{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Packed.Internal.Tensor -- Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2007 -- License : GPL-style -- -- Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable (uses FFI) -- -- support for basic tensor operations -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Packed.Internal.Tensor where import Data.Packed.Internal import Foreign.Storable import Data.List(sort,elemIndex,nub,foldl1',foldl') import GSL.Vector import Data.Packed.Matrix import Data.Packed.Vector import LinearAlgebra.Linear data IdxType = Covariant | Contravariant deriving (Show,Eq) type IdxName = String data IdxDesc = IdxDesc { idxDim :: Int, idxType :: IdxType, idxName :: IdxName } deriving Eq instance Show IdxDesc where show (IdxDesc n t name) = name ++ sym t ++"["++show n++"]" where sym Covariant = "_" sym Contravariant = "^" data Tensor t = T { dims :: [IdxDesc] , ten :: Vector t } -- | returns the coordinates of a tensor in row - major order coords :: Tensor t -> Vector t coords = ten instance (Show a, Field a) => Show (Tensor a) where show T {dims = [], ten = t} = "scalar "++show (t `at` 0) show t = "("++shdims (dims t) ++") "++ showdt t asMatrix t = reshape (idxDim $ dims t!!1) (ten t) showdt t | rank t == 1 = show (toList (ten t)) | rank t == 2 = ('\n':) . dsp . map (map show) . toLists $ asMatrix $ t | otherwise = concatMap showdt $ parts t (head (names t)) -- | a nice description of the tensor structure shdims :: [IdxDesc] -> String shdims [] = "" shdims [d] = show d shdims (d:ds) = show d ++ "><"++ shdims ds -- | tensor rank (number of indices) rank :: Tensor t -> Int rank = length . dims names :: Tensor t -> [IdxName] names t = map idxName (dims t) -- | number of contravariant and covariant indices structure :: Tensor t -> (Int,Int) structure t = (rank t - n, n) where n = length $ filter isCov (dims t) isCov d = idxType d == Covariant -- | creates a rank-zero tensor from a scalar scalar :: Storable t => t -> Tensor t scalar x = T [] (fromList [x]) -- | Creates a tensor from a signed list of dimensions (positive = contravariant, negative = covariant) and a Vector containing the coordinates in row major order. tensor :: [Int] -> Vector a -> Tensor a tensor dssig vec = T d v `withIdx` seqind where n = product (map abs dssig) v = if dim vec == n then vec else error "wrong arguments for tensor" d = map cr dssig cr n | n > 0 = IdxDesc {idxName = "", idxDim = n, idxType = Contravariant} | n < 0 = IdxDesc {idxName = "", idxDim = -n, idxType = Covariant } tensorFromVector :: IdxType -> Vector t -> Tensor t tensorFromVector tp v = T {dims = [IdxDesc (dim v) tp "1"], ten = v} tensorFromMatrix :: IdxType -> IdxType -> Matrix t -> Tensor t tensorFromMatrix tpr tpc m = T {dims = [IdxDesc (rows m) tpr "1",IdxDesc (cols m) tpc "2"] , ten = cdat m} liftTensor :: (Vector a -> Vector b) -> Tensor a -> Tensor b liftTensor f (T d v) = T d (f v) liftTensor2 :: (Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector c) -> Tensor a -> Tensor b -> Tensor c liftTensor2 f (T d1 v1) (T d2 v2) | compat d1 d2 = T d1 (f v1 v2) | otherwise = error "liftTensor2 with incompatible tensors" where compat a b = length a == length b -- | express the tensor as a matrix with the given index in columns findIdx :: (Field t) => IdxName -> Tensor t -> (([IdxDesc], [IdxDesc]), Matrix t) findIdx name t = ((d1,d2),m) where (d1,d2) = span (\d -> idxName d /= name) (dims t) c = product (map idxDim d2) m = matrixFromVector RowMajor c (ten t) -- | express the tensor as a matrix with the given index in rows putFirstIdx :: (Field t) => String -> Tensor t -> ([IdxDesc], Matrix t) putFirstIdx name t = (nd,m') where ((d1,d2),m) = findIdx name t m' = matrixFromVector RowMajor c $ cdat $ trans m nd = d2++d1 c = dim (ten t) `div` (idxDim $ head d2) -- | renames all the indices in the current order (repeated indices may get different names) withIdx :: Tensor t -> [IdxName] -> Tensor t withIdx (T d v) l = T d' v where d' = zipWith f d l f i n = i {idxName=n} -- | raises or lowers all the indices of a tensor (with euclidean metric) raise :: Tensor t -> Tensor t raise (T d v) = T (map raise' d) v where raise' idx@IdxDesc {idxType = Covariant } = idx {idxType = Contravariant} raise' idx@IdxDesc {idxType = Contravariant } = idx {idxType = Covariant} -- | index transposition to a desired order. You can specify only a subset of the indices, which will be moved to the front of indices list tridx :: (Field t) => [IdxName] -> Tensor t -> Tensor t tridx [] t = t tridx (name:rest) t = T (d:ds) (join ts) where ((_,d:_),_) = findIdx name t ps = map (tridx rest) (parts t name) ts = map ten ps ds = dims (head ps) -- | extracts a given part of a tensor part :: (Field t) => Tensor t -> (IdxName, Int) -> Tensor t part t (name,k) = if k<0 || k>=l then error $ "part "++show (name,k)++" out of range" -- in "++show t else T {dims = ds, ten = toRows m !! k} where (d:ds,m) = putFirstIdx name t l = idxDim d -- | creates a list with all parts of a tensor along a given index parts :: (Field t) => Tensor t -> IdxName -> [Tensor t] parts t name = map f (toRows m) where (d:ds,m) = putFirstIdx name t l = idxDim d f t = T {dims=ds, ten=t} compatIdx :: (Field t1, Field t) => Tensor t1 -> IdxName -> Tensor t -> IdxName -> Bool compatIdx t1 n1 t2 n2 = compatIdxAux d1 d2 where d1 = head $ snd $ fst $ findIdx n1 t1 d2 = head $ snd $ fst $ findIdx n2 t2 compatIdxAux IdxDesc {idxDim = n1, idxType = t1} IdxDesc {idxDim = n2, idxType = t2} = t1 /= t2 && n1 == n2 outer' u v = dat (outer u v) -- | tensor product without without any contractions rawProduct :: (Field t, Num t) => Tensor t -> Tensor t -> Tensor t rawProduct (T d1 v1) (T d2 v2) = T (d1++d2) (outer' v1 v2) -- | contraction of the product of two tensors contraction2 :: (Field t, Num t) => Tensor t -> IdxName -> Tensor t -> IdxName -> Tensor t contraction2 t1 n1 t2 n2 = if compatIdx t1 n1 t2 n2 then T (tail d1 ++ tail d2) (cdat m) else error "wrong contraction2" where (d1,m1) = putFirstIdx n1 t1 (d2,m2) = putFirstIdx n2 t2 m = multiply RowMajor (trans m1) m2 -- | contraction of a tensor along two given indices contraction1 :: (Linear Vector t) => Tensor t -> IdxName -> IdxName -> Tensor t contraction1 t name1 name2 = if compatIdx t name1 t name2 then sumT y else error $ "wrong contraction1: "++(shdims$dims$t)++" "++name1++" "++name2 where d = dims (head y) x = (map (flip parts name2) (parts t name1)) y = map head $ zipWith drop [0..] x -- | contraction of a tensor along a repeated index contraction1c :: (Linear Vector t) => Tensor t -> IdxName -> Tensor t contraction1c t n = contraction1 renamed n' n where n' = n++"'" -- hmmm renamed = withIdx t auxnames auxnames = h ++ (n':r) (h,_:r) = break (==n) (map idxName (dims t)) -- | alternative and inefficient version of contraction2 contraction2' :: (Linear Vector t) => Tensor t -> IdxName -> Tensor t -> IdxName -> Tensor t contraction2' t1 n1 t2 n2 = if compatIdx t1 n1 t2 n2 then contraction1 (rawProduct t1 t2) n1 n2 else error "wrong contraction'" -- | applies a sequence of contractions contractions :: (Linear Vector t) => Tensor t -> [(IdxName, IdxName)] -> Tensor t contractions t pairs = foldl' contract1b t pairs where contract1b t (n1,n2) = contraction1 t n1 n2 -- | applies a sequence of contractions of same index contractionsC :: (Linear Vector t) => Tensor t -> [IdxName] -> Tensor t contractionsC t is = foldl' contraction1c t is -- | applies a contraction on the first indices of the tensors contractionF :: (Linear Vector t) => Tensor t -> Tensor t -> Tensor t contractionF t1 t2 = contraction2 t1 n1 t2 n2 where n1 = fn t1 n2 = fn t2 fn = idxName . head . dims -- | computes all compatible contractions of the product of two tensors that would arise if the index names were equal possibleContractions :: (Linear Vector t) => Tensor t -> Tensor t -> [Tensor t] possibleContractions t1 t2 = [ contraction2 t1 n1 t2 n2 | n1 <- names t1, n2 <- names t2, compatIdx t1 n1 t2 n2 ] desiredContractions2 :: Tensor t -> Tensor t1 -> [(IdxName, IdxName)] desiredContractions2 t1 t2 = [ (n1,n2) | n1 <- names t1, n2 <- names t2, n1==n2] desiredContractions1 :: Tensor t -> [IdxName] desiredContractions1 t = [ n1 | (a,n1) <- x , (b,n2) <- x, a/=b, n1==n2] where x = zip [0..] (names t) -- | tensor product with the convention that repeated indices are contracted. mulT :: (Linear Vector t) => Tensor t -> Tensor t -> Tensor t mulT t1 t2 = r where t1r = contractionsC t1 (desiredContractions1 t1) t2r = contractionsC t2 (desiredContractions1 t2) cs = desiredContractions2 t1r t2r r = case cs of [] -> rawProduct t1r t2r (n1,n2):as -> contractionsC (contraction2 t1r n1 t2r n2) (map fst as) ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- | tensor addition (for tensors with the same structure) addT :: (Linear Vector a) => Tensor a -> Tensor a -> Tensor a addT a b = liftTensor2 add a b sumT :: (Linear Vector a) => [Tensor a] -> Tensor a sumT l = foldl1' addT l ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- sent to Haskell-Cafe by Sebastian Sylvan perms :: [t] -> [[t]] perms [x] = [[x]] perms xs = [y:ps | (y,ys) <- selections xs , ps <- perms ys] where selections [] = [] selections (x:xs) = (x,xs) : [(y,x:ys) | (y,ys) <- selections xs] interchanges :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Int interchanges ls = sum (map (count ls) ls) where count l p = length $ filter (>p) $ take pel l where Just pel = elemIndex p l signature :: (Num t, Ord a) => [a] -> t signature l | length (nub l) < length l = 0 | even (interchanges l) = 1 | otherwise = -1 sym :: (Linear Vector t) => Tensor t -> Tensor t sym t = T (dims t) (ten (sym' (withIdx t seqind))) where sym' t = sumT $ map (flip tridx t) (perms (names t)) where nms = map idxName . dims antisym :: (Linear Vector t) => Tensor t -> Tensor t antisym t = T (dims t) (ten (antisym' (withIdx t seqind))) where antisym' t = sumT $ map (scsig . flip tridx t) (perms (names t)) scsig t = scalar (signature (nms t)) `rawProduct` t where nms = map idxName . dims -- | the wedge product of two tensors (implemented as the antisymmetrization of the ordinary tensor product). wedge :: (Linear Vector t, Fractional t) => Tensor t -> Tensor t -> Tensor t wedge a b = antisym (rawProduct (norper a) (norper b)) where norper t = rawProduct t (scalar (recip $ fromIntegral $ fact (rank t))) -- antinorper t = rawProduct t (scalar (fromIntegral $ fact (rank t))) -- | The euclidean inner product of two completely antisymmetric tensors innerAT :: (Fractional t, Field t) => Tensor t -> Tensor t -> t innerAT t1 t2 = dot (ten t1) (ten t2) / fromIntegral (fact $ rank t1) fact :: (Num t, Enum t) => t -> t fact n = product [1..n] seqind' :: [[String]] seqind' = map return seqind seqind :: [String] seqind = map show [1..] -- | completely antisymmetric covariant tensor of dimension n leviCivita :: (Linear Vector t) => Int -> Tensor t leviCivita n = antisym $ foldl1 rawProduct $ zipWith withIdx auxbase seqind' where auxbase = map tc (toRows (ident n)) tc = tensorFromVector Covariant -- | contraction of leviCivita with a list of vectors (and raise with euclidean metric) innerLevi :: (Linear Vector t) => [Tensor t] -> Tensor t innerLevi vs = raise $ foldl' contractionF (leviCivita n) vs where n = idxDim . head . dims . head $ vs -- | obtains the dual of a multivector (with euclidean metric) dual :: (Linear Vector t, Fractional t) => Tensor t -> Tensor t dual t = raise $ leviCivita n `mulT` withIdx t seqind `rawProduct` x where n = idxDim . head . dims $ t x = scalar (recip $ fromIntegral $ fact (rank t)) -- | shows only the relevant components of an antisymmetric tensor niceAS :: (Field t, Fractional t) => Tensor t -> [(t, [Int])] niceAS t = filter ((/=0.0).fst) $ zip vals base where vals = map ((`at` 0).ten.foldl' partF t) (map (map pred) base) base = asBase r n r = length (dims t) n = idxDim . head . dims $ t partF t i = part t (name,i) where name = idxName . head . dims $ t asBase r n = filter (\x-> (x==nub x && x==sort x)) $ sequence $ replicate r [1..n]