#!/bin/bash set -e PATH=$(dirname "$0"):$PATH source rpc.bash datadir=/etc/hosting-tools default_replica_host_file=$datadir/default-replica-host replication_password_file=$datadir/replication-password if [ -r "$default_replica_host_file" ] then read default_replica_host < "$default_replica_host_file" fi gen_password() { generated_password_length=32 generated_password=$(tr -cd a-zA-Z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c "$generated_password_length") [ "${#generated_password}" -eq "$generated_password_length" ] printf '%s\n' "$generated_password" } if ! [ -e "$replication_password_file" ] then gen_password > "$replication_password_file" fi if [ -r "$replication_password_file" ] then read replication_password < "$replication_password_file" [ "${#replication_password}" -ge 30 ] fi primary_host=$(hostname --fqdn) if [ $# = 0 ] then replica_host=$default_replica_host else replica_host=${1:-$default_replica_host} shift fi replication_user=replication without_tty_input() { if [ -t 0 ] then "$@" < /dev/null else "$@" fi } run_() { case "$1" in primary_host | replica_host ) ;; *_host ) return 54 ;; # lol wut * ) return 53 ;; esac (set -x : ${1%_host} : $2 $3 ${4:+ ...}) BASH_RPC_REMOTE_DEST=${!1} \ without_tty_input \ remote_run_function "${@:2}" } run_primary() { run_ primary_host "$@" } run_replica() { run_ replica_host "$@" } show_hostnames() { printf \ "==> %s %s <==\n %s\n" \ "$(hostname -A)" \ "$(hostname -I)" \ "$(uptime)" } stop_mariadb_server_and_remove_database_files() { livedb=/var/lib/mysql set -e set -o pipefail [ -e "$livedb" ] || return 0 if [ "$(systemctl is-active mariadb)" = active ] then systemctl stop mariadb fi livedb_backup=$livedb~$(date -Ins) mv -v -T -- "$livedb" "$livedb_backup" mkdir "$livedb" chown --reference="$livedb_backup" "$livedb" chmod --reference="$livedb_backup" "$livedb" } silent_unless_error() { set -- "$(mktemp)" "$@" if "${@:2}" >"$1" 2>&1 then local r=0 else local r=$? cat "$1" >&2 fi rm "$1" return $r } mostly_silent_unless_error() { echo "+ $*" >&2 set -- "$(mktemp)" "$@" if "${@:2}" >"$1" 2>&1 then tail -n3 "$1" >&2 local r=0 else local r=$? cat "$1" >&2 fi rm "$1" return $r } mariadb_install_replication_credentials() { set -e mariadb -v --skip-reconnect -t <<. stop slave ; change master to master_host = '$1' , master_user = '$2' , master_password = '$3' , master_ssl = 1 , master_ssl_verify_server_cert = 1 ; . } create_replication_user() { mariadb --skip-reconnect -t <<. create or replace user '$2'@'$1' identified by '$3' ; grant replication slave on *.* to '$2'@'$1' ; . } showvars() { mariadb --skip-reconnect -t <<. select variable_name , session_value , global_value from information_schema.system_variables where variable_name like '%slave%state%' \G . } check_input() { [ "$primary_host" ] [ "$replica_host" ] [ "$replication_user" ] [ "$replication_password" ] dns_check_servers } dns_check_servers() { primary_ipv4=$(dig +short -ta "$primary_host") replica_ipv4=$(dig +short -ta "$replica_host") echo "primary: $primary_host $primary_ipv4" echo "replica: $replica_host $replica_ipv4" } truncated_machineid_decimal_string_int32() { systemd-id128 machine-id | sha256sum | ( read -n8 && printf '%u\n' 0x"$REPLY" ) } run_both() { set -e r=0 run_primary "$@" || r=$? run_replica "$@" return $r } set_server_id() { set -e chosen_id=$(truncated_machineid_decimal_string_int32) [ "$chosen_id" -gt 1 ] mariadb -v --skip-reconnect -t <&2 mariadb --skip-reconnect -B -s <<. select schema_name from information_schema.schemata ; . } printlines() { printf '%s\n' "$@" } printarray() { declare -n _PRINTARRAY_VARNAME="$1" printf '%s\n' "${_PRINTARRAY_VARNAME[@]}" } # Call run_replica from here to avoid # piping the database back to caller # unnecessarily. Better would be # a direct connect from mariadb client # to remote mariadb server; but that # requires transmitting credentials. # Credential-transporter. Transporter-transporter. # Well, a transporter protein is more like a provenance tag, # and the transporter code is the receptor to the transporter # which is the provenance checker. But anyway we have that # with ssh, except we don't: we are assuming the primary # has the ssh root of the replica! Insanity! Now this only works # because the code runs on the primary; unless we forward the # ssh auth with the ssh agent; but that only makes the security # flaw temporary not solved; in fact, the replica should receive # the transmission on some limited authorization channel; which # _could_ be ssh; in fact, the dump could transparently be either # live or else cached on the server side; it could be the # rsync.net backup even; but ... it needs to include # the btrfs snap similarly ... . send_mariadb_dump() { ( set -x mariadb-dump "${@:2}" ) | replica_host="$1" run_replica receive_mariadb_dump } receive_mariadb_dump() { pv -f | tee /var/cache/mariadb-dump.sql | mariadb --skip-reconnect } save_array() { declare -n _to_save="$1" case "$2 $3" in 'from zfile' ) mapfile -d '' -t _to_save < "$4" ;; 'from lines' ) mapfile -t _to_save < "$4" ;; * ) false ;; esac } mariadb_scan_databases() { set -- "$(mktemp)" declare -g -a primary_dbs save_array primary_dbs from lines <( run_primary mariadb_list_databases 2>"$1" | sort -u ) declare -g -a replica_dbs save_array replica_dbs from lines <( run_replica mariadb_list_databases 2>>"$1" | sort -u ) declare -g -a primary_dbs_not_on_replica save_array primary_dbs_not_on_replica from zfile <( subtract_arrays primary_dbs replica_dbs ) if [ ${#primary_dbs_not_on_replica[@]} -gt 0 ] then cat "$1" >&2 fi rm -- "$1" } showmissing() { if [ ${#primary_dbs_not_on_replica[@]} -gt 0 ] then printf "Missing on ${replica_host}: %s\n" \ "${primary_dbs_not_on_replica[@]}" >&2 fi } choose_mariadbdump_target_databases() { declare -n _target_db_array="$1" shift if [ $# = 0 ] then showmissing if [ "$SEND_ALL_MARIADB_DATABASES" ] then _target_db_array=("${primary_dbs_not_on_replica[@]}") else _target_db_array=() fi else save_array _target_db_array from lines \ <(intersection_lines \ <(printarray primary_dbs_not_on_replica) \ <(printlines "$@" | sort -u)) fi } intersection_lines() { comm -12 -- "$1" "$2" } subtract_arrays() { declare -n _a="$1" _b="$2" comm -z -23 -- \ <(printf '%s\0' "${_a[@]}") \ <(printf '%s\0' "${_b[@]}") } main() { set -e check_input : run_both set_server_id : run_both mariadb_enable_semi_sync off mariadb_scan_databases choose_mariadbdump_target_databases databases "$@" if [ ${#databases[@]} -gt 0 ] then run_replica \ mariadb_install_replication_credentials \ "$primary_host" \ "$replication_user" \ "$replication_password" run_primary \ send_mariadb_dump \ "$replica_host" \ --master-data \ --apply-slave-statements \ --gtid \ --single-transaction \ --databases "${databases[@]}" run_replica \ show_all_databases fi if gtid=$(run_primary mariadb_get_primary_gtid) && [ "$gtid" ] then run_replica \ mariadb_wait_on_gtid "$gtid" fi } mariadb_get_primary_gtid() { mariadb --skip-reconnect -B -s <<. select @@gtid_binlog_pos; . } mariadb_wait_on_gtid() { local gtid="$1" mariadb -t <<. select @@hostname , @@gtid_slave_pos as 'replica gtid' , '$gtid' as 'primary gtid' ; stop slave ; start slave ; . mariadb -t -v <<. select master_gtid_wait('$gtid') as \`primary_gtid_wait('$gtid')\` ; . } cleanup_after_test() { run_primary delete_backup || true } show_all_databases() { mariadb -t "$@" <<. select @@hostname , @@server_id , count(schema_name) as 'databases' , user() as 'login' , @@gtid_slave_pos as 'replica gtid' , @@gtid_binlog_pos as 'primary gtid' from information_schema.schemata \G select schema_name as 'database name' from information_schema.schemata ; . } if false then cleanup_after_test fi SEND_ALL_MARIADB_DATABASES=y main "$@" exit $?