emacs.borderWidth: 0 emacs.internalBorder: 0 ! By setting the geometry, theoretically the window should be created ! at the right size rather than created and resized afterwards. ! Doesn''t seem to work for Xemacs, though. XEmacs.default.attributeForeground: white XEmacs.default.attributeBackground: black XEmacs.geometry: 92x44+2+6 ! s/\( *\) xterm\(.*\)/\1UXTerm\2\r&/ ! non-TrueType fonts: xterm*Font: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 xterm*Font1: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 xterm*Font2: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 xterm*Font3: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 xterm*Font4: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 xterm*Font5: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 xterm*Font6: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 ! TrueType fonts: xterm*faceSize: 12 xterm*faceSize1: 10 xterm*faceSize2: 12 xterm*faceSize3: 14 xterm*faceSize4: 16 xterm*faceSize5: 18 xterm*faceSize6: 20 xterm*faceName: fixed xterm*faceName1: fixed xterm*faceName2: fixed xterm*faceName3: fixed xterm*faceName4: fixed xterm*faceName5: fixed xterm*faceName6: fixed xterm*cursorColor: blue xterm*reverseVideo: true xterm*metaSendsEscape: true xterm*internalBorder: 0 ! xterm*borderWidth: 0 ! setting xterm geometry fucks up the mouse menu! ! xterm*geometry: 93x33-0-4 xterm*cutNewline: false ! urxvt -tr -rv +sb -fn "xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=18" ! URxvt.inheritPixmap: true URxvt.inheritPixmap: false URxvt.reverseVideo: true URxvt.scrollBar: false URxvt.font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=18 xboard*boardSize: Large xboard*searchTime: 0:2 xboard*ponderNextMove: false xboard*saveGameFile: xboard.pgn ! xpdf has -fullscreen, but no corresponding resource. ! that''s OK. -fullscreen has a bug: it disables zoom. xpdf*reverseVideo: true xpdf*initialZoom: width xpdf*viKeys: true xpdf*urlCommand: "firefox '%s'" xpdf*background: black xpdf*continuousView: true