{-# OPTIONS #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Module : GSL.Integration Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2006 License : GPL-style Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz (aruiz at um dot es) Stability : provisional Portability : uses ffi Numerical integration routines. -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GSL.Integration ( integrateQNG, integrateQAGS ) where import Foreign import Data.Packed.Internal(mkfun,check,(//)) -------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Numerical integration using /gsl_integration_qags/ (adaptive integration with singularities). For example: @\> let quad = integrateQAGS 1E-9 1000 \> let f a x = x**(-0.5) * log (a*x) \> quad (f 1) 0 1 (-3.999999999999974,4.871658632055187e-13)@ -} integrateQAGS :: Double -- ^ precision (e.g. 1E-9) -> Int -- ^ size of auxiliary workspace (e.g. 1000) -> (Double -> Double) -- ^ function to be integrated on the interval (a,b) -> Double -- ^ a -> Double -- ^ b -> (Double, Double) -- ^ result of the integration and error integrateQAGS prec n f a b = unsafePerformIO $ do r <- malloc e <- malloc fp <- mkfun (\x _ -> f x) c_integrate_qags fp a b prec n r e // check "integrate_qags" [] vr <- peek r ve <- peek e let result = (vr,ve) free r free e freeHaskellFunPtr fp return result foreign import ccall "gsl-aux.h integrate_qags" c_integrate_qags :: FunPtr (Double-> Ptr() -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Int -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO Int ----------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Numerical integration using /gsl_integration_qng/ (useful for fast integration of smooth functions). For example: @\> let quad = integrateQNG 1E-6 \> quad (\\x -> 4\/(1+x*x)) 0 1 (3.141592653589793,3.487868498008632e-14)@ -} integrateQNG :: Double -- ^ precision (e.g. 1E-9) -> (Double -> Double) -- ^ function to be integrated on the interval (a,b) -> Double -- ^ a -> Double -- ^ b -> (Double, Double) -- ^ result of the integration and error integrateQNG prec f a b = unsafePerformIO $ do r <- malloc e <- malloc fp <- mkfun (\x _ -> f x) c_integrate_qng fp a b prec r e // check "integrate_qng" [] vr <- peek r ve <- peek e let result = (vr,ve) free r free e freeHaskellFunPtr fp return result foreign import ccall "gsl-aux.h integrate_qng" c_integrate_qng :: FunPtr (Double-> Ptr() -> Double) -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO Int