{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : GSL.Vector -- Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2007 -- License : GPL-style -- -- Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable (uses FFI) -- -- Vector operations -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GSL.Vector ( FunCodeS(..), toScalarR, FunCodeV(..), vectorMapR, vectorMapC, FunCodeSV(..), vectorMapValR, vectorMapValC, FunCodeVV(..), vectorZipR, vectorZipC, scale, addConstant, add, mul, ) where import Data.Packed.Internal import Complex import Foreign data FunCodeV = Sin | Cos | Tan | Abs | ASin | ACos | ATan | Sinh | Cosh | Tanh | ASinh | ACosh | ATanh | Exp | Log | Sign | Sqrt deriving Enum data FunCodeSV = Scale | Recip | AddConstant | Negate | PowSV | PowVS deriving Enum data FunCodeVV = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | Pow | ATan2 deriving Enum data FunCodeS = Norm2 | AbsSum | MaxIdx | Max | MinIdx | Min deriving Enum scale :: (Num a, Field a) => a -> Vector a -> Vector a scale x v | isReal baseOf v = scast $ vectorMapValR Scale (scast x) (scast v) | isComp baseOf v = scast $ vectorMapValC Scale (scast x) (scast v) | otherwise = fromList $ map (*x) $ toList v addConstant :: (Num a, Field a) => a -> Vector a -> Vector a addConstant x v | isReal baseOf v = scast $ vectorMapValR AddConstant (scast x) (scast v) | isComp baseOf v = scast $ vectorMapValC AddConstant (scast x) (scast v) | otherwise = fromList $ map (*x) $ toList v add :: (Num a, Field a) => Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a add u v | isReal baseOf v = scast $ vectorZipR Add (scast u) (scast v) | isComp baseOf v = scast $ vectorZipC Add (scast u) (scast v) | otherwise = fromList $ zipWith (+) (toList u) (toList v) mul :: (Num a, Field a) => Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a mul u v | isReal baseOf v = scast $ vectorZipR Mul (scast u) (scast v) | isComp baseOf v = scast $ vectorZipC Mul (scast u) (scast v) | otherwise = fromList $ zipWith (*) (toList u) (toList v) ------------------------------------------------------------------ toScalarAux fun code v = unsafePerformIO $ do r <- createVector 1 fun (fromEnum code) // vec v // vec r // check "toScalarAux" [v] return (r `at` 0) vectorMapAux fun code v = unsafePerformIO $ do r <- createVector (dim v) fun (fromEnum code) // vec v // vec r // check "vectorMapAux" [v] return r vectorMapValAux fun code val v = unsafePerformIO $ do r <- createVector (dim v) pval <- newArray [val] fun (fromEnum code) pval // vec v // vec r // check "vectorMapValAux" [v] free pval return r vectorZipAux fun code u v = unsafePerformIO $ do r <- createVector (dim u) fun (fromEnum code) // vec u // vec v // vec r // check "vectorZipAux" [u,v] return r --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | obtains different functions of a vector: norm1, norm2, max, min, posmax, posmin, etc. toScalarR :: FunCodeS -> Vector Double -> Double toScalarR oper = toScalarAux c_toScalarR (fromEnum oper) foreign import ccall safe "gsl-aux.h toScalarR" c_toScalarR :: Int -> TVV -- Double :> Double :> IO Int ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | map of real vectors with given function vectorMapR :: FunCodeV -> Vector Double -> Vector Double vectorMapR = vectorMapAux c_vectorMapR foreign import ccall safe "gsl-aux.h mapR" c_vectorMapR :: Int -> TVV -- Double :> Double :> IO Int -- | map of complex vectors with given function vectorMapC :: FunCodeV -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double) vectorMapC oper = vectorMapAux c_vectorMapC (fromEnum oper) foreign import ccall safe "gsl-aux.h mapC" c_vectorMapC :: Int -> TCVCV -- Complex Double :> Complex Double :> IO Int ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | map of real vectors with given function vectorMapValR :: FunCodeSV -> Double -> Vector Double -> Vector Double vectorMapValR oper = vectorMapValAux c_vectorMapValR (fromEnum oper) foreign import ccall safe "gsl-aux.h mapValR" c_vectorMapValR :: Int -> Ptr Double -> TVV -- Double :> Double :> IO Int -- | map of complex vectors with given function vectorMapValC :: FunCodeSV -> Complex Double -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double) vectorMapValC = vectorMapValAux c_vectorMapValC foreign import ccall safe "gsl-aux.h mapValC" c_vectorMapValC :: Int -> Ptr (Complex Double) -> TCVCV -- Complex Double :> Complex Double :> IO Int ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | elementwise operation on real vectors vectorZipR :: FunCodeVV -> Vector Double -> Vector Double -> Vector Double vectorZipR = vectorZipAux c_vectorZipR foreign import ccall safe "gsl-aux.h zipR" c_vectorZipR :: Int -> TVVV -- Double :> Double :> Double :> IO Int -- | elementwise operation on complex vectors vectorZipC :: FunCodeVV -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double) vectorZipC = vectorZipAux c_vectorZipC foreign import ccall safe "gsl-aux.h zipC" c_vectorZipC :: Int -> TCVCVCV -- Complex Double :> Complex Double :> Complex Double :> IO Int