-- some tests of the interface for pure -- computations with inplace updates import Numeric.LinearAlgebra import Data.Packed.ST import Data.Packed.Convert import Data.Array.Unboxed import Data.Array.ST import Control.Monad.ST import Control.Monad main = sequence_[ print test1, print test2, print test3, print test4, test5, test6, print test7, test8, test0] -- helper functions vector l = fromList l :: Vector Double norm v = pnorm PNorm2 v -- hmatrix vector and matrix v = vector [1..10] m = (5><10) [1..50::Double] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- vector creation by in-place updates on a copy of the argument test1 = fun v fun :: Element t => Vector t -> Vector t fun x = runSTVector $ do a <- thawVector x mapM_ (flip (modifyVector a) (+57)) [0 .. dim x `div` 2 - 1] return a -- another example: creation of an antidiagonal matrix from a list test2 = antiDiag 5 8 [1..] :: Matrix Double antiDiag :: (Element b) => Int -> Int -> [b] -> Matrix b antiDiag r c l = runSTMatrix $ do m <- newMatrix 0 r c let d = min r c - 1 sequence_ $ zipWith (\i v -> writeMatrix m i (c-1-i) v) [0..d] l return m -- using vector or matrix functions on mutable objects requires freezing: test3 = g1 v g1 x = runST $ do a <- thawVector x writeVector a (dim x -1) 0 b <- freezeVector a return (norm b) -- another possibility: test4 = g2 v g2 x = runST $ do a <- thawVector x writeVector a (dim x -1) 0 t <- liftSTVector norm a return t -------------------------------------------------------------- -- haskell arrays hv = listArray (0,9) [1..10::Double] hm = listArray ((0,0),(4,9)) [1..50::Double] -- conversion from standard Haskell arrays test5 = do print $ norm (vectorFromArray hv) print $ norm v print $ rcond (matrixFromArray hm) print $ rcond m -- conversion to mutable ST arrays test6 = do let y = clearColumn m 1 print y print (matrixFromArray y) clearColumn x c = runSTUArray $ do a <- mArrayFromMatrix x forM_ [0..rows x-1] $ \i-> writeArray a (i,c) (0::Double) return a -- hmatrix functions applied to mutable ST arrays test7 = unitary (listArray (1,4) [3,5,7,2] :: UArray Int Double) unitary v = runSTUArray $ do a <- thaw v n <- norm `fmap` vectorFromMArray a b <- mapArray (/n) a return b ------------------------------------------------- -- (just to check that they are not affected) test0 = do print v print m --print hv --print hm ------------------------------------------------- histogram n ds = runSTVector $ do h <- newVector (0::Double) n -- number of bins let inc k = modifyVector h k (+1) mapM_ inc ds return h -- check that newVector is really called with a fresh new array histoCheck ds = runSTVector $ do h <- newVector (0::Double) 15 -- > constant for this test let inc k = modifyVector h k (+1) mapM_ inc ds return h test8 = do let ds = [0..14] print $ histogram 15 ds print $ histogram 15 ds print $ histogram 15 ds print $ histoCheck ds print $ histoCheck ds print $ histoCheck ds putStrLn "----------------------"