-- | This module implements the lossless Tox session protocol. {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Network.Tox.Session ( SessionParams(..) , SessionKey , Session(..) , sTheirUserKey , sClose , handshakeH ) where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad import Control.Exception import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Word import Network.Socket (SockAddr) import Crypto.Tox import Data.PacketBuffer (PacketInboundEvent (..)) import Data.Tox.Message import DPut import Network.Lossless import Network.QueryResponse import Network.SessionTransports import Network.Tox.Crypto.Transport import Network.Tox.DHT.Transport (Cookie (..), key2id, longTermKey) import Network.Tox.Handshake -- | Alias for 'SecretKey' to document that it is used as the temporary Tox -- session key corresponding to the 'PublicKey' we sent in the handshake. type SessionKey = SecretKey -- | These inputs to 'handshakeH' indicate how to respond to handshakes, how to -- assign packets to sessions, and what to do with established sessions after -- they are made lossless by queuing packets and appending sequence numbers. data SessionParams = SessionParams { -- | The database of secret keys necessary to encrypt handshake packets. spCrypto :: TransportCrypto -- | This is used to create sessions and dispatch packets to them. , spSessions :: Sessions (CryptoPacket Encrypted) -- | This method returns the session information corresponding to the -- cookie pair for the remote address. If no handshake was sent, this -- should send one immediately. It should return 'Nothing' if anything -- goes wrong. , spGetSentHandshake :: SecretKey -> SockAddr -> Cookie Identity -> Cookie Encrypted -> IO (Maybe (SessionKey, HandshakeData)) -- | This method is invoked on each new session and is responsible for -- launching any threads necessary to keep the session alive. , spOnNewSession :: Session -> IO () } -- | After a session is established, this information is given to the -- 'spOnNewSession' callback. data Session = Session { -- | This is the secret user (toxid) key that corresponds to the -- local-end of this session. sOurKey :: SecretKey -- | The remote address for this session. (Not unique, see 'sSessionID'). , sTheirAddr :: SockAddr -- | The information we sent in the handshake for this session. , sSentHandshake :: HandshakeData -- | The information we received in a handshake for this session. , sReceivedHandshake :: Handshake Identity -- | This method can be used to trigger packets to be re-sent given a -- list of their sequence numbers. It should be used when the remote end -- indicates they lost packets. , sResendPackets :: [Word32] -> IO () -- | This list of sequence numbers should be periodically polled and if -- it is not empty, we should request they re-send these packets. For -- convenience, a lower bound for the numbers in the list is also -- returned. Suggested polling interval: a few seconds. , sMissingInbound :: IO ([Word32],Word32) -- | A lossless transport for sending and receiving packets in this -- session. It is up to the caller to spawn the await-loop to handle -- inbound packets. , sTransport :: Transport String () CryptoMessage -- | A unique small integer that identifies this session for as long as -- it is established. , sSessionID :: Int } -- | Helper to obtain the remote ToxID key from the locally-issued cookie -- associated with the session. sTheirUserKey :: Session -> PublicKey sTheirUserKey s = longTermKey $ runIdentity cookie where Cookie _ cookie = handshakeCookie (sReceivedHandshake s) -- | Helper to close the 'Transport' associated with a session. sClose :: Session -> IO () sClose s = closeTransport (sTransport s) -- | Call this whenever a new handshake arrives so that a session is -- negotiated. It always returns Nothing which makes it convenient to use with -- 'Network.QueryResponse.addHandler'. handshakeH :: SessionParams -> SockAddr -> Handshake Encrypted -> IO (Maybe a) handshakeH sp saddr handshake = do decryptHandshake (spCrypto sp) handshake >>= either (\err -> return ()) (uncurry $ plainHandshakeH sp saddr) return Nothing plainHandshakeH :: SessionParams -> SockAddr -> SecretKey -> Handshake Identity -> IO () plainHandshakeH sp saddr skey handshake = do let hd = runIdentity $ handshakeData handshake prelude = show saddr ++ " --> " dput XNetCrypto $ unlines $ map (prelude ++) [ "handshake: auth=" ++ show (handshakeCookie handshake) , " : issuing=" ++ show (otherCookie hd) , " : baseNonce=" ++ show (baseNonce hd) ] sent <- spGetSentHandshake sp skey saddr (handshakeCookie handshake) (otherCookie hd) -- TODO: this is always returning sent = Nothing dput XNetCrypto $ " <-- (cached) handshake baseNonce " ++ show (fmap (baseNonce . snd) sent) forM_ sent $ \(hd_skey,hd_sent) -> do sk <- SessionKeys (spCrypto sp) hd_skey (sessionKey hd) <$> atomically (newTVar $ baseNonce hd) <*> atomically (newTVar $ baseNonce hd_sent) m <- newSession (spSessions sp) (\() p -> return p) (decryptPacket sk) saddr dput XNetCrypto $ prelude ++ "plainHandshakeH: session " ++ maybe "Nothing" (const "Just") m forM_ m $ \(sid, t) -> do (t2,resend,getMissing) <- lossless (\cp a -> return $ fmap (,a) $ checkLossless $ runIdentity $ pktData cp) (\seqno p _ -> do y <- encryptPacket sk $ bookKeeping seqno p return OutgoingInfo { oIsLossy = lossyness (msgID p) == Lossy , oEncoded = y , oHandleException = Just $ \e -> do dput XUnexpected $ unlines [ "<-- " ++ show e , "<-- while sending " ++ show (seqno,p) ] throwIO e }) () t let _ = t :: TransportA String () (CryptoPacket Identity) (CryptoPacket Encrypted) _ = t2 :: Transport String () CryptoMessage sendMessage t2 () $ OneByte ONLINE spOnNewSession sp Session { sOurKey = skey , sTheirAddr = saddr , sSentHandshake = hd_sent , sReceivedHandshake = handshake , sResendPackets = resend , sMissingInbound = getMissing , sTransport = t2 , sSessionID = sid } return () -- | The per-session nonce and key state maintained by 'decryptPacket' and -- 'encryptPacket'. data SessionKeys = SessionKeys { skCrypto :: TransportCrypto -- ^ Cache of shared-secrets. , skMe :: SessionKey -- ^ My session key , skThem :: PublicKey -- ^ Their session key , skNonceIncoming :: TVar Nonce24 -- ^ +21845 when a threshold is reached. , skNonceOutgoing :: TVar Nonce24 -- ^ +1 on every packet } -- | Decrypt an inbound session packet and update the nonce for the next one. decryptPacket :: SessionKeys -> SockAddr -> CryptoPacket Encrypted -> IO (Maybe (CryptoPacket Identity, ())) decryptPacket sk saddr (CryptoPacket n16 ciphered) = do (n24,δ) <- atomically $ do n <- readTVar (skNonceIncoming sk) let δ = n16 - nonce24ToWord16 n return ( n `addtoNonce24` fromIntegral δ, δ ) secret <- lookupSharedSecret (skCrypto sk) (skMe sk) (skThem sk) n24 case decodePlain =<< decrypt secret ciphered of Left e -> return Nothing Right x -> do when ( δ > 43690 ) $ atomically $ writeTVar (skNonceIncoming sk) (n24 `addtoNonce24` 21845) do let them = key2id $ skThem sk CryptoData ack seqno _ = x cm = decodeRawCryptoMsg x dput XNetCrypto $ unwords [take 8 (show them),"-->",show (msgID cm),show (n24,ack,seqno)] return $ Just ( CryptoPacket n16 (pure x), () ) -- | Encrypt an outbound session packet and update the nonce for the next one. encryptPacket :: SessionKeys -> CryptoData -> IO (CryptoPacket Encrypted) encryptPacket sk plain = do n24 <- atomically $ do n24 <- readTVar (skNonceOutgoing sk) modifyTVar' (skNonceOutgoing sk) incrementNonce24 return n24 secret <- lookupSharedSecret (skCrypto sk) (skMe sk) (skThem sk) n24 let ciphered = encrypt secret $ encodePlain $ plain do let them = key2id $ skThem sk CryptoData ack seqno cm = plain dput XNetCrypto $ unwords [take 8 (show them),"<--",show (msgID cm),show (n24,ack,seqno)] return $ CryptoPacket (nonce24ToWord16 n24) ciphered -- | Add sequence information to an outbound packet. -- -- From spec.md: -- -- Data in the encrypted packets: -- -- [our recvbuffers buffer_start, (highest packet number handled + 1), (big endian)] -- [uint32_t packet number if lossless, sendbuffer buffer_end if lossy, (big endian)] -- [data] bookKeeping :: SequenceInfo -> CryptoMessage -> CryptoData bookKeeping (SequenceInfo seqno ack) m = CryptoData { bufferStart = ack :: Word32 , bufferEnd = seqno :: Word32 , bufferData = m } -- | Classify an inbound packet as lossy or lossless based on its id byte. checkLossless :: CryptoData -> PacketInboundEvent CryptoMessage checkLossless cd@CryptoData{ bufferStart = ack , bufferEnd = no , bufferData = x } = tag no x' ack where x' = decodeRawCryptoMsg cd tag = case lossyness (msgID x') of Lossy -> PacketReceivedLossy _ -> PacketReceived