{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Network.Tox where import Debug.Trace import Control.Exception hiding (Handler) import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow import Control.Concurrent (MVar) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fix import qualified Crypto.Cipher.ChaChaPoly1305 as Symmetric import qualified Crypto.Cipher.Salsa as Salsa import qualified Crypto.Cipher.XSalsa as XSalsa import qualified Crypto.Error as Cryptonite #ifdef CRYPTONITE_BACKPORT import Crypto.ECC.Class import Crypto.Error.Types #else import Crypto.ECC import Crypto.Error #endif import qualified Crypto.MAC.Poly1305 as Poly1305 import Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types import Crypto.Random import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON ;import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, (.=)) import Data.Bitraversable (bisequence) import Data.Bits import Data.Bits.ByteString () import Data.Bool import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA ;import Data.ByteArray (ByteArrayAccess, Bytes) import qualified Data.ByteString as B ;import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8 import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict) import Data.Char import Data.Conduit (Source,Sink,Flush(..)) import Data.Data import Data.Functor.Contravariant import Data.Hashable import Data.IP import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.MinMaxPSQ as MinMaxPSQ ;import Data.MinMaxPSQ (MinMaxPSQ') import Data.Monoid import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Serialize as S import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime, getPOSIXTime) import Data.Typeable import Data.Word import qualified Data.Wrapper.PSQ as PSQ ;import Data.Wrapper.PSQ (PSQ) import qualified Data.Wrapper.PSQInt as Int import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import GHC.Generics (Generic) import System.Global6 import Network.Kademlia import Network.Address (Address, WantIP (..), either4or6, fromSockAddr, ipFamily, setPort, sockAddrPort, testIdBit, toSockAddr, un4map) import Network.Kademlia.Search (Search (..)) import qualified Network.Kademlia.Routing as R import Network.QueryResponse import Network.Socket import System.Endian import System.IO import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP import Text.Printf import Text.Read import Control.TriadCommittee import Network.BitTorrent.DHT.Token as Token import GHC.TypeLits import Connection import Crypto.Tox import Data.Word64Map (fitsInInt) import qualified Data.Word64Map (empty) import Network.Kademlia.Bootstrap (forkPollForRefresh, bootstrap) import Network.Tox.Crypto.Transport (NetCrypto(..), CryptoMessage, HandshakeData(..), Handshake(..)) import Network.Tox.Crypto.Handlers import qualified Network.Tox.DHT.Handlers as DHT import qualified Network.Tox.DHT.Transport as DHT import Network.Tox.NodeId import qualified Network.Tox.Onion.Handlers as Onion import qualified Network.Tox.Onion.Transport as Onion import Network.Tox.Transport import OnionRouter import Network.Tox.ContactInfo import Text.XXD import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import DPut newCrypto :: IO TransportCrypto newCrypto = do secret <- generateSecretKey alias <- generateSecretKey ralias <- generateSecretKey let pubkey = toPublic secret aliaspub = toPublic alias raliaspub = toPublic ralias ukeys <- atomically $ newTVar [] (symkey, drg) <- do drg0 <- getSystemDRG return $ randomBytesGenerate 32 drg0 :: IO (ByteString, SystemDRG) noncevar <- atomically $ newTVar $ fst $ withDRG drg drgNew cookieKeys <- atomically $ newTVar [] cache <- newSecretsCache hPutStrLn stderr $ "secret(tox) = " ++ DHT.showHex secret hPutStrLn stderr $ "public(tox) = " ++ DHT.showHex pubkey hPutStrLn stderr $ "symmetric(tox) = " ++ DHT.showHex symkey return TransportCrypto { transportSecret = secret , transportPublic = pubkey , onionAliasSecret = alias , onionAliasPublic = aliaspub , rendezvousSecret = ralias , rendezvousPublic = raliaspub , transportSymmetric = return $ SymmetricKey symkey , transportNewNonce = do drg1 <- readTVar noncevar let (nonce, drg2) = withDRG drg1 (Nonce24 <$> getRandomBytes 24) writeTVar noncevar drg2 return nonce , userKeys = return [] , pendingCookies = cookieKeys , secretsCache = cache } updateIP :: TVar (R.BucketList NodeInfo) -> SockAddr -> STM () updateIP tblvar a = do bkts <- readTVar tblvar case nodeInfo (nodeId (R.thisNode bkts)) a of Right ni -> writeTVar tblvar (bkts { R.thisNode = ni }) Left _ -> return () genNonce24 :: DRG g => TVar (g, pending) -> DHT.TransactionId -> IO DHT.TransactionId genNonce24 var (DHT.TransactionId nonce8 _) = atomically $ do (g,pending) <- readTVar var let (bs, g') = randomBytesGenerate 24 g writeTVar var (g',pending) return $ DHT.TransactionId nonce8 (Nonce24 bs) gen :: forall gen. DRG gen => gen -> (DHT.TransactionId, gen) gen g = let (bs, g') = randomBytesGenerate 24 g (ws, g'') = randomBytesGenerate 8 g' Right w = S.runGet S.getWord64be ws in ( DHT.TransactionId (Nonce8 w) (Nonce24 bs), g'' ) intKey :: DHT.TransactionId -> Int intKey (DHT.TransactionId (Nonce8 w) _) = fromIntegral w w64Key :: DHT.TransactionId -> Word64 w64Key (DHT.TransactionId (Nonce8 w) _) = w nonceKey :: DHT.TransactionId -> Nonce8 nonceKey (DHT.TransactionId n _) = n -- | Return my own address. myAddr :: TVar (R.BucketList NodeInfo) -- ^ IPv4 buckets -> TVar (R.BucketList NodeInfo) -- ^ IPv6 buckets -> Maybe NodeInfo -- ^ Interested remote address -> IO NodeInfo myAddr routing4 routing6 maddr = atomically $ do let var = case flip DHT.prefer4or6 Nothing <$> maddr of Just Want_IP6 -> routing4 _ -> routing6 a <- readTVar var return $ R.thisNode a newClient :: (DRG g, Show addr, Show meth) => g -> Transport String addr x -> (Client String meth DHT.TransactionId addr x -> x -> MessageClass String meth DHT.TransactionId addr x) -> (Maybe addr -> IO addr) -> (Client String meth DHT.TransactionId addr x -> meth -> Maybe (MethodHandler String DHT.TransactionId addr x)) -> (forall d. TransactionMethods d DHT.TransactionId addr x -> TransactionMethods d DHT.TransactionId addr x) -> (Client String meth DHT.TransactionId addr x -> Transport String addr x -> Transport String addr x) -> IO (Client String meth DHT.TransactionId addr x) newClient drg net classify selfAddr handlers modifytbl modifynet = do -- If we have 8-byte keys for IntMap, then use it for transaction lookups. -- Otherwise, use ordinary Map. The details of which will be hidden by an -- existential closure (see mkclient below). -- tblvar <- if fitsInInt (Proxy :: Proxy Word64) then do let intmapT = transactionMethods (contramap intKey intMapMethods) gen intmap_var <- atomically $ newTVar (drg, mempty) return $ Right (intmapT,intmap_var) else do let word64mapT = transactionMethods (contramap w64Key w64MapMethods) gen map_var <- atomically $ newTVar (drg, Data.Word64Map.empty) return $ Left (word64mapT,map_var) let dispatch tbl var handlers client = DispatchMethods { classifyInbound = classify client , lookupHandler = handlers -- var , tableMethods = modifytbl tbl } eprinter = printErrors stderr mkclient (tbl,var) handlers = let client = Client { clientNet = addHandler (reportParseError eprinter) (handleMessage client) $ modifynet client net , clientDispatcher = dispatch tbl var (handlers client) client , clientErrorReporter = eprinter { reportTimeout = reportTimeout ignoreErrors } , clientPending = var , clientAddress = selfAddr , clientResponseId = genNonce24 var } in client return $ either mkclient mkclient tblvar handlers data Tox = Tox { toxDHT :: DHT.Client , toxOnion :: Onion.Client RouteId , toxToRoute :: Transport String Onion.AnnouncedRendezvous (PublicKey,Onion.OnionData) , toxCrypto :: Transport String SockAddr NetCrypto , toxCryptoSessions :: NetCryptoSessions , toxCryptoKeys :: TransportCrypto , toxRouting :: DHT.Routing , toxTokens :: TVar SessionTokens , toxAnnouncedKeys :: TVar Onion.AnnouncedKeys , toxOnionRoutes :: OnionRouter , toxContactInfo :: ContactInfo , toxAnnounceToLan :: IO () } -- | initiate a netcrypto session, blocking netCrypto :: Tox -> SecretKey -> PublicKey{-UserKey -} -> IO [NetCryptoSession] netCrypto tox myseckey theirpubkey = netCryptoWithBackoff 1000000 tox myseckey theirpubkey -- | helper for 'netCrypto', initiate a netcrypto session, retry after specified millisecs netCryptoWithBackoff :: Int -> Tox -> SecretKey -> PublicKey -> IO [NetCryptoSession] netCryptoWithBackoff millisecs tox myseckey theirpubkey = do let mykeyAsId = key2id (toPublic myseckey) mbContactsVar <- fmap contacts . HashMap.lookup mykeyAsId <$> atomically (readTVar (accounts (toxContactInfo tox))) case mbContactsVar of Nothing -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("netCrypto: (" ++ show mykeyAsId ++") accounts lookup failed.") return [] Just contactsVar -> do let theirkeyAsId = key2id theirpubkey mbContact <- HashMap.lookup theirkeyAsId <$> atomically (readTVar contactsVar) case mbContact of Nothing -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("netCrypto: (" ++ show mykeyAsId ++") friend not found (" ++ show theirkeyAsId ++ ").") return [] Just contact@(Contact { contactKeyPacket = mbKeyPkt , contactLastSeenAddr = Nothing , contactFriendRequest = mbFR , contactPolicy = mbPolicy }) -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("netCrypto: (" ++ show mykeyAsId ++") no SockAddr for friend (" ++ show theirkeyAsId ++ "). TODO: search their node?") return [] Just contact@(Contact { contactKeyPacket = Nothing }) -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("netCrypto: (" ++ show mykeyAsId ++") no DHT-key for friend (" ++ show theirkeyAsId ++ "). TODO: what?") return [] Just contact@(Contact { contactKeyPacket = Just keyPkt , contactLastSeenAddr = Just saddr , contactFriendRequest = mbFR , contactPolicy = mbPolicy }) | theirDhtKey <- DHT.dhtpk keyPkt -> do -- Do we already have an active session with this user? sessionsMap <- atomically $ readTVar (netCryptoSessionsByKey (toxCryptoSessions tox) ) let sessionUsesIdentity key session = key == ncMyPublicKey session case Map.lookup theirpubkey sessionsMap of -- if sessions found, is it using this private key? Just sessions | matchedSessions <- filter (sessionUsesIdentity (toPublic myseckey)) sessions , not (null matchedSessions) -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("netCrypto: Already have a session for " ++ show mykeyAsId ++ "<-->" ++ show theirkeyAsId) return matchedSessions -- if not, send handshake, this is separate session Nothing -> do -- if no session: -- Convert to NodeInfo, so we can send cookieRequest let crypto = toxCryptoKeys tox client = toxDHT tox case nodeInfo (key2id theirDhtKey) saddr of Left e -> hPutStrLn stderr ("netCrypto: nodeInfo fail... " ++ e) >> return [] Right ni -> do mbCookie <- DHT.cookieRequest crypto client (toPublic myseckey) ni case mbCookie of Nothing -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("netCrypto: (" ++ show mykeyAsId ++") <--> (" ++ show theirkeyAsId ++ ").") hPutStrLn stderr ("netCrypto: CookieRequest failed. TODO: dhtpkNodes thingy") return [] Just cookie -> do hPutStrLn stderr "Have cookie, creating handshake packet..." let hp = HParam { hpOtherCookie = cookie , hpMySecretKey = myseckey , hpCookieRemotePubkey = theirpubkey , hpCookieRemoteDhtkey = theirDhtKey , hpTheirBaseNonce = error "netCrypto: Unreachable! hpTheirBaseNonce" , hpTheirSessionKeyPublic = error "netCrypto: Unreachable! hpTheirSessionKeyPublic" } myhandshake <- do n24' <- atomically $ transportNewNonce crypto dput XNetCrypto ("Handshake Nonce24: " <> show n24') newBaseNonce <- atomically $ transportNewNonce crypto mbMyhandshakeData <- newHandShakeData crypto newBaseNonce hp saddr forM mbMyhandshakeData $ \hsdata -> do state <- lookupSharedSecret crypto myseckey theirpubkey n24' return Handshake { handshakeCookie = cookie , handshakeNonce = n24' , handshakeData = encrypt state $ encodePlain hsdata } case myhandshake of Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr "netCrypto: failed to create HandshakeData." >> return [] Just handshake -> do sendMessage (toxCrypto tox) saddr (NetHandshake handshake) let secnum :: Double secnum = fromIntegral millisecs / 1000000 delay = (millisecs * 5 `div` 4) if secnum < 20000000 then do hPutStrLn stderr $ "sent handshake, now delaying " ++ show (secnum * 1.25) ++ " second(s).." threadDelay delay netCryptoWithBackoff delay tox myseckey theirpubkey -- hopefully it will find an active session this time. else do hPutStrLn stderr "Unable to establish session..." return [] getContactInfo :: Tox -> IO DHT.DHTPublicKey getContactInfo Tox{toxCryptoKeys,toxRouting} = join $ atomically $ do r4 <- readTVar $ DHT.routing4 toxRouting r6 <- readTVar $ DHT.routing6 toxRouting nonce <- transportNewNonce toxCryptoKeys let self = nodeId n4 n4 = R.thisNode r4 n6 = R.thisNode r6 n4s = R.kclosest DHT.toxSpace 4 self r4 n6s = R.kclosest DHT.toxSpace 4 self r6 ns = filter (DHT.isGlobal . nodeIP) [n4,n6] ++ concat (zipWith (\a b -> [a,b]) n4s n6s) return $ do timestamp <- round . (* 1000000) <$> getPOSIXTime return DHT.DHTPublicKey { dhtpkNonce = timestamp , dhtpk = id2key self , dhtpkNodes = DHT.SendNodes $ take 4 ns } isLocalHost :: SockAddr -> Bool isLocalHost (SockAddrInet _ host32) = (fromBE32 host32 == 0x7f000001) isLocalHost _ = False addVerbosity :: Transport err SockAddr ByteString -> Transport err SockAddr ByteString addVerbosity tr = tr { awaitMessage = \kont -> awaitMessage tr $ \m -> do forM_ m $ mapM_ $ \(msg,addr) -> do when (not (B.null msg || elem (B.head msg) [0,1,2,4,0x81,0x82,0x8c,0x8d])) $ do mapM_ (\x -> hPutStrLn stderr ( (show addr) ++ " --> " ++ x)) $ xxd 0 msg kont m , sendMessage = \addr msg -> do when (not (B.null msg || elem (B.head msg) [0,1,2,4,0x81,0x8c,0x8d])) $ do mapM_ (\x -> hPutStrLn stderr ( (show addr) ++ " <-- " ++ x)) $ xxd 0 msg sendMessage tr addr msg } newKeysDatabase :: IO (TVar Onion.AnnouncedKeys) newKeysDatabase = atomically $ newTVar $ Onion.AnnouncedKeys PSQ.empty MinMaxPSQ.empty getOnionAlias :: TransportCrypto -> STM NodeInfo -> Maybe (Onion.OnionDestination r) -> IO (Onion.OnionDestination r) getOnionAlias crypto dhtself remoteNode = atomically $ do ni <- dhtself let alias = case remoteNode of Just (Onion.OnionDestination (Onion.AnnouncingAlias _ uk) _ _) -> ni { nodeId = key2id uk } _ -> ni { nodeId = key2id (onionAliasPublic crypto) } return $ Onion.OnionDestination Onion.SearchingAlias alias Nothing newTox :: TVar Onion.AnnouncedKeys -- ^ Store of announced keys we are a rendezvous for. -> SockAddr -- ^ Bind-address to listen on. -> Maybe NetCryptoSessions -- ^ State of all one-on-one Tox links. -> Maybe SecretKey -- ^ Optional DHT secret key to use. -> IO Tox newTox keydb addr mbSessionsState suppliedDHTKey = do (udp,sock) <- {- addVerbosity <$> -} udpTransport' addr (crypto0,sessionsState0) <- case mbSessionsState of Nothing -> do crypto <- newCrypto sessionsState <- newSessionsState crypto defaultUnRecHook defaultCryptoDataHooks return (crypto,sessionsState) Just s -> return (transportCrypto s, s) roster <- newContactInfo let crypto = fromMaybe crypto0 $do k <- suppliedDHTKey return crypto0 { transportSecret = k , transportPublic = toPublic k , userKeys = myKeyPairs roster } forM_ suppliedDHTKey $ \k -> do maybe (hPutStrLn stderr "failed to encode suppliedDHTKey") (C8.hPutStrLn stderr . C8.append "Using suppliedDHTKey: ") $ encodeSecret k drg <- drgNew let lookupClose _ = return Nothing mkrouting <- DHT.newRouting addr crypto updateIP updateIP let ignoreErrors _ = return () -- Set this to (hPutStrLn stderr) to debug onion route building. orouter <- newOnionRouter ignoreErrors (dhtcrypt,onioncrypt,dtacrypt,cryptonet) <- toxTransport crypto orouter lookupClose udp let sessionsState = sessionsState0 { sessionTransport = cryptonet , transportCrypto = crypto } let dhtnet0 = layerTransportM (DHT.decrypt crypto) (DHT.encrypt crypto) dhtcrypt tbl4 = DHT.routing4 $ mkrouting (error "missing client") tbl6 = DHT.routing6 $ mkrouting (error "missing client") dhtclient <- newClient drg dhtnet0 DHT.classify (myAddr tbl4 tbl6) (DHT.handlers crypto . mkrouting) id $ \client net -> onInbound (DHT.updateRouting client (mkrouting client) orouter) net orouter <- forkRouteBuilder orouter $ \nid ni -> fmap (\(_,ns,_)->ns) <$> DHT.getNodes dhtclient nid ni toks <- do nil <- nullSessionTokens atomically $ newTVar nil { maxInterval = 20 } -- 20 second timeout on announce ping-ids. oniondrg <- drgNew let onionnet = layerTransportM (Onion.decrypt crypto) (Onion.encrypt crypto) onioncrypt onionclient <- newClient oniondrg onionnet (const Onion.classify) (getOnionAlias crypto $ R.thisNode <$> readTVar (DHT.routing4 $ mkrouting dhtclient)) (const $ Onion.handlers onionnet (mkrouting dhtclient) toks keydb) (hookQueries orouter DHT.transactionKey) (const id) return Tox { toxDHT = dhtclient , toxOnion = onionclient , toxToRoute = onInbound (updateContactInfo roster) dtacrypt , toxCrypto = addHandler (hPutStrLn stderr) (cryptoNetHandler sessionsState) cryptonet , toxCryptoSessions = sessionsState , toxCryptoKeys = crypto , toxRouting = mkrouting dhtclient , toxTokens = toks , toxAnnouncedKeys = keydb , toxOnionRoutes = orouter , toxContactInfo = roster , toxAnnounceToLan = announceToLan sock (key2id $ transportPublic crypto) } onionTimeout :: Tox -> DHT.TransactionId -> Onion.OnionDestination RouteId -> STM (Onion.OnionDestination RouteId, Int) onionTimeout Tox { toxOnionRoutes = or } (DHT.TransactionId n8 _) od = lookupTimeout or n8 od forkTox :: Tox -> IO (IO (), [NodeInfo] -> [NodeInfo] -> IO (), [NodeInfo] -> [NodeInfo] -> IO ()) forkTox tox = do _ <- forkListener "toxCrypto" (toxCrypto tox) _ <- forkListener "toxToRoute" (toxToRoute tox) _ <- forkListener "toxOnion" (clientNet $ toxOnion tox) quit <- forkListener "toxDHT" (clientNet $ toxDHT tox) forkPollForRefresh (DHT.refresher4 $ toxRouting tox) forkPollForRefresh (DHT.refresher6 $ toxRouting tox) return ( quit , bootstrap (DHT.refresher4 $ toxRouting tox) , bootstrap (DHT.refresher6 $ toxRouting tox) ) -- TODO: Don't export this. announceToLan :: Socket -> NodeId -> IO () announceToLan sock nid = do (broadcast_info:_) <- getAddrInfo (Just defaultHints { addrFlags = [AI_NUMERICHOST], addrSocketType = Datagram }) (Just "") -- TODO: Detect broadcast address. (Just "33445") let broadcast = addrAddress broadcast_info bs = S.runPut $ DHT.putMessage (DHT.DHTLanDiscovery nid) saferSendTo sock bs broadcast