{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Numeric.Vector -- Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2010 -- License : GPL-style -- -- Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- Numeric instances and functions for 'Vector'. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Numeric.Vector ( -- * Basic vector functions module Data.Packed.Vector, module Numeric.Container, -- * Vector creation constant, linspace, -- * Operators (<.>) ) where import Data.Complex import Data.Packed.Vector import Data.Packed.Internal.Matrix import Numeric.GSL.Vector import Numeric.Container ------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef VECTOR import Foreign(Storable) #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef VECTOR instance (Show a, Storable a) => (Show (Vector a)) where show v = (show (dim v))++" |> " ++ show (toList v) #endif #ifdef VECTOR instance (Element a, Read a) => Read (Vector a) where readsPrec _ s = [(fromList . read $ listnums, rest)] where (thing,trest) = breakAt ']' s (dims,listnums) = breakAt ' ' (dropWhile (==' ') thing) rest = drop 31 trest #else instance (Element a, Read a) => Read (Vector a) where readsPrec _ s = [((d |>) . read $ listnums, rest)] where (thing,rest) = breakAt ']' s (dims,listnums) = breakAt '>' thing d = read . init . fst . breakAt '|' $ dims #endif breakAt c l = (a++[c],tail b) where (a,b) = break (==c) l ------------------------------------------------------------------ {- | creates a vector with a given number of equal components: @> constant 2 7 7 |> [2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0]@ -} constant :: Element a => a -> Int -> Vector a -- constant x n = runSTVector (newVector x n) constant = constantD -- about 2x faster {- | Creates a real vector containing a range of values: @\> linspace 5 (-3,7) 5 |> [-3.0,-0.5,2.0,4.5,7.0]@ Logarithmic spacing can be defined as follows: @logspace n (a,b) = 10 ** linspace n (a,b)@ -} linspace :: (Enum e, Container Vector e) => Int -> (e, e) -> Vector e linspace n (a,b) = addConstant a $ scale s $ fromList [0 .. fromIntegral n-1] where s = (b-a)/fromIntegral (n-1) -- | Dot product: @u \<.\> v = dot u v@ (<.>) :: Product t => Vector t -> Vector t -> t infixl 7 <.> (<.>) = dot ------------------------------------------------------------------ adaptScalar f1 f2 f3 x y | dim x == 1 = f1 (x@>0) y | dim y == 1 = f3 x (y@>0) | otherwise = f2 x y ------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef VECTOR instance Container Vector a => Eq (Vector a) where (==) = equal #endif instance Num (Vector Float) where (+) = adaptScalar addConstant add (flip addConstant) negate = scale (-1) (*) = adaptScalar scale mul (flip scale) signum = vectorMapF Sign abs = vectorMapF Abs fromInteger = fromList . return . fromInteger instance Num (Vector Double) where (+) = adaptScalar addConstant add (flip addConstant) negate = scale (-1) (*) = adaptScalar scale mul (flip scale) signum = vectorMapR Sign abs = vectorMapR Abs fromInteger = fromList . return . fromInteger instance Num (Vector (Complex Double)) where (+) = adaptScalar addConstant add (flip addConstant) negate = scale (-1) (*) = adaptScalar scale mul (flip scale) signum = vectorMapC Sign abs = vectorMapC Abs fromInteger = fromList . return . fromInteger instance Num (Vector (Complex Float)) where (+) = adaptScalar addConstant add (flip addConstant) negate = scale (-1) (*) = adaptScalar scale mul (flip scale) signum = vectorMapQ Sign abs = vectorMapQ Abs fromInteger = fromList . return . fromInteger --------------------------------------------------- instance (Container Vector a, Num (Vector a)) => Fractional (Vector a) where fromRational n = fromList [fromRational n] (/) = adaptScalar f divide g where r `f` v = scaleRecip r v v `g` r = scale (recip r) v ------------------------------------------------------- instance Floating (Vector Float) where sin = vectorMapF Sin cos = vectorMapF Cos tan = vectorMapF Tan asin = vectorMapF ASin acos = vectorMapF ACos atan = vectorMapF ATan sinh = vectorMapF Sinh cosh = vectorMapF Cosh tanh = vectorMapF Tanh asinh = vectorMapF ASinh acosh = vectorMapF ACosh atanh = vectorMapF ATanh exp = vectorMapF Exp log = vectorMapF Log sqrt = vectorMapF Sqrt (**) = adaptScalar (vectorMapValF PowSV) (vectorZipF Pow) (flip (vectorMapValF PowVS)) pi = fromList [pi] ------------------------------------------------------------- instance Floating (Vector Double) where sin = vectorMapR Sin cos = vectorMapR Cos tan = vectorMapR Tan asin = vectorMapR ASin acos = vectorMapR ACos atan = vectorMapR ATan sinh = vectorMapR Sinh cosh = vectorMapR Cosh tanh = vectorMapR Tanh asinh = vectorMapR ASinh acosh = vectorMapR ACosh atanh = vectorMapR ATanh exp = vectorMapR Exp log = vectorMapR Log sqrt = vectorMapR Sqrt (**) = adaptScalar (vectorMapValR PowSV) (vectorZipR Pow) (flip (vectorMapValR PowVS)) pi = fromList [pi] ------------------------------------------------------------- instance Floating (Vector (Complex Double)) where sin = vectorMapC Sin cos = vectorMapC Cos tan = vectorMapC Tan asin = vectorMapC ASin acos = vectorMapC ACos atan = vectorMapC ATan sinh = vectorMapC Sinh cosh = vectorMapC Cosh tanh = vectorMapC Tanh asinh = vectorMapC ASinh acosh = vectorMapC ACosh atanh = vectorMapC ATanh exp = vectorMapC Exp log = vectorMapC Log sqrt = vectorMapC Sqrt (**) = adaptScalar (vectorMapValC PowSV) (vectorZipC Pow) (flip (vectorMapValC PowVS)) pi = fromList [pi] ----------------------------------------------------------- instance Floating (Vector (Complex Float)) where sin = vectorMapQ Sin cos = vectorMapQ Cos tan = vectorMapQ Tan asin = vectorMapQ ASin acos = vectorMapQ ACos atan = vectorMapQ ATan sinh = vectorMapQ Sinh cosh = vectorMapQ Cosh tanh = vectorMapQ Tanh asinh = vectorMapQ ASinh acosh = vectorMapQ ACosh atanh = vectorMapQ ATanh exp = vectorMapQ Exp log = vectorMapQ Log sqrt = vectorMapQ Sqrt (**) = adaptScalar (vectorMapValQ PowSV) (vectorZipQ Pow) (flip (vectorMapValQ PowVS)) pi = fromList [pi] ----------------------------------------------------------- -- instance (Storable a, Num (Vector a)) => Monoid (Vector a) where -- mempty = 0 { idim = 0 } -- mappend a b = mconcat [a,b] -- mconcat = j . filter ((>0).dim) -- where j [] = mempty -- j l = join l --------------------------------------------------------------- -- instance (NFData a, Storable a) => NFData (Vector a) where -- rnf = rnf . (@>0) -- -- instance (NFData a, Element a) => NFData (Matrix a) where -- rnf = rnf . flatten --------------------------------------------------------------------------