module System.Torrent.StorageSpec (spec) where import Control.Exception import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Conduit as C import Data.Conduit.List as C import System.FilePath import System.Directory import System.IO.Unsafe import Test.Hspec import Data.Torrent.Bitfield as BF import Data.Torrent.Layout import Data.Torrent.Piece import System.Torrent.Storage layout :: FileLayout FileSize layout = [ (dir "_a", 20) , (dir "_b", 50) , (dir "_c", 100) , (dir "_d", 5) ] where dir = unsafePerformIO $ getTemporaryDirectory createLayout :: IO () createLayout = bracket (open ReadWriteEx 0 layout) close (const (return ())) psize :: PieceSize psize = 16 pcount :: PieceCount pcount = 11 spec :: Spec spec = before createLayout $ do describe "writePiece" $ do it "should fail gracefully on write operation in RO mode" $ do s <- open ReadOnly 0 layout writePiece (Piece 0 "") s `shouldThrow` (== StorageIsRO) close s it "should fail if piece size do not match" $ do withStorage ReadWrite 1 layout $ \ s -> writePiece (Piece 0 "") s `shouldThrow` (== InvalidSize 0) it "should fail on negative index" $ do withStorage ReadWrite 0 layout $ \ s -> writePiece (Piece (-1) "") s `shouldThrow` (== InvalidIndex (-1)) it "should fail on out of upper bound index" $ do withStorage ReadWrite 100 layout $ \ s -> do let bs = BL.replicate 100 0 writePiece (Piece 0 bs) s let bs' = BL.replicate 75 0 writePiece (Piece 1 bs') s writePiece (Piece 2 bs') s `shouldThrow` (== InvalidIndex 2) describe "readPiece" $ do it "should fail on negative index" $ withStorage ReadOnly 0 layout $ \ s -> readPiece (-1) s `shouldThrow` (== InvalidIndex (-1)) it "should fail on out of upper bound index" $ do withStorage ReadOnly 100 layout $ \ s -> do _ <- readPiece 1 s readPiece 2 s `shouldThrow` (== InvalidIndex 2) describe "sourceStorage" $ do it "should source all chunks" $ do withStorage ReadOnly psize layout $ \ s -> do n <- sourceStorage s $$ C.fold (\ n _ -> succ n) 0 n `shouldBe` pcount -- this test should fail if 'sourceStorage' test fail describe "sinkStorage" $ do it "should write all chunks" $ do let byteVal = 0 let bzeroPiece p = p { pieceData = BL.replicate (BL.length (pieceData p)) byteVal } let isZeroPiece p = (== byteVal) `BL.all` pieceData p withStorage ReadWrite psize layout $ \ s -> do sourceStorage s $= bzeroPiece $$ sinkStorage s b <- sourceStorage s $$ C.fold (\ b p -> b && isZeroPiece p) True b `shouldBe` True describe "genPieceInfo" $ do it "" $ do withStorage ReadWrite psize layout $ \ s -> do bf <- genPieceInfo s >>= getBitfield s bf `shouldSatisfy` BF.full