#!/bin/bash set -x USING_GNOME= if [ -r "$XAUTHORITY" -a ! "$XAUTHORITY" -ef "$HOME"/.Xauthority ]; then ln -sf "$XAUTHORITY" "$HOME"/.Xauthority XAUTHORITY="$HOME"/.Xauthority fi warn() { xmessage ".xinitrc: Warning: $*" & } xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources || warn "xrdb returned $?" # if [ "$USING_GNOME" ]; then # xrdb -merge - <<'END' || warn "xrdb returned $?" # ! apparently gnome is setting the bg/fg color of xterm using other things... # xterm*reverseVideo: false # END # fi # no gnome: setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp -option caps:super # gnome: gsettings set org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard options "['terminate\tterminate:ctrl_alt_bksp', 'caps\tcaps:super']" ( exec xterm -e tmux attach ) & # xcompmgr -c & if [ "$USING_GNOME" ]; then exec gnome-session-xmonad else (exec xmonad || exec fluxbox) & fi exec perl -MPOSIX -e pause xterm # if exec fails