{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} import System.Posix.Signals import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT) import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Network.Socket ( addrAddress , getAddrInfo , defaultHints , addrFlags , AddrInfoFlag(AI_CANONNAME,AI_V4MAPPED,AI_NUMERICHOST) , SockAddr(..) ) import System.Endian (fromBE32) import Data.List (nub, (\\) ) import Data.Monoid ( (<>) ) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import Control.Monad import qualified Network.BSD as BSD import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) import Control.Exception ({-evaluate,-}handle,SomeException(..),bracketOnError,ErrorCall(..)) import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError) import System.Posix.User (getUserEntryForID,userName) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import qualified ConfigFiles import Data.Maybe (maybeToList,listToMaybe,mapMaybe) import Data.Bits import Data.Int (Int8) import TraversableT import UTmp (ProcessID,users) import LocalPeerCred import XMPPServer type UserName = Text type ResourceName = Text unsplitJID :: (Maybe UserName,Text,Maybe ResourceName) -> Text unsplitJID (n,h,r) = username <> h <> resource where username = maybe "" (<>"@") n resource = maybe "" ("/"<>) r splitJID :: Text -> (Maybe UserName,Text,Maybe ResourceName) splitJID bjid = let xs = splitAll '@' bjid ys = splitAll '/' (last xs) splitAll c bjid = take 1 xs0 ++ map (Text.drop 1) (drop 1 xs0) where xs0 = Text.groupBy (\x y-> y/=c) bjid server = head ys name = case xs of (n:s:_) -> Just n (s:_) -> Nothing rsrc = case ys of (s:_:_) -> Just $ last ys _ -> Nothing in (name,server,rsrc) isPeerKey :: ConnectionKey -> Bool isPeerKey k = case k of { PeerKey {} -> True ; _ -> False } isClientKey :: ConnectionKey -> Bool isClientKey k = case k of { ClientKey {} -> True ; _ -> False } textHostName = fmap Text.pack BSD.getHostName localJID user resource = do hostname <- textHostName return $ user <> "@" <> hostname <> "/" <> resource cf_available :: Int8 cf_available = 0x1 cf_interested :: Int8 cf_interested = 0x2 data ClientState = ClientState { clientResource :: Text , clientUser :: Text , clientPid :: Maybe ProcessID , clientStatus :: TVar (Maybe Stanza) , clientFlags :: Int8 } -- | True if the client has sent an initial presence clientIsAvailable c = clientFlags c .&. cf_available /= 0 -- | True if the client has requested a roster clientIsInterested c = clientFlags c .&. cf_interested /= 0 data LocalPresence = LocalPresence { networkClients :: Map ConnectionKey ClientState -- TODO: loginClients } data RemotePresence = RemotePresence { resources :: Map Text Stanza -- , localSubscribers :: Map Text () -- ^ subset of clientsByUser who should be -- notified about this presence. } pcSingletonNetworkClient key client = LocalPresence { networkClients = Map.singleton key client } pcInsertNetworkClient key client pc = pc { networkClients = Map.insert key client (networkClients pc) } pcRemoveNewtworkClient key pc = if pcIsEmpty pc' then Nothing else Just pc' where pc' = pc { networkClients = Map.delete key (networkClients pc) } pcIsEmpty pc = Map.null (networkClients pc) data PresenceState = PresenceState { clients :: TVar (Map ConnectionKey ClientState) , clientsByUser :: TVar (Map Text LocalPresence) , remotesByPeer :: TVar (Map ConnectionKey (Map UserName RemotePresence)) , associatedPeers :: TVar (Map SockAddr ()) , server :: TMVar XMPPServer , keyToChan :: TVar (Map ConnectionKey Conn) } make6mapped4 addr@(SockAddrInet6 {}) = addr make6mapped4 addr@(SockAddrInet port a) = SockAddrInet6 port 0 (0,0,0xFFFF,fromBE32 a) 0 resolvePeer :: Text -> IO [SockAddr] resolvePeer addrtext = do fmap (map $ make6mapped4 . addrAddress) $ getAddrInfo (Just $ defaultHints { addrFlags = [ AI_CANONNAME, AI_V4MAPPED ]}) (Just $ Text.unpack $ strip_brackets addrtext) (Just "5269") strip_brackets s = case Text.uncons s of Just ('[',t) -> Text.takeWhile (/=']') t _ -> s getConsolePids :: PresenceState -> IO [(Text,ProcessID)] getConsolePids state = do us <- UTmp.users return $ map (\(_,tty,pid)->(lazyByteStringToText tty,pid)) us lazyByteStringToText = (foldr1 (<>) . map Text.decodeUtf8 . L.toChunks) textToLazyByteString s = L.fromChunks [Text.encodeUtf8 s] identifyTTY' ttypids uid inode = ttypid where ttypids' = map (\(tty,pid)->(L.fromChunks [Text.encodeUtf8 tty], pid)) ttypids ttypid = fmap textify $ identifyTTY ttypids' uid inode textify (tty,pid) = (fmap lazyByteStringToText tty, pid) chooseResourceName state k addr desired = do muid <- getLocalPeerCred' addr (mtty,pid) <- getTTYandPID muid user <- getJabberUserForId muid status <- atomically $ newTVar Nothing let client = ClientState { clientResource = maybe "fallback" id mtty , clientUser = user , clientPid = pid , clientStatus = status , clientFlags = 0 } atomically $ do modifyTVar' (clients state) $ Map.insert k client modifyTVar' (clientsByUser state) $ flip Map.alter (clientUser client) $ \mb -> Just $ maybe (pcSingletonNetworkClient k client) (pcInsertNetworkClient k client) mb localJID (clientUser client) (clientResource client) where getTTYandPID muid = do -- us <- fmap (map (second fst) . Map.toList) . readTVarIO $ activeUsers state ttypids <- getConsolePids state -- let tailOf3 ((_,a),b) = (a,b) (t,pid) <- case muid of Just (uid,inode) -> identifyTTY' ttypids uid inode Nothing -> return (Nothing,Nothing) let rsc = t `mplus` fmap ( ("pid."<>) . Text.pack . show ) pid return (rsc,pid) getJabberUserForId muid = maybe (return "nobody") (\(uid,_) -> handle (\(SomeException _) -> return . (<> "uid.") . Text.pack . show $ uid) $ do user <- fmap userName $ getUserEntryForID uid return (Text.pack user) ) muid forClient state k fallback f = do mclient <- atomically $ do cs <- readTVar (clients state) return $ Map.lookup k cs maybe fallback f mclient tellClientHisName state k = forClient state k fallback go where fallback = localJID "nobody" "fallback" go client = localJID (clientUser client) (clientResource client) toMapUnit xs = Map.fromList $ map (,()) xs resolveAllPeers :: [Text] -> IO (Map SockAddr ()) resolveAllPeers hosts = fmap (toMapUnit . concat) $ Prelude.mapM (fmap (take 1) . resolvePeer) hosts rosterGetStuff :: (L.ByteString -> IO [L.ByteString]) -> PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO [Text] rosterGetStuff what state k = forClient state k (return []) $ \client -> do jids <- configText what (clientUser client) let hosts = map ((\(_,h,_)->h) . splitJID) jids addrs <- resolveAllPeers hosts peers <- atomically $ readTVar (associatedPeers state) addrs <- return $ addrs `Map.difference` peers sv <- atomically $ takeTMVar $ server state -- Grok peers to associate with from the roster: forM_ (Map.keys addrs) $ \addr -> do putStrLn $ "new addr: "++show addr addPeer sv addr -- Update local set of associated peers atomically $ do writeTVar (associatedPeers state) (addrs `Map.union` peers) putTMVar (server state) sv return jids rosterGetBuddies :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO [Text] rosterGetBuddies state k = rosterGetStuff ConfigFiles.getBuddies state k rosterGetSolicited :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO [Text] rosterGetSolicited = rosterGetStuff ConfigFiles.getSolicited rosterGetOthers :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO [Text] rosterGetOthers = rosterGetStuff ConfigFiles.getOthers rosterGetSubscribers :: PresenceState -> ConnectionKey -> IO [Text] rosterGetSubscribers = rosterGetStuff ConfigFiles.getSubscribers data Conn = Conn { connChan :: TChan Stanza , auxAddr :: SockAddr } configText what u = fmap (map lazyByteStringToText) $ what (textToLazyByteString u) getBuddies' :: Text -> IO [Text] getBuddies' = configText ConfigFiles.getBuddies getSolicited' :: Text -> IO [Text] getSolicited' = configText ConfigFiles.getSolicited sendProbesAndSolicitations state k laddr chan = do -- get all buddies & solicited matching k for all users xs <- runTraversableT $ do cbu <- lift $ atomically $ readTVar $ clientsByUser state user <- liftT $ Map.keys cbu (isbud,getter) <- liftT [(True ,getBuddies' ) ,(False,getSolicited')] bud <- liftMT $ getter user let (u,h,r) = splitJID bud addr <- liftMT $ nub `fmap` resolvePeer h liftT $ guard (PeerKey addr == k) -- Note: Earlier I was tempted to do all the IO -- within the TraversableT monad. That apparently -- is a bad idea. Perhaps due to laziness and an -- unforced list? Instead, we will return a list -- of (Bool,Text) for processing outside. return (isbud,u) -- XXX: The following O(n²) nub may be a little -- too onerous. forM_ (nub xs) $ \(isbud,u) -> do let make = if isbud then presenceProbe else presenceSolicitation toh = peerKeyToText k jid = unsplitJID (u,toh,Nothing) me = addrToText laddr stanza <- make me jid -- send probes for buddies, solicitations for solicited. putStrLn $ "probing "++show k++" for: " ++ show (isbud,jid) atomically $ writeTChan chan stanza -- reverse xs `seq` return () newConn state k addr outchan = do atomically $ modifyTVar' (keyToChan state) $ Map.insert k Conn { connChan = outchan , auxAddr = addr } when (isPeerKey k) $ sendProbesAndSolicitations state k addr outchan eofConn state k = do atomically $ modifyTVar' (keyToChan state) $ Map.delete k case k of ClientKey {} -> do stanza <- makePresenceStanza "jabber:server" Nothing Offline informClientPresence state k stanza PeerKey {} -> do let h = peerKeyToText k jids <- atomically $ do rbp <- readTVar (remotesByPeer state) return $ do umap <- maybeToList $ Map.lookup k rbp (u,rp) <- Map.toList umap r <- Map.keys (resources rp) return $ unsplitJID (Just u, h, Just r) forM_ jids $ \jid -> do stanza <- makePresenceStanza "jabber:client" (Just jid) Offline informPeerPresence state k stanza {- rewriteJIDForClient1:: Text -> IO (Maybe ((Maybe Text,Text,Maybe Text),SockAddr)) rewriteJIDForClient1 jid = do let (n,h,r) = splitJID jid maddr <- fmap listToMaybe $ resolvePeer h flip (maybe $ return Nothing) maddr $ \addr -> do h' <- peerKeyToResolvedName (PeerKey addr) return $ Just ((n,h',r), addr) -} parseAddress :: Text -> IO (Maybe SockAddr) parseAddress addr_str = do info <- getAddrInfo (Just $ defaultHints { addrFlags = [ AI_NUMERICHOST ] }) (Just . Text.unpack $ addr_str) (Just "0") return . listToMaybe $ map addrAddress info todo = error "Unimplemented" -- | for example: 2001-db8-85a3-8d3-1319-8a2e-370-7348.ipv6-literal.net ip6literal :: Text -> Text ip6literal addr = Text.map dash addr <> ".ipv6-literal.net" where dash ':' = '-' dash x = x withPort (SockAddrInet _ a) port = SockAddrInet (toEnum port) a withPort (SockAddrInet6 _ a b c) port = SockAddrInet6 (toEnum port) a b c -- | The given address is taken to be the local address for the socket this JID -- came in on. The returned JID parts are suitable for unsplitJID to create a -- valid JID for communicating to a client. The returned Bool is True when the -- host part refers to this local host (i.e. it equals the given SockAddr). rewriteJIDForClient :: SockAddr -> Text -> IO (Bool,(Maybe Text,Text,Maybe Text)) rewriteJIDForClient laddr jid = do let (n,h,r) = splitJID jid maddr <- parseAddress (strip_brackets h) flip (maybe $ return (False,(n,ip6literal h,r))) maddr $ \addr -> do let mine = laddr `withPort` 0 == addr `withPort` 0 h' <- if mine then textHostName else peerKeyToResolvedName (PeerKey addr) return (mine,(n,h',r)) multiplyJIDForClient :: SockAddr -> Text -> IO (Bool,[(Maybe Text,Text,Maybe Text)]) multiplyJIDForClient laddr jid = do let (n,h,r) = splitJID jid maddr <- parseAddress (strip_brackets h) flip (maybe $ return (False,[(n,ip6literal h,r)])) maddr $ \addr -> do let mine = laddr `withPort` 0 == addr `withPort` 0 names <- if mine then fmap (:[]) textHostName else peerKeyToResolvedNames (PeerKey addr) return (mine,map (\h' -> (n,h',r)) names) addrTextToKey h = do maddr <- parseAddress (strip_brackets h) return (fmap PeerKey maddr) guardPortStrippedAddress h laddr = do maddr <- fmap (fmap (`withPort` 0)) $ parseAddress (strip_brackets h) let laddr' = laddr `withPort` 0 return $ maddr >>= guard . (==laddr') -- | Accepts a textual representation of a domainname -- JID suitable for client connections, and returns the -- coresponding ipv6 address JID suitable for peers paired -- with a SockAddr with the address part of that JID in -- binary form. If no suitable address could be resolved -- for the given name, Nothing is returned. rewriteJIDForPeer :: Text -> IO (Maybe (Text,SockAddr)) rewriteJIDForPeer jid = do let (n,h,r) = splitJID jid maddr <- fmap listToMaybe $ resolvePeer h return $ flip fmap maddr $ \addr -> let h' = addrToText addr to' = unsplitJID (n,h',r) in (to',addr) -- | deliver or error stanza deliverMessage state fail msg = case stanzaOrigin msg of NetworkOrigin senderk@(ClientKey {}) _ -> do -- Case 1. Client -> Peer mto <- do flip (maybe $ return Nothing) (stanzaTo msg) $ \to -> do rewriteJIDForPeer to flip (maybe fail {- reverse lookup failure -}) mto $ \(to',addr) -> do let k = PeerKey addr chans <- atomically $ readTVar (keyToChan state) flip (maybe fail) (Map.lookup k chans) $ \(Conn { connChan=chan , auxAddr=laddr }) -> do (n,r) <- forClient state senderk (return (Nothing,Nothing)) $ \c -> return (Just (clientUser c), Just (clientResource c)) -- original 'from' address is discarded. let from' = unsplitJID (n,addrToText laddr,r) -- dup <- atomically $ cloneStanza (msg { stanzaTo=Just to', stanzaFrom=Just from' }) let dup = (msg { stanzaTo=Just to', stanzaFrom=Just from' }) sendModifiedStanzaToPeer dup chan NetworkOrigin senderk@(PeerKey {}) _ -> do key_to_chan <- atomically $ readTVar (keyToChan state) flip (maybe fail) (Map.lookup senderk key_to_chan) $ \(Conn { connChan=sender_chan , auxAddr=laddr }) -> do flip (maybe fail) (stanzaTo msg) $ \to -> do (mine,(n,h,r)) <- rewriteJIDForClient laddr to if not mine then fail else do let to' = unsplitJID (n,h,r) from' <- do flip (maybe $ return Nothing) (stanzaFrom msg) $ \from -> do (_,trip) <- rewriteJIDForClient laddr from return . Just $ unsplitJID trip cmap <- atomically . readTVar $ clientsByUser state flip (maybe fail) n $ \n -> do flip (maybe fail) (Map.lookup n cmap) $ \presence_container -> do let ks = Map.keys (networkClients presence_container) chans = mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup key_to_chan) ks if null chans then fail else do forM_ chans $ \Conn { connChan=chan} -> do putStrLn $ "sending "++show (stanzaId msg)++" to clients "++show ks -- TODO: Cloning isn't really neccessary unless there are multiple -- destinations and we should probably transition to minimal cloning, -- or else we should distinguish between announcable stanzas and -- consumable stanzas and announcables use write-only broadcast -- channels that must be cloned in order to be consumed. -- For now, we are doing redundant cloning. dup <- cloneStanza (msg { stanzaTo=Just to' , stanzaFrom=from' }) sendModifiedStanzaToClient dup chan setClientFlag state k flag = atomically $ modifyTVar' (clients state) $ Map.adjust (\c -> c { clientFlags = clientFlags c .|. flag }) k informSentRoster state k = setClientFlag state k cf_interested subscribedPeers user = do jids <- configText ConfigFiles.getSubscribers user let hosts = map ((\(_,h,_)->h) . splitJID) jids fmap Map.keys $ resolveAllPeers hosts clientJID con client = unsplitJID ( Just $ clientUser client , addrToText $ auxAddr con , Just $ clientResource client) -- | Send presence notification to subscribed peers. -- Note that a full JID from address will be added to the -- stanza if it is not present. informClientPresence state k stanza = do dup <- cloneStanza stanza atomically $ do mb <- fmap (Map.lookup k) $ readTVar (clients state) flip (maybe $ return ()) mb $ \cstate -> do writeTVar (clientStatus cstate) $ Just dup forClient state k (return ()) $ \client -> do when (not $ clientIsAvailable client) $ do setClientFlag state k cf_available sendCachedPresence state k addrs <- subscribedPeers (clientUser client) ktc <- atomically $ readTVar (keyToChan state) let connected = mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup ktc . PeerKey) addrs forM_ connected $ \con -> do let from' = clientJID con client mto <- runTraversableT $ do to <- liftT $ stanzaTo stanza (to',_) <- liftMT $ rewriteJIDForPeer to return to' dup <- cloneStanza stanza sendModifiedStanzaToPeer dup { stanzaFrom = Just from' , stanzaTo = mto } (connChan con) informPeerPresence state k stanza = do -- Presence must indicate full JID with resource... putStrLn $ "xmppInformPeerPresence checking from address..." flip (maybe $ return ()) (stanzaFrom stanza) $ \from -> do let (muser,h,mresource) = splitJID from flip (maybe $ return ()) mresource $ \resource -> do flip (maybe $ return ()) muser $ \user -> do clients <- atomically $ do -- Update remotesByPeer... rbp <- readTVar (remotesByPeer state) let umap = maybe Map.empty id $ Map.lookup k rbp rp = case (presenceShow $ stanzaType stanza) of Offline -> maybe (Map.empty) (Map.delete resource . resources) $ Map.lookup user umap _ -> maybe (Map.singleton resource stanza) (Map.insert resource stanza . resources ) $ Map.lookup user umap umap' = Map.insert user (RemotePresence rp) umap writeTVar (remotesByPeer state) $ Map.insert k umap' rbp -- TODO: Store or delete the stanza (remotesByPeer) -- all clients, we'll filter available/authorized later ktc <- readTVar (keyToChan state) runTraversableT $ do (ck,client) <- liftMT $ fmap Map.toList $ readTVar (clients state) con <- liftMaybe $ Map.lookup ck ktc return (ck,con,client) putStrLn $ "xmppInformPeerPresence (length clients="++show (length clients)++")" forM_ clients $ \(ck,con,client) -> do -- (TODO: appropriately authorized clients only.) -- For now, all "available" clients (available = sent initial presence) when (clientIsAvailable client) $ do froms <- do let ClientKey laddr = ck (_,trip) <- multiplyJIDForClient laddr from return (map unsplitJID trip) putStrLn $ "sending to client: " ++ show (stanzaType stanza) forM_ froms $ \from' -> do dup <- cloneStanza stanza sendModifiedStanzaToClient (dup { stanzaFrom=Just from' }) (connChan con) answerProbe state k stanza chan = do -- putStrLn $ "answerProbe! " ++ show (stanzaType stanza) ktc <- atomically $ readTVar (keyToChan state) muser <- runTraversableT $ do to <- liftT $ stanzaTo stanza conn <- liftT $ Map.lookup k ktc let (mu,h,_) = splitJID to -- TODO: currently resource-id is ignored on presence -- probes. Is this correct? Check the spec. liftMT $ guardPortStrippedAddress h (auxAddr conn) u <- liftT mu let ch = addrToText (auxAddr conn) return (u,conn,ch) flip (maybe $ return ()) muser $ \(u,conn,ch) -> do -- only subscribed peers should get probe replies addrs <- subscribedPeers u when (k `elem` map PeerKey addrs) $ do replies <- runTraversableT $ do cbu <- lift . atomically $ readTVar (clientsByUser state) lpres <- liftMaybe $ Map.lookup u cbu clientState <- liftT $ Map.elems (networkClients lpres) stanza <- liftIOMaybe $ atomically (readTVar (clientStatus clientState)) stanza <- lift $ cloneStanza stanza let jid = unsplitJID (Just $ clientUser clientState , ch ,Just $ clientResource clientState) return stanza { stanzaFrom = Just jid } forM_ replies $ \reply -> do sendModifiedStanzaToPeer reply chan -- if no presence, send offline message when (null replies) $ do let jid = unsplitJID (Just u,ch,Nothing) pstanza <- makePresenceStanza "jabber:server" (Just jid) Offline atomically $ writeTChan (connChan conn) pstanza sendCachedPresence state k = do forClient state k (return ()) $ \client -> do rbp <- atomically $ readTVar (remotesByPeer state) jids <- configText ConfigFiles.getBuddies (clientUser client) let hosts = map ((\(_,h,_)->h) . splitJID) jids addrs <- resolveAllPeers hosts let onlines = rbp `Map.intersection` Map.mapKeys PeerKey addrs ClientKey laddr = k forM_ (Map.toList onlines) $ \(pk, umap) -> do forM_ (Map.toList umap) $ \(user,rp) -> do let h = peerKeyToText pk forM_ (Map.toList $ resources rp) $ \(resource,stanza) -> do let jid = unsplitJID (Just user,h,Just resource) (mine,js) <- multiplyJIDForClient laddr jid forM_ js $ \jid -> do let from' = unsplitJID jid dup <- cloneStanza stanza mcon <- atomically $ do ktc <- readTVar (keyToChan state) return $ Map.lookup k ktc flip (maybe $ return ()) mcon $ \con -> do sendModifiedStanzaToClient (dup { stanzaFrom=Just from' }) (connChan con) -- Note: relying on self peer connection to send -- send local buddies. return () addToRosterFile doit whose to addrs = modifyRosterFile doit whose to addrs True removeFromRosterFile doit whose to addrs = modifyRosterFile doit whose to addrs False modifyRosterFile doit whose to addrs bAdd = do let (mu,_,_) = splitJID to cmp jid = runTraversableT $ do let (mu,stored_h,mr) = splitJID (lazyByteStringToText jid) flip (maybe mzero) mr . const $ do flip (maybe mzero) mu $ \stored_u -> do flip (maybe $ return jid) mu $ \u -> do if stored_u /= u then return jid else do stored_addrs <- lift $ nub `fmap` resolvePeer stored_h if null (stored_addrs \\ addrs) then return jid else do mzero doit (textToLazyByteString whose) cmp (guard bAdd >> Just (textToLazyByteString to)) clientSubscriptionRequest :: PresenceState -> IO () -> ConnectionKey -> Stanza -> TChan Stanza -> IO () clientSubscriptionRequest state fail k stanza chan = do forClient state k fail $ \client -> do flip (maybe fail) (stanzaTo stanza) $ \to -> do putStrLn $ "Forwarding solictation to peer" let (mu,h,_) = splitJID to to <- return $ unsplitJID (mu,h,Nothing) -- delete resource flip (maybe fail) mu $ \u -> do addrs <- nub `fmap` resolvePeer h if null addrs then fail else do -- add to-address to from's solicited addToRosterFile ConfigFiles.modifySolicited (clientUser client) to addrs (ktc,ap) <- atomically $ liftM2 (,) (readTVar $ keyToChan state) (readTVar $ associatedPeers state) let dsts = Map.fromList $ map ((,()) . PeerKey) addrs cdsts = ktc Map.\\ dsts forM_ (Map.toList cdsts) $ \(pk,con) -> do -- if already connected, send solicitation ... let from = clientJID con client sendModifiedStanzaToPeer (stanza { stanzaTo = Just to , stanzaFrom = Just from }) (connChan con) let addrm = Map.fromList (map (,()) addrs) when (not . Map.null $ addrm Map.\\ ap) $ do -- Add peer if we are not already associated ... sv <- atomically $ takeTMVar $ server state addPeer sv (head addrs) resolvedFromRoster :: (L.ByteString -> IO [L.ByteString]) -> UserName -> IO [(Maybe UserName, ConnectionKey)] resolvedFromRoster doit u = do subs <- configText doit u runTraversableT $ do (mu,h,_) <- liftT $ splitJID `fmap` subs addr <- liftMT $ resolvePeer h return (mu,PeerKey addr) peerSubscriptionRequest :: PresenceState -> IO () -> ConnectionKey -> Stanza -> TChan Stanza -> IO () peerSubscriptionRequest state fail k stanza chan = do putStrLn $ "Handling pending subscription from remote" flip (maybe fail) (stanzaFrom stanza) $ \from -> do flip (maybe fail) (stanzaTo stanza) $ \to -> do let (mto_u,h,_) = splitJID to (mfrom_u,from_h,_) = splitJID from to <- return $ unsplitJID (mto_u,h,Nothing) -- delete resource from <- return $ unsplitJID (mfrom_u,from_h,Nothing) -- delete resource ktc <- atomically . readTVar $ keyToChan state flip (maybe fail) (Map.lookup k ktc) $ \Conn { auxAddr=laddr } -> do (mine,totup) <- rewriteJIDForClient laddr to if not mine then fail else do (_,fromtup) <- rewriteJIDForClient laddr from flip (maybe fail) mto_u $ \u -> do flip (maybe fail) mfrom_u $ \from_u -> do resolved_subs <- resolvedFromRoster ConfigFiles.getSubscribers u let already_subscribed = elem (mfrom_u,k) resolved_subs -- Section 8 says (for presence of type "subscribe", the server MUST -- adhere to the rules defined under Section 3 and summarized under -- see Appendix A. (pariticularly Appendex A.3.1) if already_subscribed then do -- contact ∈ subscribers --> SHOULD NOT, already handled -- already subscribed, reply and quit -- (note: swapping to and from for reply) reply <- makeInformSubscription "jabber:server" to from True sendModifiedStanzaToPeer reply chan else do -- TODO: if peer-connection is to self, then auto-approve local user. -- Catch exception in case the user does not exist handle (\e -> let _ = isDoesNotExistError e in fail) $ do -- add from-address to to's pending addrs <- resolvePeer from_h already_pending <- addToRosterFile ConfigFiles.modifyPending u from addrs -- contact ∉ subscribers & contact ∈ pending --> SHOULD NOT when (not already_pending) $ do -- contact ∉ subscribers & contact ∉ pending --> MUST mlp <- atomically $ do cmap <- readTVar $ clientsByUser state return $ Map.lookup u cmap let ks = do lp <- maybeToList mlp Map.keys (networkClients lp) chans = mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup ktc) ks forM_ chans $ \Conn { connChan=chan } -> do -- send to clients -- TODO: interested/available clients only? dup <- cloneStanza stanza sendModifiedStanzaToClient dup { stanzaFrom = Just $ unsplitJID fromtup , stanzaTo = Just $ unsplitJID totup } chan clientInformSubscription state fail k stanza = do forClient state k fail $ \client -> do flip (maybe fail) (stanzaTo stanza) $ \to -> do putStrLn $ "clientInformSubscription" let (mu,h,mr) = splitJID to addrs <- resolvePeer h -- remove from pending buds <- resolvedFromRoster ConfigFiles.getBuddies (clientUser client) let is_buddy = not . null $ map ((mu,) . PeerKey) addrs \\ buds removeFromRosterFile ConfigFiles.modifyPending (clientUser client) to addrs let (relationship,addf,remf) = case stanzaType stanza of PresenceInformSubscription True -> ( if is_buddy then "both" else "from" , ConfigFiles.modifySubscribers , ConfigFiles.modifyOthers ) _ -> ( if is_buddy then "to" else "none" , ConfigFiles.modifyOthers , ConfigFiles.modifySubscribers ) addToRosterFile addf (clientUser client) to addrs removeFromRosterFile remf (clientUser client) to addrs -- send roster update to clients (clients,ktc) <- atomically $ do cbu <- readTVar (clientsByUser state) let mlp = mu >>= flip Map.lookup cbu let cs = maybe [] (Map.toList . networkClients) mlp ktc <- readTVar (keyToChan state) return (cs,ktc) forM_ clients $ \(ck, client) -> do when (clientIsInterested client) $ do flip (maybe $ return ()) (Map.lookup ck ktc) $ \con -> do hostname <- textHostName -- TODO: Should cjid include the resource? let cjid = unsplitJID (mu, hostname, Nothing) update <- makeRosterUpdate cjid to relationship sendModifiedStanzaToClient update (connChan con) -- notify peer let dsts = Map.fromList $ map ((,()) . PeerKey) addrs cdsts = ktc Map.\\ dsts forM_ (Map.toList cdsts) $ \(pk,con) -> do let from = clientJID con client to' = unsplitJID (mu, peerKeyToText pk, Nothing) dup <- cloneStanza stanza sendModifiedStanzaToPeer (dup { stanzaTo = Just $ to' , stanzaFrom = Just from }) (connChan con) peerInformSubscription state fail k stanza = do putStrLn $ "TODO: peerInformSubscription" -- remove from solicited -- if it was in solicited: -- approval: -- add to buddies -- remove from others -- rejection: -- remove from buddies -- add to others -- send update to clients return () main = runResourceT $ do state <- liftIO . atomically $ do clients <- newTVar Map.empty clientsByUser <- newTVar Map.empty remotesByPeer <- newTVar Map.empty associatedPeers <- newTVar Map.empty xmpp <- newEmptyTMVar keyToChan <- newTVar Map.empty return PresenceState { clients = clients , clientsByUser = clientsByUser , remotesByPeer = remotesByPeer , associatedPeers = associatedPeers , keyToChan = keyToChan , server = xmpp } sv <- xmppServer XMPPServerParameters { xmppChooseResourceName = chooseResourceName state , xmppTellClientHisName = tellClientHisName state , xmppTellMyNameToClient = textHostName , xmppTellMyNameToPeer = \addr -> return $ addrToText addr , xmppTellPeerHisName = return . peerKeyToText , xmppTellClientNameOfPeer = peerKeyToResolvedName , xmppNewConnection = newConn state , xmppEOF = eofConn state , xmppRosterBuddies = rosterGetBuddies state , xmppRosterSubscribers = rosterGetSubscribers state , xmppRosterSolicited = rosterGetSolicited state , xmppRosterOthers = rosterGetOthers state , xmppSubscribeToRoster = informSentRoster state , xmppDeliverMessage = deliverMessage state , xmppInformClientPresence = informClientPresence state , xmppInformPeerPresence = informPeerPresence state , xmppAnswerProbe = answerProbe state , xmppClientSubscriptionRequest = clientSubscriptionRequest state , xmppPeerSubscriptionRequest = peerSubscriptionRequest state , xmppClientInformSubscription = clientInformSubscription state , xmppPeerInformSubscription = peerInformSubscription state } liftIO $ do atomically $ putTMVar (server state) sv quitVar <- newEmptyTMVarIO installHandler sigTERM (CatchOnce (atomically $ putTMVar quitVar True)) Nothing installHandler sigINT (CatchOnce (atomically $ putTMVar quitVar True)) Nothing quitMessage <- atomically $ takeTMVar quitVar putStrLn "goodbye." return ()