BEncode (Method a b) instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Show (Method a b) where showsPrec _ = showsMethod showsMethod :: forall a. forall b. Typeable a => Typeable b => Method a b -> ShowS showsMethod Method {..} = showString (BC.unpack methodName) <> showString " :: " <> showsTuple methodParams paramsTy <> showString " -> " <> showsTuple methodVals valuesTy where paramsTy = typeOf (error "KRPC.showsMethod: impossible" :: a) valuesTy = typeOf (error "KRPC.showsMethod: impossible" :: b) showsTuple ns ty = showChar '(' <> mconcat (L.intersperse (showString ", ") $ L.zipWith showsTyArgName ns (detuple ty)) <> showChar ')' showsTyArgName ns ty = showString (BC.unpack ns) <> showString " :: " <> showString (show ty) detuple tyRep | L.null args = [tyRep] | otherwise = args where args = typeRepArgs tyRep -- | Identity procedure signature. Could be used for echo -- servers. Implemented as: -- -- > idM = method "id" ["x"] ["y"] -- idM :: Method a a idM = method "id" ["x"] ["y"] {-# INLINE idM #-} -- | Makes method signature. Note that order of parameters and return -- values are not important as long as corresponding names and types -- are match. For exsample this is the equal definitions: -- -- > methodA : Method (Foo, Bar) (Baz, Quux) -- > methodA = method "mymethod" ["a", "b"] ["c", "d"] -- -- > methodA : Method (Bar, Foo) (Quux, Baz) -- > methodB = method "mymethod" ["b", "a"] ["d", "c"] -- method :: MethodName -> [ParamName] -> [ValName] -> Method param result method = Method {-# INLINE method #-} lookupKey :: ParamName -> BDict -> Result BValue lookupKey x = maybe (Left ("not found key " ++ BC.unpack x)) Right . M.lookup x extractArgs :: [ParamName] -> BDict -> Result BValue extractArgs [] d = Right $ if M.null d then BList [] else BDict d extractArgs [x] d = lookupKey x d extractArgs xs d = BList <$> mapM (`lookupKey` d) xs {-# INLINE extractArgs #-} injectVals :: [ParamName] -> BValue -> [(ParamName, BValue)] injectVals [] (BList []) = [] injectVals [] (BDict d ) = M.toList d injectVals [] be = invalidParamList [] be injectVals [p] arg = [(p, arg)] injectVals ps (BList as) = L.zip ps as injectVals ps be = invalidParamList ps be {-# INLINE injectVals #-} invalidParamList :: [ParamName] -> BValue -> a invalidParamList pl be = error $ "KRPC invalid parameter list: " ++ show pl ++ "\n" ++ "while procedure args are: " ++ show be -- | Alias to Socket, through might change in future. type Remote = Socket -- | Represent any error mentioned by protocol specification that -- 'call', 'await' might throw. -- For more details see 'Remote.KRPC.Protocol'. -- data RPCException = RPCException KError deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) instance Exception RPCException -- | Address of remote can be called by client. type RemoteAddr = KRemoteAddr queryCall :: BEncode param => KRemote -> KRemoteAddr -> Method param result -> param -> IO () queryCall sock addr m arg = sendMessage q addr sock where q = kquery (methodName m) (injectVals (methodParams m) (toBEncode arg)) getResult :: BEncode result => KRemote -> Method param result -> IO result getResult sock m = do resp <- recvResponse sock case resp of Left e -> throw (RPCException e) Right (respVals -> dict) -> do case fromBEncode =<< extractArgs (methodVals m) dict of Right vals -> return vals Left e -> throw (RPCException (ProtocolError (BC.pack e))) -- | Makes remote procedure call. Throws RPCException on any error -- occurred. call :: (MonadBaseControl IO host, MonadIO host) => (BEncode param, BEncode result) => RemoteAddr -- ^ Address of callee. -> Method param result -- ^ Procedure to call. -> param -- ^ Arguments passed by callee to procedure. -> host result -- ^ Values returned by callee from the procedure. call addr m arg = liftIO $ withRemote $ \sock -> do call_ sock addr m arg -- | The same as 'call' but use already opened socket. call_ :: (MonadBaseControl IO host, MonadIO host) => (BEncode param, BEncode result) => Remote -- ^ Socket to use -> RemoteAddr -- ^ Address of callee. -> Method param result -- ^ Procedure to call. -> param -- ^ Arguments passed by callee to procedure. -> host result -- ^ Values returned by callee from the procedure. call_ sock addr m arg = liftIO $ do queryCall sock addr m arg getResult sock m type HandlerBody remote = KRemoteAddr -> KQuery -> remote (Either KError KResponse) -- | Procedure signature and implementation binded up. type MethodHandler remote = (MethodName, HandlerBody remote) -- we can safely erase types in (==>) -- | Assign method implementation to the method signature. (==>) :: forall (remote :: * -> *) (param :: *) (result :: *). (BEncode param, BEncode result) => Monad remote => Method param result -- ^ Signature. -> (param -> remote result) -- ^ Implementation. -> MethodHandler remote -- ^ Handler used by server. {-# INLINE (==>) #-} m ==> body = m ==>@ const body infix 1 ==> -- | Similar to '==>@' but additionally pass caller address. (==>@) :: forall (remote :: * -> *) (param :: *) (result :: *). (BEncode param, BEncode result) => Monad remote => Method param result -- ^ Signature. -> (KRemoteAddr -> param -> remote result) -- ^ Implementation. -> MethodHandler remote -- ^ Handler used by server. {-# INLINE (==>@) #-} m ==>@ body = (methodName m, newbody) where {-# INLINE newbody #-} newbody addr q = case fromBEncode =<< extractArgs (methodParams m) (queryArgs q) of Left e -> return (Left (ProtocolError (BC.pack e))) Right a -> do r <- body addr a return (Right (kresponse (injectVals (methodVals m) (toBEncode r)))) infix 1 ==>@ -- TODO: allow forkIO -- | Run RPC server on specified port by using list of handlers. -- Server will dispatch procedure specified by callee, but note that -- it will not create new thread for each connection. -- server :: (MonadBaseControl IO remote, MonadIO remote) => PortNumber -- ^ Port used to accept incoming connections. -> [MethodHandler remote] -- ^ Method table. -> remote () server servport handlers = do remoteServer servport $ \addr q -> do case dispatch (queryMethod q) of Nothing -> return $ Left $ MethodUnknown (queryMethod q) Just m -> m addr q where handlerMap = M.fromList handlers dispatch s = M.lookup s handlerMap