----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Graphics.Plot -- Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2005-8 -- License : GPL-style -- -- Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz (aruiz at um dot es) -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : uses gnuplot and ImageMagick -- -- Very basic (and provisional) drawing tools using gnuplot and imageMagick. -- -- This module is deprecated. It will be replaced by improved drawing tools based -- on the Gnuplot package by Henning Thielemann. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Graphics.Plot( mplot, plot, parametricPlot, splot, mesh, mesh', meshdom, matrixToPGM, imshow, gnuplotX, gnuplotpdf ) where import Data.Packed import Numeric.LinearAlgebra(outer) import Data.List(intersperse) import System.Process (system) size = dim -- | Loads a real matrix from a formatted ASCII text file --fromFile :: FilePath -> IO Matrix --fromFile filename = readFile filename >>= return . readMatrix read -- | Saves a real matrix to a formatted ascii text file toFile' :: FilePath -> Matrix Double -> IO () toFile' filename matrix = writeFile filename (unlines . map unwords. map (map show) . toLists $ matrix) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | From vectors x and y, it generates a pair of matrices to be used as x and y arguments for matrix functions. meshdom :: Vector Double -> Vector Double -> (Matrix Double , Matrix Double) meshdom r1 r2 = (outer r1 (constant 1 (size r2)), outer (constant 1 (size r1)) r2) gnuplotX :: String -> IO () gnuplotX command = do { _ <- system cmdstr; return()} where cmdstr = "echo \""++command++"\" | gnuplot -persist" datafollows = "\\\"-\\\"" prep = (++"e\n\n") . unlines . map (unwords . (map show)) {- | Draws a 3D surface representation of a real matrix. > > mesh (hilb 20) In certain versions you can interactively rotate the graphic using the mouse. -} mesh :: Matrix Double -> IO () mesh m = gnuplotX (command++dat) where command = "splot "++datafollows++" matrix with lines\n" dat = prep $ toLists $ m mesh' :: Matrix Double -> IO () mesh' m = do writeFile "splot-gnu-command" "splot \"splot-tmp.txt\" matrix with lines; pause -1"; toFile' "splot-tmp.txt" m putStr "Press [Return] to close the graphic and continue... " _ <- system "gnuplot -persist splot-gnu-command" _ <- system "rm splot-tmp.txt splot-gnu-command" return () {- | Draws the surface represented by the function f in the desired ranges and number of points, internally using 'mesh'. > > let f x y = cos (x + y) > > splot f (0,pi) (0,2*pi) 50 -} splot :: (Matrix Double->Matrix Double->Matrix Double) -> (Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Int -> IO () splot f rx ry n = mesh' z where (x,y) = meshdom (linspace n rx) (linspace n ry) z = f x y {- | plots several vectors against the first one -} mplot :: [Vector Double] -> IO () mplot m = gnuplotX (commands++dats) where commands = if length m == 1 then command1 else commandmore command1 = "plot "++datafollows++" with lines\n" ++ dat commandmore = "plot " ++ plots ++ "\n" plots = concat $ intersperse ", " (map cmd [2 .. length m]) cmd k = datafollows++" using 1:"++show k++" with lines" dat = prep $ toLists $ fromColumns m dats = concat (replicate (length m-1) dat) {- mplot' m = do writeFile "plot-gnu-command" (commands++endcmd) toFile "plot-tmp.txt" (fromColumns m) putStr "Press [Return] to close the graphic and continue... " system "gnuplot plot-gnu-command" system "rm plot-tmp.txt plot-gnu-command" return () where commands = if length m == 1 then command1 else commandmore command1 = "plot \"plot-tmp.txt\" with lines\n" commandmore = "plot " ++ plots ++ "\n" plots = concat $ intersperse ", " (map cmd [2 .. length m]) cmd k = "\"plot-tmp.txt\" using 1:"++show k++" with lines" endcmd = "pause -1" -} -- apply several functions to one object mapf fs x = map ($ x) fs {- | Draws a list of functions over a desired range and with a desired number of points > > plot [sin, cos, sin.(3*)] (0,2*pi) 1000 -} plot :: [Vector Double->Vector Double] -> (Double,Double) -> Int -> IO () plot fs rx n = mplot (x: mapf fs x) where x = linspace n rx {- | Draws a parametric curve. For instance, to draw a spiral we can do something like: > > parametricPlot (\t->(t * sin t, t * cos t)) (0,10*pi) 1000 -} parametricPlot :: (Vector Double->(Vector Double,Vector Double)) -> (Double, Double) -> Int -> IO () parametricPlot f rt n = mplot [fx, fy] where t = linspace n rt (fx,fy) = f t -- | writes a matrix to pgm image file matrixToPGM :: Matrix Double -> String matrixToPGM m = header ++ unlines (map unwords ll) where c = cols m r = rows m header = "P2 "++show c++" "++show r++" "++show (round maxgray :: Int)++"\n" maxgray = 255.0 maxval = vectorMax $ flatten $ m minval = vectorMin $ flatten $ m scale = if (maxval == minval) then 0.0 else maxgray / (maxval - minval) f x = show ( round ( scale *(x - minval) ) :: Int ) ll = map (map f) (toLists m) -- | imshow shows a representation of a matrix as a gray level image using ImageMagick's display. imshow :: Matrix Double -> IO () imshow m = do _ <- system $ "echo \""++ matrixToPGM m ++"\"| display -antialias -resize 300 - &" return () ---------------------------------------------------- gnuplotpdf :: String -> String -> [([[Double]], String)] -> IO () gnuplotpdf title command ds = gnuplot (prelude ++ command ++" "++ draw) >> postproc where prelude = "set terminal epslatex color; set output '"++title++".tex';" (dats,defs) = unzip ds draw = concat (intersperse ", " (map ("\"-\" "++) defs)) ++ "\n" ++ concatMap pr dats postproc = do _ <- system $ "epstopdf "++title++".eps" mklatex _ <- system $ "pdflatex "++title++"aux.tex > /dev/null" _ <- system $ "pdfcrop "++title++"aux.pdf > /dev/null" _ <- system $ "mv "++title++"aux-crop.pdf "++title++".pdf" _ <- system $ "rm "++title++"aux.* "++title++".eps "++title++".tex" return () mklatex = writeFile (title++"aux.tex") $ "\\documentclass{article}\n"++ "\\usepackage{graphics}\n"++ "\\usepackage{nopageno}\n"++ "\\usepackage{txfonts}\n"++ "\\renewcommand{\\familydefault}{phv}\n"++ "\\usepackage[usenames]{color}\n"++ "\\begin{document}\n"++ "\\begin{center}\n"++ " \\input{./"++title++".tex}\n"++ "\\end{center}\n"++ "\\end{document}" pr = (++"e\n") . unlines . map (unwords . (map show)) gnuplot cmd = do writeFile "gnuplotcommand" cmd _ <- system "gnuplot gnuplotcommand" _ <- system "rm gnuplotcommand" return ()