{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {- | Module : Internal.Modular Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2015 License : BSD3 Stability : experimental Proof of concept of statically checked modular arithmetic. -} module Internal.Modular( Mod, type (./.) ) where import Internal.Vector import Internal.Matrix hiding (mat,size) import Internal.Numeric import Internal.Element import Internal.Container import Internal.Vectorized (prodI,sumI,prodL,sumL) import Internal.LAPACK (multiplyI, multiplyL) import Internal.Algorithms(luFact) import Internal.Util(Normed(..),Indexable(..),gaussElim, gaussElim_1, gaussElim_2,luST, magnit) import Internal.ST(mutable) import GHC.TypeLits import Data.Proxy(Proxy) import Foreign.ForeignPtr(castForeignPtr) import Foreign.Storable import Data.Ratio import Data.Complex -- | Wrapper with a phantom integer for statically checked modular arithmetic. newtype Mod (n :: Nat) t = Mod {unMod:: t} deriving (Storable) infixr 5 ./. type (./.) x n = Mod n x instance (Integral t, Enum t, KnownNat m) => Enum (Mod m t) where toEnum = l0 (\m x -> fromIntegral $ x `mod` (fromIntegral m)) fromEnum = fromIntegral . unMod instance (Eq t, KnownNat m) => Eq (Mod m t) where a == b = (unMod a) == (unMod b) instance (Ord t, KnownNat m) => Ord (Mod m t) where compare a b = compare (unMod a) (unMod b) instance (Real t, KnownNat m, Integral (Mod m t)) => Real (Mod m t) where toRational x = toInteger x % 1 instance (Integral t, KnownNat m, Num (Mod m t)) => Integral (Mod m t) where toInteger = toInteger . unMod quotRem a b = (Mod q, Mod r) where (q,r) = quotRem (unMod a) (unMod b) -- | this instance is only valid for prime m instance (Show (Mod m t), Num (Mod m t), Eq t, KnownNat m) => Fractional (Mod m t) where recip x | x*r == 1 = r | otherwise = error $ show x ++" does not have a multiplicative inverse mod "++show m' where r = x^(m'-2 :: Integer) m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) fromRational x = fromInteger (numerator x) / fromInteger (denominator x) l2 :: forall m a b c. (Num c, KnownNat m) => (c -> a -> b -> c) -> Mod m a -> Mod m b -> Mod m c l2 f (Mod u) (Mod v) = Mod (f m' u v) where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) l1 :: forall m a b . (Num b, KnownNat m) => (b -> a -> b) -> Mod m a -> Mod m b l1 f (Mod u) = Mod (f m' u) where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) l0 :: forall m a b . (Num b, KnownNat m) => (b -> a -> b) -> a -> Mod m b l0 f u = Mod (f m' u) where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) instance Show t => Show (Mod n t) where show = show . unMod instance forall n t . (Integral t, KnownNat n) => Num (Mod n t) where (+) = l2 (\m a b -> (a + b) `mod` (fromIntegral m)) (*) = l2 (\m a b -> (a * b) `mod` (fromIntegral m)) (-) = l2 (\m a b -> (a - b) `mod` (fromIntegral m)) abs = l1 (const abs) signum = l1 (const signum) fromInteger = l0 (\m x -> fromInteger x `mod` (fromIntegral m)) instance KnownNat m => Element (Mod m I) where transdata n v m = i2f (transdata n (f2i v) m) constantD x n = i2f (constantD (unMod x) n) extractR m mi is mj js = i2fM <$> extractR (f2iM m) mi is mj js setRect i j m x = setRect i j (f2iM m) (f2iM x) sortI = sortI . f2i sortV = i2f . sortV . f2i compareV u v = compareV (f2i u) (f2i v) selectV c l e g = i2f (selectV c (f2i l) (f2i e) (f2i g)) remapM i j m = i2fM (remap i j (f2iM m)) rowOp c a i1 i2 j1 j2 x = rowOpAux (c_rowOpMI m') c (unMod a) i1 i2 j1 j2 (f2iM x) where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) instance KnownNat m => Element (Mod m Z) where transdata n v m = i2f (transdata n (f2i v) m) constantD x n = i2f (constantD (unMod x) n) extractR m mi is mj js = i2fM <$> extractR (f2iM m) mi is mj js setRect i j m x = setRect i j (f2iM m) (f2iM x) sortI = sortI . f2i sortV = i2f . sortV . f2i compareV u v = compareV (f2i u) (f2i v) selectV c l e g = i2f (selectV c (f2i l) (f2i e) (f2i g)) remapM i j m = i2fM (remap i j (f2iM m)) rowOp c a i1 i2 j1 j2 x = rowOpAux (c_rowOpML m') c (unMod a) i1 i2 j1 j2 (f2iM x) where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) instance forall m . KnownNat m => Container Vector (Mod m I) where conj' = id size' = dim scale' s x = vmod (scale (unMod s) (f2i x)) addConstant c x = vmod (addConstant (unMod c) (f2i x)) add a b = vmod (add (f2i a) (f2i b)) sub a b = vmod (sub (f2i a) (f2i b)) mul a b = vmod (mul (f2i a) (f2i b)) equal u v = equal (f2i u) (f2i v) scalar' x = fromList [x] konst' x = i2f . konst (unMod x) build' n f = build n (fromIntegral . f) cmap' = mapVector atIndex' x k = fromIntegral (atIndex (f2i x) k) minIndex' = minIndex . f2i maxIndex' = maxIndex . f2i minElement' = Mod . minElement . f2i maxElement' = Mod . maxElement . f2i sumElements' = fromIntegral . sumI m' . f2i where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) prodElements' = fromIntegral . prodI m' . f2i where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) step' = i2f . step . f2i find' = findV assoc' = assocV accum' = accumV ccompare' a b = ccompare (f2i a) (f2i b) cselect' c l e g = i2f $ cselect c (f2i l) (f2i e) (f2i g) scaleRecip s x = scale' s (cmap recip x) divide x y = mul x (cmap recip y) arctan2' = undefined cmod' m = vmod . cmod' (unMod m) . f2i fromInt' = vmod toInt' = f2i fromZ' = vmod . fromZ' toZ' = toZ' . f2i instance forall m . KnownNat m => Container Vector (Mod m Z) where conj' = id size' = dim scale' s x = vmod (scale (unMod s) (f2i x)) addConstant c x = vmod (addConstant (unMod c) (f2i x)) add a b = vmod (add (f2i a) (f2i b)) sub a b = vmod (sub (f2i a) (f2i b)) mul a b = vmod (mul (f2i a) (f2i b)) equal u v = equal (f2i u) (f2i v) scalar' x = fromList [x] konst' x = i2f . konst (unMod x) build' n f = build n (fromIntegral . f) cmap' = mapVector atIndex' x k = fromIntegral (atIndex (f2i x) k) minIndex' = minIndex . f2i maxIndex' = maxIndex . f2i minElement' = Mod . minElement . f2i maxElement' = Mod . maxElement . f2i sumElements' = fromIntegral . sumL m' . f2i where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) prodElements' = fromIntegral . prodL m' . f2i where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) step' = i2f . step . f2i find' = findV assoc' = assocV accum' = accumV ccompare' a b = ccompare (f2i a) (f2i b) cselect' c l e g = i2f $ cselect c (f2i l) (f2i e) (f2i g) scaleRecip s x = scale' s (cmap recip x) divide x y = mul x (cmap recip y) arctan2' = undefined cmod' m = vmod . cmod' (unMod m) . f2i fromInt' = vmod . fromInt' toInt' = toInt . f2i fromZ' = vmod toZ' = f2i instance (Storable t, Indexable (Vector t) t) => Indexable (Vector (Mod m t)) (Mod m t) where (!) = (@>) type instance RealOf (Mod n I) = I type instance RealOf (Mod n Z) = Z instance KnownNat m => Product (Mod m I) where norm2 = undefined absSum = undefined norm1 = undefined normInf = undefined multiply = lift2m (multiplyI m') where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) instance KnownNat m => Product (Mod m Z) where norm2 = undefined absSum = undefined norm1 = undefined normInf = undefined multiply = lift2m (multiplyL m') where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) instance KnownNat m => Normed (Vector (Mod m I)) where norm_0 = norm_0 . toInt norm_1 = norm_1 . toInt norm_2 = norm_2 . toInt norm_Inf = norm_Inf . toInt instance KnownNat m => Normed (Vector (Mod m Z)) where norm_0 = norm_0 . toZ norm_1 = norm_1 . toZ norm_2 = norm_2 . toZ norm_Inf = norm_Inf . toZ instance KnownNat m => Numeric (Mod m I) instance KnownNat m => Numeric (Mod m Z) i2f :: Storable t => Vector t -> Vector (Mod n t) i2f v = unsafeFromForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fp) (i) (n) where (fp,i,n) = unsafeToForeignPtr v f2i :: Storable t => Vector (Mod n t) -> Vector t f2i v = unsafeFromForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fp) (i) (n) where (fp,i,n) = unsafeToForeignPtr v f2iM :: Storable t => Matrix (Mod n t) -> Matrix t f2iM = liftMatrix f2i i2fM :: Storable t => Matrix t -> Matrix (Mod n t) i2fM = liftMatrix i2f vmod :: forall m t. (KnownNat m, Storable t, Integral t, Numeric t) => Vector t -> Vector (Mod m t) vmod = i2f . cmod' m' where m' = fromIntegral . natVal $ (undefined :: Proxy m) lift1 f a = vmod (f (f2i a)) lift2 f a b = vmod (f (f2i a) (f2i b)) lift2m f a b = liftMatrix vmod (f (f2iM a) (f2iM b)) instance forall m . KnownNat m => Num (Vector (Mod m I)) where (+) = lift2 (+) (*) = lift2 (*) (-) = lift2 (-) abs = lift1 abs signum = lift1 signum negate = lift1 negate fromInteger x = fromInt (fromInteger x) instance forall m . KnownNat m => Num (Vector (Mod m Z)) where (+) = lift2 (+) (*) = lift2 (*) (-) = lift2 (-) abs = lift1 abs signum = lift1 signum negate = lift1 negate fromInteger x = fromZ (fromInteger x) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance (KnownNat m) => Testable (Matrix (Mod m I)) where checkT _ = test test = (ok, info) where v = fromList [3,-5,75] :: Vector (Mod 11 I) m = (3><3) [1..] :: Matrix (Mod 11 I) a = (3><3) [1,2 , 3 ,4,5 , 6 ,0,10,-3] :: Matrix I b = (3><2) [0..] :: Matrix I am = fromInt a :: Matrix (Mod 13 I) bm = fromInt b :: Matrix (Mod 13 I) ad = fromInt a :: Matrix Double bd = fromInt b :: Matrix Double g = (3><3) (repeat (40000)) :: Matrix I gm = fromInt g :: Matrix (Mod 100000 I) lg = (3><3) (repeat (3*10^(9::Int))) :: Matrix Z lgm = fromZ lg :: Matrix (Mod 10000000000 Z) gen n = diagRect 1 (konst 5 n) n n :: Numeric t => Matrix t checkGen x = norm_Inf $ flatten $ invg x <> x - ident (rows x) invg t = gaussElim t (ident (rows t)) checkLU okf t = norm_Inf $ flatten (l <> u <> p - t) where (l,u,p,_ :: Int) = luFact $ mutable (luST okf) t info = do print v print m print (tr m) print $ v+v print $ m+m print $ m <> m print $ m #> v print $ am <> gaussElim am bm - bm print $ ad <> gaussElim ad bd - bd print g print $ g <> g print gm print $ gm <> gm print lg print $ lg <> lg print lgm print $ lgm <> lgm print (checkGen (gen 5 :: Matrix R)) print (checkGen (gen 5 :: Matrix C)) print (checkGen (gen 5 :: Matrix Float)) print (checkGen (gen 5 :: Matrix (Complex Float))) print (invg (gen 5) :: Matrix (Mod 7 I)) print (invg (gen 5) :: Matrix (Mod 7 Z)) print $ mutable (luST (const True)) (gen 5 :: Matrix R) print $ mutable (luST (const True)) (gen 5 :: Matrix (Mod 11 Z)) print $ checkLU (magnit 0) (gen 5 :: Matrix R) print $ checkLU (magnit 0) (gen 5 :: Matrix Float) print $ checkLU (magnit 0) (gen 5 :: Matrix C) print $ checkLU (magnit 0) (gen 5 :: Matrix (Complex Float)) print $ checkLU (magnit 0) (gen 5 :: Matrix (Mod 7 I)) print $ checkLU (magnit 0) (gen 5 :: Matrix (Mod 7 Z)) ok = and [ toInt (m #> v) == cmod 11 (toInt m #> toInt v ) , am <> gaussElim_1 am bm == bm , am <> gaussElim_2 am bm == bm , am <> gaussElim am bm == bm , (checkGen (gen 5 :: Matrix R)) < 1E-15 , (checkGen (gen 5 :: Matrix Float)) < 2E-7 , (checkGen (gen 5 :: Matrix C)) < 1E-15 , (checkGen (gen 5 :: Matrix (Complex Float))) < 2E-7 , (checkGen (gen 5 :: Matrix (Mod 7 I))) == 0 , (checkGen (gen 5 :: Matrix (Mod 7 Z))) == 0 , (checkLU (magnit 1E-10) (gen 5 :: Matrix R)) < 1E-15 , (checkLU (magnit 1E-5) (gen 5 :: Matrix Float)) < 1E-6 , (checkLU (magnit 1E-10) (gen 5 :: Matrix C)) < 1E-15 , (checkLU (magnit 1E-5) (gen 5 :: Matrix (Complex Float))) < 1E-6 , (checkLU (magnit 0) (gen 5 :: Matrix (Mod 7 I))) == 0 , (checkLU (magnit 0) (gen 5 :: Matrix (Mod 7 Z))) == 0 , prodElements (konst (9:: Mod 10 I) (12::Int)) == product (replicate 12 (9:: Mod 10 I)) , gm <> gm == konst 0 (3,3) , lgm <> lgm == konst 0 (3,3) ]