{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.Packed.Vector -- Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2007 -- License : GPL-style -- -- Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- 1D arrays suitable for numeric computations using external libraries. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.Packed.Vector ( Vector, fromList, (|>), toList, buildVector, dim, (@>), subVector, takesV, join, constant, linspace, vecdisp, -- moved to Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Interface typeclass -- vectorFMax, vectorFMin, vectorFMaxIndex, vectorFMinIndex, -- vectorMax, vectorMin, vectorMaxIndex, vectorMinIndex, mapVector, zipVector, unzipVector, unzipVectorWith, fscanfVector, fprintfVector, freadVector, fwriteVector, foldLoop, foldVector, foldVectorG ) where import Data.Packed.Internal import Numeric.GSL.Vector -- import Data.Packed.ST import Data.Binary import Foreign.Storable import Control.Monad(replicateM) ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- a 64K cache, with a Double taking 13 bytes in Bytestring, -- implies a chunk size of 5041 chunk :: Int chunk = 5000 chunks :: Int -> [Int] chunks d = let c = d `div` chunk m = d `mod` chunk in if m /= 0 then reverse (m:(replicate c chunk)) else (replicate c chunk) putVector v = do let d = dim v mapM_ (\i -> put $ v @> i) [0..(d-1)] getVector d = do xs <- replicateM d get return $! fromList xs instance (Binary a, Storable a) => Binary (Vector a) where put v = do let d = dim v put d mapM_ putVector $! takesV (chunks d) v get = do d <- get vs <- mapM getVector $ chunks d return $! join vs ------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Creates a real vector containing a range of values: @\> linspace 5 (-3,7) 5 |> [-3.0,-0.5,2.0,4.5,7.0]@ Logarithmic spacing can be defined as follows: @logspace n (a,b) = 10 ** linspace n (a,b)@ -} linspace :: Int -> (Double, Double) -> Vector Double linspace n (a,b) = add a $ scale s $ fromList [0 .. fromIntegral n-1] where scale = vectorMapValR Scale add = vectorMapValR AddConstant s = (b-a)/fromIntegral (n-1) {- vectorFMax :: Vector Float -> Float vectorFMax = toScalarF Max vectorFMin :: Vector Float -> Float vectorFMin = toScalarF Min vectorFMaxIndex :: Vector Float -> Int vectorFMaxIndex = round . toScalarF MaxIdx vectorFMinIndex :: Vector Float -> Int vectorFMinIndex = round . toScalarF MinIdx vectorMax :: Vector Double -> Double vectorMax = toScalarR Max vectorMin :: Vector Double -> Double vectorMin = toScalarR Min -} {-# DEPRECATED vectorMaxIndex "use minIdx" #-} vectorMaxIndex :: Vector Double -> Int vectorMaxIndex = round . toScalarR MaxIdx {-# DEPRECATED vectorMinIndex "use maxIdx" #-} vectorMinIndex :: Vector Double -> Int vectorMinIndex = round . toScalarR MinIdx {- | creates a vector with a given number of equal components: @> constant 2 7 7 |> [2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0]@ -} constant :: Element a => a -> Int -> Vector a -- constant x n = runSTVector (newVector x n) constant = constantD -- about 2x faster {- | creates a Vector of the specified length using the supplied function to to map the index to the value at that index. @> buildVector 4 fromIntegral 4 |> [0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0]@ -} buildVector :: Element a => Int -> (Int -> a) -> Vector a buildVector len f = fromList $ map f [0 .. (len - 1)] {- | Show a vector using a function for showing matrices. @disp = putStr . vecdisp ('dispf' 2) \> disp ('linspace' 10 (0,1)) 10 |> 0.00 0.11 0.22 0.33 0.44 0.56 0.67 0.78 0.89 1.00 @ -} vecdisp :: (Element t) => (Matrix t -> String) -> Vector t -> String vecdisp f v = ((show (dim v) ++ " |> ") ++) . (++"\n") . unwords . lines . tail . dropWhile (not . (`elem` " \n")) . f . trans . reshape 1 $ v -- | unzip for Vectors unzipVector :: (Storable a, Storable b, Storable (a,b)) => Vector (a,b) -> (Vector a,Vector b) unzipVector = unzipVectorWith id id