INSTALLATION Recommended method (tested on Ubuntu/Debian systems): $ sudo apt-get install libgsl0-dev liblapack-dev $ cabal install hmatrix Detailed installation instructions: INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS 1) Install the Haskell Platform (tested on 2011.2.0.1) > cabal update 2) Download and unzip the following file into a stable folder %GSL% 3.a) In a msys shell installation should be fully automatic: $ cabal install hmatrix --extra-lib-dir=${GSL} --extra-include-dir=${GSL} 3.b) Alternatively, in a normal windows cmd: > cabal unpack hmatrix Edit hmatrix.cabal, in line 28 change build-type to "Simple", and then > cabal install --extra-lib-dir=%GSL% --extra-include-dir=%GSL% It may be necessary to put the dlls in the search path. 4) If everything is ok we can run the tests: > ghci Prelude> Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.runTests 20 NOTE: The examples using graphics do not yet work in windows.