module Network.BitTorrent.DHT.TestData ( TestEntry (..) , testTorrents ) where import Data.Torrent data TestEntry = TestEntry { entryName :: String , entryHash :: InfoHash , entryPeers :: Int -- ^ approximate number of peers, may change with time } testTorrents :: [TestEntry] testTorrents = [ TestEntry { entryName = "Automate with Arduino, Android..." , entryHash = "8c0433e541dc5d1cfc095799cef171cd4eb586f7" , entryPeers = 300 } , TestEntry { entryName = "Beginning Programming with Java For Dummies" , entryHash = "fd8967721731cc16c8b203a03e49ce839cecf184" , entryPeers = 200 } , TestEntry { entryName = "The C Programming Language" , entryHash = "146d13f090e50e97091dbbe5b37678dd1471cfad" , entryPeers = 100 } , TestEntry { entryName = "The C++ Programming Language" , entryHash = "8e8e8e6319031a22cff26d895afe050085c84a7f" , entryPeers = 50 } , TestEntry { entryName = "Game and Graphics Programming for iOS..." , entryHash = "703d0595b727fccbfaa3d03be25f57347ccfd6de" , entryPeers = 30 } ]