I thank Don Stewart, Henning Thielemann, Bulat Ziganshin, Heinrich Apfelmus, and all the people in the Haskell mailing lists for their help. I am particularly grateful to Vivian McPhail for his excellent contributions: improved configure.hs, Binary instances for Vector and Matrix, support for Float and Complex Float elements, module reorganization, monadic mapVectorM, and many other improvements. - Nico Mahlo discovered a bug in the eigendecomposition wrapper. - Frederik Eaton discovered a bug in the design of the wrappers. - Eric Kidd has created a wiki page explaining the installation on MacOS X: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/GSLHaskell_on_MacOS_X - Fawzi Mohamed discovered a portability bug in the lapack wrappers. - Pedro E. López de Teruel fixed the interface to lapack. - Antti Siira discovered a bug in the plotting functions. - Paulo Tanimoto helped to fix the configuration of the required libraries. He also discovered the segfault of minimize.hs in ghci. - Xiao-Yong Jin reported a bug on x86_64 caused by the assumptions in f2c.h, which are wrong for this architecture. - Jason Schroeder reported an error in the documentation. - Bulat Ziganshin gave invaluable help for the ST monad interface to in-place modifications. - Don Stewart fixed the implementation of the internal data structures to achieve excellent, C-like performance in Haskell functions which explicitly work with the elements of vectors and matrices. - Dylan Alex Simon improved the numeric instances to allow optimized implementations of signum and abs on Vectors. - Pedro E. López de Teruel discovered the need of asm("finit") to avoid the wrong NaNs produced by foreign functions. - Reiner Pope added support for luSolve, based on (d|z)getrs. Made Matrix a product type and added changes to improve the code generated by hmatrix-syntax. - Simon Beaumont reported the need of QuickCheck<2 and the invalid asm("finit") on ppc. He also contributed the configuration options for the accelerate framework on OS X. - Daniel Schüssler added compatibility with QuickCheck 2 as well as QuickCheck 1 using the C preprocessor. He also added some implementations for the new "shrink" method of class Arbitrary. - Tracy Wadleigh improved the definitions of (|>) and (><), which now apply an appropriate 'take' to the given lists so that they may be safely used on lists that are too long (or infinite). - Chris Waterson improved the configure.hs program for OS/X. - Erik de Castro Lopo added buildVector and buildMatrix, which take a size parameter(s) and a function that maps vector/matrix indices to the values at that position. - Jean-Francois Tremblay discovered an error in the tutorial. - Gilberto Camara contributed improved blas and lapack dlls for Windows. - Heinrich Apfelmus fixed hmatrix.cabal for OS/X. He also tested the package on PPC discovering a problem in zgesdd. - Felipe Lessa tested the performance of GSL special function bindings and contributed the cabal flag "safe-cheap". - Ozgur Akgun suggested better symbols for the Bound constructors in the Linear Programming package. - Tim Sears reported the zgesdd problem also in intel mac. - Max Suica simplified the installation on Windows and improved the instructions. - John Billings first reported an incompatibility with QuickCheck>=2.1.1 - Alexey Khudyakov cleaned up PRAGMAS and fixed some hlint suggestions. - Torsten Kemps-Benedix reported an installation problem in OS/X. - Stefan Kersten fixed hmatrix.cabal for 64-bit ghc-7 in OS/X - Sacha Sokoloski reported an installation problem on Arch Linux and helped with the configuration. - Carter Schonwald helped with the configuration for Homebrew OS X and found a tolerance problem in test "1E5 rots". He also discovered a bug in the signature of cmap. - Duncan Coutts reported a problem with configure.hs and contributed a solution and a simplified Setup.lhs. - Mark Wright fixed the import of vector >= 0.8. - Bas van Dijk fixed the import of vector >= 0.8, got rid of some deprecation warnings, used more explicit imports, and updated to ghc-7.4. - Tom Nielsen discovered a problem in Config.hs, exposed by link problems in Ubuntu 11.10 beta. - Daniel Fischer reported some Haddock markup errors. - Danny Chan added support for integration over infinite intervals, and fixed Configure.hs using platform independent functions. - Clark Gaebel removed superfluous thread safety. - Jeffrey Burdges reported a glpk link problem on OS/X - Jian Zhang reported the Windows installation problem due to new ODE interface. - Mihaly Barasz and Ben Gamari fixed mapMatrix* and mapMatrixWithIndex - Takano Akio fixed off-by-one errors in gsl-aux.c producing segfaults. - Alex Lang implemented uniRoot and uniRootJ for one-dimensional root-finding. - Mike Ledger contributed alternative FFI helpers for matrix interoperation with C - Stephen J. Barr suggested flipping argument order in the double integral example - Greg Horn fixed the bus error on ghci 64-bit. - Kristof Bastiaensen added bindings for one-dimensional minimization. - Matthew Peddie added bindings for gsl_integrate_cquad doubly-adaptive quadrature for difficult integrands. - Ben Gamari exposed matrixFromVector for Development. - greg94301 reported tolerance issues in the tests. - Clemens Lang updated the MacPort installation instructions. - Henning Thielemann reported the pinv inefficient implementation. - bdoering reported the problem of zero absolute tolerance in the integration functions. - Alexei Uimanov replaced fromList by Vector.fromList. - Adam Vogt updated the code for ghc-7.7 - Mike Meyer (mwm) added freeBSD library configuration information. - tfgit updated the OSX installation instructions via Homebrew - "yokto" and "ttylec" reported the problem with the dot product of complex vectors.