----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Numeric.Chain -- Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2010 -- License : GPL-style -- -- Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- optimisation of association order for chains of matrix multiplication -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Numeric.Chain ( chain ) where import Data.Maybe import Data.Packed.Matrix import Numeric.Container import qualified Data.Array.IArray as A type Matrices a = A.Array Int (Matrix a) type Sizes = A.Array Int (Int,Int) type Cost = A.Array Int (A.Array Int (Maybe Int)) type Indexes = A.Array Int (A.Array Int (Maybe ((Int,Int),(Int,Int)))) update :: A.Array Int (A.Array Int a) -> (Int,Int) -> a -> A.Array Int (A.Array Int a) update a (r,c) e = a A.// [(r,(a A.! r) A.// [(c,e)])] newWorkSpaceCost :: Int -> A.Array Int (A.Array Int (Maybe Int)) newWorkSpaceCost n = A.array (1,n) $ map (\i -> (i, subArray i)) [1..n] where subArray i = A.listArray (1,i) (repeat Nothing) newWorkSpaceIndexes :: Int -> A.Array Int (A.Array Int (Maybe ((Int,Int),(Int,Int)))) newWorkSpaceIndexes n = A.array (1,n) $ map (\i -> (i, subArray i)) [1..n] where subArray i = A.listArray (1,i) (repeat Nothing) matricesToSizes :: [Matrix a] -> Sizes matricesToSizes ms = A.listArray (1,length ms) $ map (\m -> (rows m,cols m)) ms -- | provide optimal association order for a chain of matrix multiplications and apply the multiplications chain :: Product a => [Matrix a] -> Matrix a chain ms = let ln = length ms ma = A.listArray (1,ln) ms mz = matricesToSizes ms i = chain_cost mz in chain_paren (ln,ln) i ma chain_cost :: Sizes -> Indexes chain_cost mz = let (_,u) = A.bounds mz cost = newWorkSpaceCost u ixes = newWorkSpaceIndexes u (_,_,i) = foldl chain_cost' (mz,cost,ixes) (order u) in i chain_cost' :: (Sizes,Cost,Indexes) -> (Int,Int) -> (Sizes,Cost,Indexes) chain_cost' sci@(mz,cost,ixes) (r,c) | c == 1 = let cost' = update cost (r,c) (Just 0) ixes' = update ixes (r,c) (Just ((r,c),(r,c))) in (mz,cost',ixes') | otherwise = minimum_cost sci (r,c) minimum_cost :: (Sizes,Cost,Indexes) -> (Int,Int) -> (Sizes,Cost,Indexes) minimum_cost sci fu = foldl (smaller_cost fu) sci (fulcrum_order fu) smaller_cost :: (Int,Int) -> (Sizes,Cost,Indexes) -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int)) -> (Sizes,Cost,Indexes) smaller_cost (r,c) (mz,cost,ixes) ix@((lr,lc),(rr,rc)) = let op_cost = (fromJust ((cost A.! lr) A.! lc)) + (fromJust ((cost A.! rr) A.! rc)) + ((fst $ mz A.! (lr-lc+1)) *(snd $ mz A.! lc) *(snd $ mz A.! rr)) cost' = (cost A.! r) A.! c in case cost' of Nothing -> let cost'' = update cost (r,c) (Just op_cost) ixes'' = update ixes (r,c) (Just ix) in (mz,cost'',ixes'') Just ct -> if op_cost < ct then let cost'' = update cost (r,c) (Just op_cost) ixes'' = update ixes (r,c) (Just ix) in (mz,cost'',ixes'') else (mz,cost,ixes) fulcrum_order (r,c) = let fs' = zip (repeat r) [1..(c-1)] in map (partner (r,c)) fs' partner (r,c) (a,b) = (((r-b),(c-b)),(a,b)) order 0 = [] order n = (order (n-1)) ++ (zip (repeat n) [1..n]) chain_paren :: Product a => (Int,Int) -> Indexes -> Matrices a -> Matrix a chain_paren (r,c) ixes ma = let ((lr,lc),(rr,rc)) = fromJust $ (ixes A.! r) A.! c in if lr == rr && lc == rc then (ma A.! lr) else (chain_paren (lr,lc) ixes ma) `multiply` (chain_paren (rr,rc) ixes ma) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- TESTS -} -- optimal association is ((m1*(m2*m3))*m4) m1, m2, m3, m4 :: Matrix Double m1 = (10><15) [1..] m2 = (15><20) [1..] m3 = (20><5) [1..] m4 = (5><10) [1..]