{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where import Rebase.Prelude hiding (bool, hash, o, (<.>)) import qualified Rebase.Data.Text as Text ;import Rebase.Data.Text (pack, unpack) import Development.Shake hiding (getEnv) import Development.Shake.Command () import Development.Shake.FilePath import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt ;import Options.Applicative hiding (action, command) import ConfigFile import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing) import System.Posix.Process (getProcessID) import System.Posix.Types (CUid (..)) import System.Posix.User (getEffectiveUserID) noParent :: BaseImageSpecification -> Bool noParent (EmptyImageOfBytes _) = True noParent (ParentImageConfigFile _) = False buildRoot :: DiskImageConfig -> FilePath -> Action () buildRoot DiskImageConfig{..} finalOut = do let out = finalOut <.> "tmp" mountpoint = finalOut <.> "mnt" cmd_ "sh -c" ["! mountpoint -q \"$0\" || umount \"$0\" ", mountpoint] case initialImage of ParentImageConfigFile f -> do let parent = "_build" f -<.> "btrfs" need [parent] cmd_ "cp --reflink" [parent, out] cmd_ "btrfstune -f -S0" [out] cmd_ "mkdir -p" [mountpoint] cmd_ "mount -t btrfs" [out] mountpoint EmptyImageOfBytes n -> do cmd_ "truncate -s" [show n] [out] cmd_ "mkfs.btrfs" [out] cmd_ "mkdir -p" [mountpoint] cmd_ "mount -t btrfs" [out] mountpoint -- create new default subvolume, and then remount with it createDefaultSubvolume mountpoint cmd_ "umount" [mountpoint] cmd_ "mount -t btrfs" [out, mountpoint] cmd_ (Cwd mountpoint) "mkdir -p var/cache/apt" cmd_ (Cwd mountpoint) "mkdir -p var/cache/debconf" cmd_ (Cwd mountpoint) "btrfs subvolume create var/cache/apt/archives" -- TODO: catch errors and umount, rmdir mountpoint let (abortion :: IO ()) = do cmd_ "umount" [mountpoint] cmd_ "rmdir" [mountpoint] cmd_ "rm -f" [out] handle' abortion $ do {- 1. debconf -} forM_ debconfConfig $ readFile' >=> liftIO . appendFile (mountpoint "var/cache/debconf/config.dat") {- 2. dpkg installs -} let (debs, packageNames) = partitionPackages $ unpack . coerce <$> toList packages when (noParent initialImage || not (null packageNames)) $ -- When there is no parent, selfstrap should install packages marked -- "Required" even if no packages are specified. When there is a parent, -- assume that this has already happened. cmd_ "selfstrap --skip-update" (("--unpack" `consWhen` unpackOnly) ["-t", mountpoint]) packageNames forM_ debs $ \pkg -> do cmd_ "dpkg -i --root" [mountpoint, pkg] {- 2.5. install apt package cache -} -- TODO {- 3. binaries -} forM_ (unpack <$> binaries) $ \b -> do p <- fromMaybe (fail $ "not found in ${PATH}: " ++ b) <$> liftIO (pathLocate b) cmd_ "cp -L" [p] [mountpoint "usr/local/bin" b] {- 4. custom setup commands -} forM_ chrootCommands $ \c -> do cmd_ "chroot" [mountpoint] "/bin/sh -c" [unpack c] -- cleanup cmd_ "umount" [mountpoint] cmd_ "rmdir" [mountpoint] cmd_ "btrfstune -S1" [out] cmd_ "mv" [out, finalOut] partitionPackages :: [String] -> ([String], [String]) partitionPackages = partition (elem '/') consWhen :: a -> Bool -> [a] -> [a] a `consWhen` c = if c then (a:) else id strip :: String -> String strip = unpack . Text.strip . pack createDefaultSubvolume :: FilePath -> Action () createDefaultSubvolume mountpoint = do cmd_ (Cwd mountpoint) "btrfs subvolume create root" Stdout subvolIdLine <- cmd (Cwd mountpoint) "sh -c" ["btrfs subvolume show root | sed -n -e 's/^[ \t]*Subvolume ID:[ \t]*//p; s/.*is toplevel subvolume/5/p'"] let subvolId = strip subvolIdLine when (null subvolId) $ fail "could not obtain btrfs Subvolume ID" cmd_ "btrfs subvolume set-default" [strip subvolId, mountpoint] stripSuffix :: Text -> String -> String stripSuffix s t = fromMaybe t $ fmap unpack $ Text.stripSuffix s $ pack t data Options = Options { optCommand :: Command } data Command = Build BuildOpts | Chroot ChrootOpts data BuildOpts = BuildOpts { optTarget :: String } data ChrootOpts = ChrootOpts { optTarget :: String, optChrootCommand :: [String] } buildOpts :: Parser Command buildOpts = Build . BuildOpts <$> argument str idm chrootOpts :: Parser Command chrootOpts = fmap Chroot $ ChrootOpts <$> argument str idm <*> many (argument str idm) main :: IO () main = customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) (info opts desc) >>= run where opts :: Parser Options opts = Options <$> parseCommand desc = fullDesc <> progDesc detailed <> header "fsmgr - Debian rootfs image manager" detailed = unwords ["This program generates btrfs filesystem images using 'selfstrap'", "which, much like 'debootstrap', creates new installations of Debian."] parseCommand :: Parser Command parseCommand = subparser $ Opt.command "build" (info' buildOpts buildDesc) <> Opt.command "chroot" (info' chrootOpts chrootDesc) buildDesc = ["build the image specified by the YAML config file"] chrootDesc = ["chroot into the mounted image. ", "Iff the chroot exits with a success value, filesystem changes will persist"] info' o d = info (helper <*> o) (progDesc $ unwords d) run :: Options -> IO () run (Options (Build (BuildOpts target))) = earlyFail >> shakeBuildOneImage target run (Options (Chroot (ChrootOpts target args))) = earlyFail >> chrootImage target args useCGroups :: Bool useCGroups = True -- TODO: make command-line option handle' :: IO b -> Action a -> Action a handle' = flip actionOnException chrootImage :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO () chrootImage target args = shake shakeOptions {shakeFiles = "_build"} $ do shakeRules action $ do pid <- show <$> liftIO getProcessID let inp = target -<.> "btrfs" let tmp = inp <.> "tmp" <.> pid let mnt = tmp <.> "mnt" orderOnly [inp] cmd_ "cp --reflink=always" [inp, tmp] cmd_ "btrfstune -S0 -f" tmp cmd_ "mkdir" [mnt] cmd_ "mount -t btrfs" [tmp, mnt] let (umount :: IO ()) = do cmd_ "umount" [mnt] cmd_ "rm -f" [tmp] handle' umount $ if useCGroups then liftIO $ cgroupChroot ("fsmgr" <.> takeFileName target) mnt args else cmd_ (WithStderr False) "chroot" (mnt : args) -- TODO: cgroup cmd_ "umount" [mnt] cmd_ "sync" cmd_ "btrfstune -S1" tmp cmd_ "mv" [tmp, inp] shakeBuildOneImage :: FilePath -> IO () shakeBuildOneImage target = shake shakeOptions {shakeFiles = "_build"} $ do want [target -<.> "btrfs"] shakeRules head1 :: String -> String head1 = lines >>> \case [] -> "" x:_ -> x pathLocate :: String -> IO (Maybe FilePath) pathLocate c = (getEnv "SUDO_USER" >>=) $ fmap (validatePath . head1 . fromStdout) <$> \case "" -> cmd "which" [c] u -> do path <- fromStdout <$> cmd "su -" [u] "-c" ["printf %s \"$PATH\""] cmd (AddEnv "PATH" path) "which" [c] where validatePath "" = Nothing validatePath x = Just x infix 1 ~%> (~%>) :: FilePattern -> (FilePath -> Action ()) -> Rules () filepat ~%> act = phonys f where f file | (filepat ?== file) = Just (act file) f _ = Nothing cgroupChroot :: String -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO () cgroupChroot groupName mnt [] = cgroupChroot groupName mnt ["/bin/bash"] cgroupChroot groupName mnt args = do let cgdir = "/sys/fs/cgroup/pids" groupName createDirectoryIfMissing False cgdir cmd_ (Cwd mnt) (WithStderr False) "unshare --ipc --uts --cgroup --mount --pid --fork chroot ." "sh -exc" ["mount -t proc proc /proc; mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts; exec \"$@\""] "sh" args earlyFail :: IO () earlyFail = do CUid euid <- liftIO getEffectiveUserID when (euid /= 0) $ fail "you are not root" Stdout () <- cmd (Traced []) "which selfstrap" return () shakeRules :: Rules () shakeRules = do "_build/*.yaml.canon" %> \out -> do let yaml = dropDirectory1 $ dropExtension out need [yaml] cfg <- readCfg yaml writeFileChanged out (show cfg) "_build/*.btrfs" %> \out -> do let cfgFile = (out -<.> "yaml.canon") need [cfgFile] cfg <- read <$> readFile' cfgFile buildRoot cfg out "*.btrfs" %> \out -> do need ["_build" out] -- WithStderr False needed for `cp` to interact with the tty cmd_ (WithStderr False) "cp --reflink=always -i" ["_build" out, out]