{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} module Network.RPC where import Control.Applicative import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP import Data.Digest.CRC32C import Data.Word import Data.Monoid import Data.Hashable import Data.String import Data.Bits import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Kind (Constraint) import Data.Data import Data.Default import Data.List.Split import Data.Ord import Data.IP import Network.Socket import Text.PrettyPrint as PP hiding ((<>)) import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass hiding (($$), (<>)) import Text.Read (readMaybe) import Data.Serialize as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16 import System.Entropy class (Eq a, Serialize a, Typeable a, Hashable a, Pretty a) => Address a where toSockAddr :: a -> SockAddr fromSockAddr :: SockAddr -> Maybe a fromAddr :: (Address a, Address b) => a -> Maybe b fromAddr = fromSockAddr . toSockAddr -- | Note that port is zeroed. instance Address IPv4 where toSockAddr = SockAddrInet 0 . toHostAddress fromSockAddr (SockAddrInet _ h) = Just (fromHostAddress h) fromSockAddr _ = Nothing -- | Note that port is zeroed. instance Address IPv6 where toSockAddr h = SockAddrInet6 0 0 (toHostAddress6 h) 0 fromSockAddr (SockAddrInet6 _ _ h _) = Just (fromHostAddress6 h) fromSockAddr _ = Nothing -- | Note that port is zeroed. instance Address IP where toSockAddr (IPv4 h) = toSockAddr h toSockAddr (IPv6 h) = toSockAddr h fromSockAddr sa = IPv4 <$> fromSockAddr sa <|> IPv6 <$> fromSockAddr sa data MessageClass = Error | Query | Response deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Data,Show,Read) class Envelope envelope where type TransactionID envelope data NodeId envelope envelopePayload :: envelope a -> a envelopeTransaction :: envelope a -> TransactionID envelope envelopeClass :: envelope a -> MessageClass -- | > buildReply self addr qry response -- -- [ self ] this node's id. -- -- [ addr ] SockAddr of query origin. -- -- [ qry ] received query message. -- -- [ response ] response payload. -- -- Returns: response message envelope buildReply :: NodeId envelope -> SockAddr -> envelope a -> b -> envelope b -- | In Kademlia, the distance metric is XOR and the result is -- interpreted as an unsigned integer. newtype NodeDistance nodeid = NodeDistance nodeid deriving (Eq, Ord) -- | distance(A,B) = |A xor B| Smaller values are closer. distance :: Bits nid => nid -> nid -> NodeDistance nid distance a b = NodeDistance $ xor a b instance Serialize nodeid => Show (NodeDistance nodeid) where show (NodeDistance w) = Char8.unpack $ Base16.encode $ S.encode w instance Serialize nodeid => Pretty (NodeDistance nodeid) where pPrint n = text $ show n -- | When 'get'ing an IP it must be 'isolate'd to the appropriate -- number of bytes since we have no other way of telling which -- address type we are trying to parse instance Serialize IP where put (IPv4 ip) = put ip put (IPv6 ip) = put ip get = do n <- remaining case n of 4 -> IPv4 <$> get 16 -> IPv6 <$> get _ -> fail (show n ++ " is the wrong number of remaining bytes to parse IP") instance Serialize IPv4 where put = putWord32host . toHostAddress get = fromHostAddress <$> getWord32host instance Serialize IPv6 where put ip = put $ toHostAddress6 ip get = fromHostAddress6 <$> get instance Pretty IPv4 where pPrint = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pPrint #-} instance Pretty IPv6 where pPrint = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pPrint #-} instance Pretty IP where pPrint = PP.text . show {-# INLINE pPrint #-} instance Hashable IPv4 where hashWithSalt = hashUsing toHostAddress {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Hashable IPv6 where hashWithSalt s a = hashWithSalt s (toHostAddress6 a) instance Hashable IP where hashWithSalt s (IPv4 h) = hashWithSalt s h hashWithSalt s (IPv6 h) = hashWithSalt s h data NodeAddr a = NodeAddr { nodeHost :: !a , nodePort :: {-# UNPACK #-} !PortNumber } deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) instance Show a => Show (NodeAddr a) where showsPrec i NodeAddr {..} = showsPrec i nodeHost <> showString ":" <> showsPrec i nodePort instance Read (NodeAddr IPv4) where readsPrec i = RP.readP_to_S $ do ipv4 <- RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i) _ <- RP.char ':' port <- toEnum <$> RP.readS_to_P (readsPrec i) return $ NodeAddr ipv4 port -- | @ instance Default (NodeAddr IPv4) where def = "" -- | KRPC compatible encoding. instance Serialize a => Serialize (NodeAddr a) where get = NodeAddr <$> get <*> get {-# INLINE get #-} put NodeAddr {..} = put nodeHost >> put nodePort {-# INLINE put #-} -- | Example: -- -- @nodePort \"\" == 6881@ -- instance IsString (NodeAddr IPv4) where fromString str | [hostAddrStr, portStr] <- splitWhen (== ':') str , Just hostAddr <- readMaybe hostAddrStr , Just portNum <- toEnum <$> readMaybe portStr = NodeAddr hostAddr portNum | otherwise = error $ "fromString: unable to parse (NodeAddr IPv4): " ++ str instance Hashable PortNumber where hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . fromEnum {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Pretty PortNumber where pPrint = PP.int . fromEnum {-# INLINE pPrint #-} instance Hashable a => Hashable (NodeAddr a) where hashWithSalt s NodeAddr {..} = hashWithSalt s (nodeHost, nodePort) {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-} instance Pretty ip => Pretty (NodeAddr ip) where pPrint NodeAddr {..} = pPrint nodeHost <> ":" <> pPrint nodePort instance Serialize PortNumber where get = fromIntegral <$> getWord16be {-# INLINE get #-} put = putWord16be . fromIntegral {-# INLINE put #-} data NodeInfo dht addr u = NodeInfo { nodeId :: !(NodeId dht) , nodeAddr :: !(NodeAddr addr) , nodeAnnotation :: u } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable) deriving instance ( Show (NodeId dht) , Show addr , Show u ) => Show (NodeInfo dht addr u) mapAddress :: (addr -> b) -> NodeInfo dht addr u -> NodeInfo dht b u mapAddress f ni = ni { nodeAddr = fmap f (nodeAddr ni) } traverseAddress :: Applicative f => (addr -> f b) -> NodeInfo dht addr u -> f (NodeInfo dht b u) traverseAddress f ni = fmap (\addr -> ni { nodeAddr = addr }) $ traverse f (nodeAddr ni) -- Warning: Eq and Ord only look at the nodeId field. instance Eq (NodeId dht) => Eq (NodeInfo dht a u) where a == b = (nodeId a == nodeId b) instance Ord (NodeId dht) => Ord (NodeInfo dht a u) where compare = comparing nodeId -- TODO WARN is the 'system' random suitable for this? -- | Generate random NodeID used for the entire session. -- Distribution of ID's should be as uniform as possible. -- genNodeId :: forall dht. ( Serialize (NodeId dht) , FiniteBits (NodeId dht) ) => IO (NodeId dht) genNodeId = either error id . S.decode <$> getEntropy nodeIdSize where nodeIdSize = finiteBitSize (undefined :: NodeId dht) `div` 8 -- | Generate a random 'NodeId' within a range suitable for a bucket. To -- obtain a sample for bucket number /index/ where /is_last/ indicates if this -- is for the current deepest bucket in our routing table: -- -- > sample <- genBucketSample nid (bucketRange index is_last) genBucketSample :: ( FiniteBits (NodeId dht) , Serialize (NodeId dht) ) => NodeId dht -> (Int,Word8,Word8) -> IO (NodeId dht) genBucketSample n qmb = genBucketSample' getEntropy n qmb -- | Generalizion of 'genBucketSample' that accepts a byte generator -- function to use instead of the system entropy. genBucketSample' :: forall m dht. ( Applicative m , FiniteBits (NodeId dht) , Serialize (NodeId dht) ) => (Int -> m ByteString) -> NodeId dht -> (Int,Word8,Word8) -> m (NodeId dht) genBucketSample' gen self (q,m,b) | q <= 0 = either error id . S.decode <$> gen nodeIdSize | q >= nodeIdSize = pure self | otherwise = either error id . S.decode . build <$> gen (nodeIdSize - q + 1) where nodeIdSize = finiteBitSize (undefined :: NodeId dht) `div` 8 build tl = BS.init hd <> BS.cons (h .|. t) (BS.tail tl) where hd = BS.take q $ S.encode self h = xor b (complement m .&. BS.last hd) t = m .&. BS.head tl class Envelope envelope => WireFormat raw envelope where type SerializableTo raw :: * -> Constraint type CipherContext raw envelope decodeHeaders :: CipherContext raw envelope -> ByteString -> Either String (envelope raw) decodePayload :: SerializableTo raw a => envelope raw -> Either String (envelope a) encodeHeaders :: CipherContext raw envelope -> envelope raw -> ByteString encodePayload :: SerializableTo raw a => envelope a -> envelope raw