{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Config ( -- * Types ClientName , ClientOpts (..) , EnvOpts (..) -- * For test suite driver , getOpts -- * For item specs , getEnvOpts , getThisOpts , getMyAddr , getRemoteOpts , withRemote , withRemoteAddr , getTestTorrent ) where import Control.Monad import Network import Data.Default import Data.IORef import Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import Options.Applicative import System.Exit import System.Environment import System.IO.Unsafe import Test.Hspec import Data.Torrent import Network.BitTorrent.Address (IP, PeerAddr (PeerAddr), genPeerId) type ClientName = String instance Read PortNumber where readsPrec = error "readsPrec" data ClientOpts = ClientOpts { peerPort :: PortNumber -- tcp port , nodePort :: PortNumber -- udp port } instance Default ClientOpts where def = ClientOpts { peerPort = 6881 , nodePort = 6881 } defRemoteOpts :: ClientOpts defRemoteOpts = def defThisOpts :: ClientOpts defThisOpts = def { peerPort = 6882 , nodePort = 6882 } clientOptsParser :: Parser ClientOpts clientOptsParser = ClientOpts <$> option ( long "peer-port" <> short 'p' <> value 6881 <> showDefault <> metavar "NUM" <> help "port to bind the specified bittorrent client" ) <*> option ( long "node-port" <> short 'n' <> value 6881 <> showDefault <> metavar "NUM" <> help "port to bind node of the specified client" ) data EnvOpts = EnvOpts { testClient :: Maybe ClientName , testTorrents :: [FilePath] , remoteOpts :: ClientOpts , thisOpts :: ClientOpts } instance Default EnvOpts where def = EnvOpts { testClient = Just "rtorrent" , testTorrents = ["testfile.torrent"] , remoteOpts = defRemoteOpts , thisOpts = defThisOpts } findConflicts :: EnvOpts -> [String] findConflicts EnvOpts {..} | isNothing testClient = [] | peerPort remoteOpts == peerPort thisOpts = ["Peer port the same"] | nodePort remoteOpts == nodePort thisOpts = ["Node port the same"] | otherwise = [] envOptsParser :: Parser EnvOpts envOptsParser = EnvOpts <$> optional (strOption ( long "bittorrent-client" <> metavar "CLIENT" <> help "torrent client to run" )) <*> pure [] <*> clientOptsParser <*> clientOptsParser envOptsInfo :: ParserInfo EnvOpts envOptsInfo = info (helper <*> envOptsParser) ( fullDesc <> progDesc "The bittorrent library testsuite" <> header "" ) -- do not modify this while test suite is running because spec items -- can run in parallel envOptsRef :: IORef EnvOpts envOptsRef = unsafePerformIO (newIORef def) -- | Should be used from spec items. getEnvOpts :: IO EnvOpts getEnvOpts = readIORef envOptsRef getThisOpts :: IO ClientOpts getThisOpts = thisOpts <$> getEnvOpts -- | Return 'Nothing' if remote client is not running. getRemoteOpts :: IO (Maybe ClientOpts) getRemoteOpts = do EnvOpts {..} <- getEnvOpts return $ const remoteOpts <$> testClient withRemote :: (ClientOpts -> Expectation) -> Expectation withRemote action = do mopts <- getRemoteOpts case mopts of Nothing -> pendingWith "Remote client isn't running" Just opts -> action opts withRemoteAddr :: (PeerAddr IP -> Expectation) -> Expectation withRemoteAddr action = do withRemote $ \ ClientOpts {..} -> action (PeerAddr Nothing "" peerPort) getMyAddr :: IO (PeerAddr (Maybe IP)) getMyAddr = do ClientOpts {..} <- getThisOpts pid <- genPeerId return $ PeerAddr (Just pid) Nothing peerPort getTestTorrent :: IO Torrent getTestTorrent = do EnvOpts {..} <- getEnvOpts if L.null testTorrents then error "getTestTorrent" else fromFile ("res/" ++ L.head testTorrents) -- TODO fix EnvOpts parsing -- | Should be used by test suite driver. getOpts :: IO (EnvOpts, [String]) getOpts = do args <- getArgs -- case runParser SkipOpts envOptsParser args) (prefs idm) of case (Right (def, args), ()) of (Left err , _ctx) -> exitFailure (Right (envOpts, hspecOpts), _ctx) -> do let conflicts = findConflicts envOpts unless (L.null conflicts) $ do forM_ conflicts putStrLn exitFailure writeIORef envOptsRef envOpts return (envOpts, hspecOpts)