TO INSTALL ========== Type this command to install: make install TO RUN FIREFOX ============== Then you can use the two commands: firestart - start Firefox in a CGroup sandbox (best performance) firestartx - start Firefox in a CGroup and X server sandbox (recommended) Within the `firefox` systemd service, a background service called `ioslay` will be started by `firefox-io-slayer`. The launching of Firefox through either of these commands launches a watchdog process that kills Firefox processes when they are spinning the disk. FIRESTART AND FIRESTARTX ======================== firestart This command starts Firefox in a CGroup sandbox with at most half of system memory available. It monitors IO usage and kills web browser tab processes when IO is saturated. firestartx This runs `firestart` with $DISPLAY set to a virtual X11 screen that runs in a window. This prevents Firefox from popping anything up outside of its window and prevents Firefox from locking up the X server input.