-- | -- Copyright : (c) Sam Truzjan 2013 -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : pxqr.sta@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- Do not add other (than this) test suites without need. Do not use -- linux-specific paths, use 'filepath' and 'directory' machinery. -- {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Applicative hiding (empty) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy import Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import Data.Word import Data.Serialize as S import Data.Text as T import Network import Network.URI import Test.QuickCheck as QC import Test.Framework as Framework (Test, defaultMain) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Data.Aeson as JSON import Data.BEncode as BE import Data.Torrent.Block import Data.Torrent.Bitfield as BF import Data.Torrent.Metainfo import Network.BitTorrent.Exchange.Protocol import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.Protocol import Network.BitTorrent.Tracker.HTTP import Network.BitTorrent.Peer -- import Debug.Trace data T a = T prop_properBEncode :: Show a => BEncodable a => Eq a => T a -> a -> Bool prop_properBEncode _ expected = actual == Right expected where actual = decoded $ Lazy.toStrict $ encoded expected instance Arbitrary URI where arbitrary = pure $ fromJust $ parseURI "http://exsample.com:80/123365_asd" instance Arbitrary Text where arbitrary = T.pack <$> arbitrary {- {----------------------------------------------------------------------- MemMap -----------------------------------------------------------------------} tmpdir :: FilePath tmpdir = "tmp" boundaryTest :: Assertion boundaryTest = do f <- mallocTo (Fixed.interval 0 1) Fixed.empty f <- mallocTo (Fixed.interval 1 2) f writeElem f 0 (1 :: Word8) writeElem f 1 (2 :: Word8) bs <- readBytes (Fixed.interval 0 2) f "\x1\x2" @=? bs mmapSingle :: Assertion mmapSingle = do f <- mmapTo (tmpdir "single.test") (10, 5) 5 Fixed.empty writeBytes (Fixed.interval 5 5) "abcde" f bs <- readBytes (Fixed.interval 5 5) f "abcde" @=? bs coalesceTest :: Assertion coalesceTest = do f <- mmapTo (tmpdir "a.test") (0, 1) 10 Fixed.empty f <- mmapTo (tmpdir "bc.test") (0, 2) 12 f f <- mmapTo (tmpdir "c.test") (0, 1) 13 f writeBytes (Fixed.interval 10 4) "abcd" f bs <- readBytes (Fixed.interval 10 4) f "abcd" @=? bs -} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitfield -----------------------------------------------------------------------} -- other properties are tested in IntervalSet prop_completenessRange :: Bitfield -> Bool prop_completenessRange bf = 0 <= c && c <= 1 where c = completeness bf prop_minMax :: Bitfield -> Bool prop_minMax bf | BF.null bf = True | otherwise = BF.findMin bf <= BF.findMax bf prop_rarestInRange :: [Bitfield] -> Bool prop_rarestInRange xs = case rarest xs of Just r -> 0 <= r && r < totalCount (maximumBy (comparing totalCount) xs) Nothing -> True {- this one should give pretty good coverage -} prop_differenceDeMorgan :: Bitfield -> Bitfield -> Bitfield -> Bool prop_differenceDeMorgan a b c = (a `BF.difference` (b `BF.intersection` c)) == ((a `BF.difference` b) `BF.union` (a `BF.difference` c)) && (a `BF.difference` (b `BF.union` c)) == ((a `BF.difference` b) `BF.intersection` (a `BF.difference` c)) {- [ -- mem map testCase "boudary" boundaryTest , testCase "single" mmapSingle , testCase "coalesce" coalesceTest ] instance Arbitrary Bitfield where arbitrary = mkBitfield <$> (succ . min 1000 <$> positive) <*> arbitrary testProperty "completeness range" prop_completenessRange , testProperty "rarest in range" prop_rarestInRange , testProperty "min less that max" prop_minMax , testProperty "difference de morgan" prop_differenceDeMorgan -} {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Handshake -----------------------------------------------------------------------} instance Arbitrary PeerId where arbitrary = azureusStyle <$> pure defaultClientId <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary InfoHash where arbitrary = (hash . B.pack) <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Handshake where arbitrary = defaultHandshake <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary prop_cerealEncoding :: (Serialize a, Eq a) => T a -> [a] -> Bool prop_cerealEncoding _ msgs = S.decode (S.encode msgs) == Right msgs {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tracker/Scrape -----------------------------------------------------------------------} instance Arbitrary ScrapeInfo where arbitrary = ScrapeInfo <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- | Note that in 6 esample we intensionally do not agree with -- specification, because taking in account '/' in query parameter -- seems to be meaningless. (And thats because other clients do not -- chunk uri by parts) Moreover in practice there should be no -- difference. (I think so) -- test_scrape_url :: [Framework.Test] test_scrape_url = L.zipWith mkTest [1 :: Int ..] (check `L.map` tests) where check (iu, ou) = (parseURI iu >>= (`scrapeURL` []) >>= return . show) == ou tests = [ ( "http://example.com/announce" , Just "http://example.com/scrape") , ( "http://example.com/x/announce" , Just "http://example.com/x/scrape") , ( "http://example.com/announce.php" , Just "http://example.com/scrape.php") , ( "http://example.com/a" , Nothing) , ( "http://example.com/announce?x2%0644" , Just "http://example.com/scrape?x2%0644") , ( "http://example.com/announce?x=2/4" , Just "http://example.com/scrape?x=2/4") -- , ("http://example.com/announce?x=2/4" , Nothing) -- by specs , ("http://example.com/x%064announce" , Nothing) ] mkTest i = testProperty ("scrape test #" ++ show i) {----------------------------------------------------------------------- P2P/message -----------------------------------------------------------------------} positive :: Gen Int positive = fromIntegral <$> (arbitrary :: Gen Word32) instance Arbitrary ByteString where arbitrary = B.pack <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary Lazy.ByteString where arbitrary = Lazy.pack <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary BlockIx where arbitrary = BlockIx <$> positive <*> positive <*> positive instance Arbitrary Block where arbitrary = Block <$> positive <*> positive <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary PortNumber where arbitrary = fromIntegral <$> (arbitrary :: Gen Word16) instance Arbitrary Message where arbitrary = oneof [ pure KeepAlive , pure Choke , pure Unchoke , pure Interested , pure NotInterested , Have <$> positive , pure $ Bitfield $ BF.haveNone 0 , Request <$> arbitrary , Piece <$> arbitrary , Cancel <$> arbitrary , Port <$> arbitrary ] -- todo add all messages prop_messageEncoding :: Message -> Bool prop_messageEncoding msg @ (Bitfield bf) = case S.decode (S.encode msg) of Right (Bitfield bf') -> bf == adjustSize (totalCount bf) bf' _ -> False prop_messageEncoding msg = S.decode (S.encode msg) == Right msg {----------------------------------------------------------------------- Main -----------------------------------------------------------------------} allTests :: [Framework.Test] allTests = [ -- handshake module testProperty "handshake encoding" $ prop_cerealEncoding (T :: T Handshake) , testProperty "message encoding" prop_messageEncoding ] ++ test_scrape_url ++ [ testProperty "scrape bencode" $ prop_properBEncode (T :: T ScrapeInfo) ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain allTests