{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.Functor import Data.List import Data.Maybe import System.Exit import System.Environment import System.Process import System.Directory import Text.Printf import Test.Hspec import Config import Spec type Command = String type Descr = (ClientName, ClientOpts -> FilePath -> Command) torrents :: [FilePath] torrents = [ "dapper-dvd-amd64-iso.torrent" , "pkg.torrent" , "testfile.torrent" ] clients :: [Descr] clients = [ ("rtorrent" , \ ClientOpts {..} tfile -> printf "rtorrent -p %i-%i -O dht=on -O dht_port=%i -O session=rtorrent-sessiondir %s" (fromEnum peerPort) (fromEnum peerPort) (fromEnum nodePort) tfile ) ] sessionName :: String -- screen session name sessionName = "bittorrent-testsuite" setupEnv :: EnvOpts -> IO (Maybe ()) setupEnv EnvOpts {..} | Just client <- testClient , Just mkCmd <- lookup client clients = do let runner = printf "screen -dm -S %s %s" sessionName (mkCmd remoteOpts "testfile.torrent") dir <- getCurrentDirectory _ <- createProcess (shell runner) { cwd = Just (dir ++ "/res") } return (Just ()) | Just client <- testClient = do printf "Bad client `%s`, use one of %s" client (show (fst <$> clients)) return Nothing | isNothing testClient = do printf "Running without remote client" return (Just ()) terminateEnv :: IO () terminateEnv = do printf "closing screen session: %s" sessionName _ <- system (printf "screen -S %s -X quit" sessionName) return () runTestSuite :: [String] -> IO ExitCode runTestSuite args = do printf "running hspec test suite with args: %s\n" (show args) catch (withArgs args (hspec spec) >> return ExitSuccess) return main :: IO () main = do (envOpts, suiteArgs) <- getOpts running <- setupEnv envOpts code <- runTestSuite suiteArgs when (isJust running) $ do terminateEnv exitWith code