{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Module : LinearAlgebra.Interface Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2006 License : GPL-style Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz (aruiz at um dot es) Stability : provisional Portability : portable Operators for frequent operations. -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module LinearAlgebra.Interface( (<>),(<.>), (.*),(*/), (<|>),(<->), ) where import LinearAlgebra.Linear import Data.Packed.Vector import Data.Packed.Matrix class Mul a b c | a b -> c where infixl 7 <> -- | matrix product (<>) :: Field t => a t -> b t -> c t instance Mul Matrix Matrix Matrix where (<>) = multiply instance Mul Matrix Vector Vector where (<>) m v = flatten $ m <> (asColumn v) instance Mul Vector Matrix Vector where (<>) v m = flatten $ (asRow v) <> m --------------------------------------------------- -- | @u \<.\> v = dot u v@ (<.>) :: (Field t) => Vector t -> Vector t -> t infixl 7 <.> (<.>) = dot ---------------------------------------------------- -- | @x .* a = scale (recip x) v@ (.*) :: (Linear c a) => a -> c a -> c a infixl 7 .* a .* x = scale a x ---------------------------------------------------- -- | @a *\/ x = scale (recip x) a@ (*/) :: (Linear c a) => c a -> a -> c a infixl 7 */ v */ x = scale (recip x) v ------------------------------------------------ class Joinable a b where joinH :: Field t => a t -> b t -> Matrix t joinV :: Field t => a t -> b t -> Matrix t instance Joinable Matrix Matrix where joinH m1 m2 = fromBlocks [[m1,m2]] joinV m1 m2 = fromBlocks [[m1],[m2]] instance Joinable Matrix Vector where joinH m v = joinH m (asColumn v) joinV m v = joinV m (asRow v) instance Joinable Vector Matrix where joinH v m = joinH (asColumn v) m joinV v m = joinV (asRow v) m infixl 4 <|> infixl 3 <-> {- | Horizontal concatenation of matrices and vectors: @> (ident 3 -&- 3 * ident 3) |&| fromList [1..6.0] (6><4) [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3.0 , 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0 , 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 5.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 6.0 ]@ -} (<|>) :: (Field t, Joinable a b) => a t -> b t -> Matrix t a <|> b = joinH a b -- | Vertical concatenation of matrices and vectors. (<->) :: (Field t, Joinable a b) => a t -> b t -> Matrix t a <-> b = joinV a b