----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Module : Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2007 License : GPL-style Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz (aruiz at um dot es) Stability : provisional Portability : portable Some tests. -} module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests( module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Instances, module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Properties, qCheck, runTests --, runBigTests ) where import Numeric.LinearAlgebra import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Instances import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Tests.Properties import Test.QuickCheck import Test.HUnit hiding ((~:),test) import System.Info import Data.List(foldl1') import Numeric.GSL hiding (sin,cos,exp,choose) qCheck n = check defaultConfig {configSize = const n} utest str b = TestCase $ assertBool str b feye n = flipud (ident n) :: Matrix Double detTest1 = det m == 26 && det mc == 38 :+ (-3) && det (feye 2) == -1 where m = (3><3) [ 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 7 , 2, 8, 4 :: Double ] mc = (3><3) [ 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5, 7 , 2, 8, i ] -------------------------------------------------------------------- polyEval cs x = foldr (\c ac->ac*x+c) 0 cs polySolveProp p = length p <2 || last p == 0|| 1E-8 > maximum (map magnitude $ map (polyEval (map (:+0) p)) (polySolve p)) --------------------------------------------------------------------- quad f a b = fst $ integrateQAGS 1E-9 100 f a b -- A multiple integral can be easily defined using partial application quad2 f a b g1 g2 = quad h a b where h x = quad (f x) (g1 x) (g2 x) volSphere r = 8 * quad2 (\x y -> sqrt (r*r-x*x-y*y)) 0 r (const 0) (\x->sqrt (r*r-x*x)) --------------------------------------------------------------------- besselTest = utest "bessel_J0_e" ( abs (r-expected) < e ) where (r,e) = bessel_J0_e 5.0 expected = -0.17759677131433830434739701 exponentialTest = utest "exp_e10_e" ( abs (v*10^e - expected) < 4E-2 ) where (v,e,err) = exp_e10_e 30.0 expected = exp 30.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------- nd1 = (3><3) [ 1/2, 1/4, 1/4 , 0/1, 1/2, 1/4 , 1/2, 1/4, 1/2 :: Double] nd2 = (2><2) [1, 0, 1, 1:: Complex Double] expmTest1 = expm nd1 :~14~: (3><3) [ 1.762110887278176 , 0.478085470590435 , 0.478085470590435 , 0.104719410945666 , 1.709751181805343 , 0.425725765117601 , 0.851451530235203 , 0.530445176063267 , 1.814470592751009 ] expmTest2 = expm nd2 :~15~: (2><2) [ 2.718281828459045 , 0.000000000000000 , 2.718281828459045 , 2.718281828459045 ] --------------------------------------------------------------------- rot :: Double -> Matrix Double rot a = (3><3) [ c,0,s , 0,1,0 ,-s,0,c ] where c = cos a s = sin a rotTest = fun (10^5) :~12~: rot 5E4 where fun n = foldl1' (<>) (map rot angles) where angles = toList $ linspace n (0,1) -- | It runs all the tests. runTests :: Int -- ^ maximum dimension -> IO () runTests n = do setErrorHandlerOff let test p = qCheck n p putStrLn "------ lu" test (luProp . rM) test (luProp . cM) putStrLn "------ inv" test (invProp . rSqWC) test (invProp . cSqWC) putStrLn "------ pinv" test (pinvProp . rM) if os == "mingw32" then putStrLn "complex pinvTest skipped in this OS" else test (pinvProp . cM) putStrLn "------ det" test (detProp . rSqWC) test (detProp . cSqWC) putStrLn "------ svd" test (svdProp1 . rM) test (svdProp1 . cM) test (svdProp2 . rM) test (svdProp2 . cM) putStrLn "------ eig" test (eigSHProp . rHer) test (eigSHProp . cHer) test (eigProp . rSq) test (eigProp . cSq) putStrLn "------ nullSpace" test (nullspaceProp . rM) test (nullspaceProp . cM) putStrLn "------ qr" test (qrProp . rM) test (qrProp . cM) putStrLn "------ hess" test (hessProp . rSq) test (hessProp . cSq) putStrLn "------ schur" test (schurProp2 . rSq) if os == "mingw32" then putStrLn "complex schur skipped in this OS" else test (schurProp1 . cSq) putStrLn "------ chol" test (cholProp . rPosDef) test (cholProp . cPosDef) putStrLn "------ expm" test (expmDiagProp . rSqWC) test (expmDiagProp . cSqWC) putStrLn "------ fft" test (\v -> ifft (fft v) |~| v) putStrLn "------ vector operations" test (\u -> sin u ^ 2 + cos u ^ 2 |~| (1::RM)) test (\u -> sin u ** 2 + cos u ** 2 |~| (1::RM)) test (\u -> cos u * tan u |~| sin (u::RM)) test (\u -> (cos u * tan u) |~| sin (u::CM)) putStrLn "------ some unit tests" runTestTT $ TestList [ utest "1E5 rots" rotTest , utest "det1" detTest1 , utest "expm1" (expmTest1) , utest "expm2" (expmTest2) , utest "arith1" $ ((ones (100,100) * 5 + 2)/0.5 - 7)**2 |~| (49 :: RM) , utest "arith2" $ (((1+i) .* ones (100,100) * 5 + 2)/0.5 - 7)**2 |~| ( (140*i-51).*1 :: CM) , utest "arith3" $ exp (i.*ones(10,10)*pi) + 1 |~| 0 , utest "<\\>" $ (3><2) [2,0,0,3,1,1::Double] <\> 3|>[4,9,5] |~| 2|>[2,3] , utest "gamma" (gamma 5 == 24.0) , besselTest , exponentialTest , utest "integrate" (abs (volSphere 2.5 - 4/3*pi*2.5^3) < 1E-8) , utest "polySolve" (polySolveProp [1,2,3,4]) ] return () -- -- | Some additional tests on big matrices. They take a few minutes. -- runBigTests :: IO () -- runBigTests = undefined