{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Module : Internal.Util Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2013 License : BSD3 Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz Stability : provisional -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Internal.Util( -- * Convenience functions vector, matrix, disp, formatSparse, approxInt, dispDots, dispBlanks, formatShort, dispShort, zeros, ones, diagl, row, col, (&), (¦), (|||), (——), (===), (#), (?), (¿), Indexable(..), size, Numeric, rand, randn, cross, norm, ℕ,ℤ,ℝ,ℂ,iC, Normed(..), norm_Frob, norm_nuclear, unitary, mt, (~!~), pairwiseD2, rowOuters, null1, null1sym, -- * Convolution -- ** 1D corr, conv, corrMin, -- ** 2D corr2, conv2, separable, gaussElim ) where import Internal.Vector import Internal.Matrix hiding (size) import Internal.Numeric import Internal.Element import Internal.Container import Internal.Vectorized import Internal.IO import Internal.Algorithms hiding (i,Normed) import Numeric.Matrix() import Numeric.Vector() import Internal.Random import Internal.Convolution import Control.Monad(when) import Text.Printf import Data.List.Split(splitOn) import Data.List(intercalate,sortBy) import Data.Function(on) import Control.Arrow((&&&)) import Data.Complex type ℝ = Double type ℕ = Int type ℤ = Int type ℂ = Complex Double -- | imaginary unit iC :: ℂ iC = 0:+1 {- | Create a real vector. >>> vector [1..5] fromList [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0] -} vector :: [ℝ] -> Vector ℝ vector = fromList {- | Create a real matrix. >>> matrix 5 [1..15] (3><5) [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 , 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 , 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0 ] -} matrix :: Int -- ^ number of columns -> [ℝ] -- ^ elements in row order -> Matrix ℝ matrix c = reshape c . fromList {- | print a real matrix with given number of digits after the decimal point >>> disp 5 $ ident 2 / 3 2x2 0.33333 0.00000 0.00000 0.33333 -} disp :: Int -> Matrix Double -> IO () disp n = putStr . dispf n {- | create a real diagonal matrix from a list >>> diagl [1,2,3] (3><3) [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 2.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 3.0 ] -} diagl :: [Double] -> Matrix Double diagl = diag . fromList -- | a real matrix of zeros zeros :: Int -- ^ rows -> Int -- ^ columns -> Matrix Double zeros r c = konst 0 (r,c) -- | a real matrix of ones ones :: Int -- ^ rows -> Int -- ^ columns -> Matrix Double ones r c = konst 1 (r,c) -- | concatenation of real vectors infixl 3 & (&) :: Vector Double -> Vector Double -> Vector Double a & b = vjoin [a,b] {- | horizontal concatenation of real matrices >>> ident 3 ||| konst 7 (3,4) (3><7) [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0 , 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0, 7.0 ] -} infixl 3 ||| (|||) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double a ||| b = fromBlocks [[a,b]] -- | a synonym for ('|||') (unicode 0x00a6, broken bar) infixl 3 ¦ (¦) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double (¦) = (|||) -- | vertical concatenation of real matrices -- (===) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double infixl 2 === a === b = fromBlocks [[a],[b]] -- | a synonym for ('===') (unicode 0x2014, em dash) (——) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double infixl 2 —— (——) = (===) (#) :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double infixl 2 # a # b = fromBlocks [[a],[b]] -- | create a single row real matrix from a list -- -- >>> row [2,3,1,8] -- (1><4) -- [ 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 8.0 ] -- row :: [Double] -> Matrix Double row = asRow . fromList -- | create a single column real matrix from a list -- -- >>> col [7,-2,4] -- (3><1) -- [ 7.0 -- , -2.0 -- , 4.0 ] -- col :: [Double] -> Matrix Double col = asColumn . fromList {- | extract rows >>> (20><4) [1..] ? [2,1,1] (3><4) [ 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0 , 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 , 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 ] -} infixl 9 ? (?) :: Element t => Matrix t -> [Int] -> Matrix t (?) = flip extractRows {- | extract columns (unicode 0x00bf, inverted question mark, Alt-Gr ?) >>> (3><4) [1..] ¿ [3,0] (3><2) [ 4.0, 1.0 , 8.0, 5.0 , 12.0, 9.0 ] -} infixl 9 ¿ (¿) :: Element t => Matrix t -> [Int] -> Matrix t (¿)= flip extractColumns cross :: Product t => Vector t -> Vector t -> Vector t -- ^ cross product (for three-element vectors) cross x y | dim x == 3 && dim y == 3 = fromList [z1,z2,z3] | otherwise = error $ "the cross product requires 3-element vectors (sizes given: " ++show (dim x)++" and "++show (dim y)++")" where [x1,x2,x3] = toList x [y1,y2,y3] = toList y z1 = x2*y3-x3*y2 z2 = x3*y1-x1*y3 z3 = x1*y2-x2*y1 {-# SPECIALIZE cross :: Vector Double -> Vector Double -> Vector Double #-} {-# SPECIALIZE cross :: Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double) #-} norm :: Vector Double -> Double -- ^ 2-norm of real vector norm = pnorm PNorm2 class Normed a where norm_0 :: a -> ℝ norm_1 :: a -> ℝ norm_2 :: a -> ℝ norm_Inf :: a -> ℝ instance Normed (Vector ℝ) where norm_0 v = sumElements (step (abs v - scalar (eps*normInf v))) norm_1 = pnorm PNorm1 norm_2 = pnorm PNorm2 norm_Inf = pnorm Infinity instance Normed (Vector ℂ) where norm_0 v = sumElements (step (fst (fromComplex (abs v)) - scalar (eps*normInf v))) norm_1 = pnorm PNorm1 norm_2 = pnorm PNorm2 norm_Inf = pnorm Infinity instance Normed (Matrix ℝ) where norm_0 = norm_0 . flatten norm_1 = pnorm PNorm1 norm_2 = pnorm PNorm2 norm_Inf = pnorm Infinity instance Normed (Matrix ℂ) where norm_0 = norm_0 . flatten norm_1 = pnorm PNorm1 norm_2 = pnorm PNorm2 norm_Inf = pnorm Infinity instance Normed (Vector I) where norm_0 = fromIntegral . sumElements . step . abs norm_1 = fromIntegral . norm1 norm_2 v = sqrt . fromIntegral $ dot v v norm_Inf = fromIntegral . normInf norm_Frob :: (Normed (Vector t), Element t) => Matrix t -> ℝ norm_Frob = norm_2 . flatten norm_nuclear :: Field t => Matrix t -> ℝ norm_nuclear = sumElements . singularValues -- | Obtains a vector in the same direction with 2-norm=1 unitary :: Vector Double -> Vector Double unitary v = v / scalar (norm v) -- | trans . inv mt :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double mt = trans . inv -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | >>> size $ vector [1..10] 10 >>> size $ (2><5)[1..10::Double] (2,5) -} size :: Container c t => c t -> IndexOf c size = size' {- | Alternative indexing function. >>> vector [1..10] ! 3 4.0 On a matrix it gets the k-th row as a vector: >>> matrix 5 [1..15] ! 1 fromList [6.0,7.0,8.0,9.0,10.0] >>> matrix 5 [1..15] ! 1 ! 3 9.0 -} class Indexable c t | c -> t , t -> c where infixl 9 ! (!) :: c -> Int -> t instance Indexable (Vector Double) Double where (!) = (@>) instance Indexable (Vector Float) Float where (!) = (@>) instance Indexable (Vector I) I where (!) = (@>) instance Indexable (Vector (Complex Double)) (Complex Double) where (!) = (@>) instance Indexable (Vector (Complex Float)) (Complex Float) where (!) = (@>) instance Element t => Indexable (Matrix t) (Vector t) where m!j = subVector (j*c) c (flatten m) where c = cols m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Matrix of pairwise squared distances of row vectors -- (using the matrix product trick in blog.smola.org) pairwiseD2 :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double pairwiseD2 x y | ok = x2 `outer` oy + ox `outer` y2 - 2* x <> trans y | otherwise = error $ "pairwiseD2 with different number of columns: " ++ show (size x) ++ ", " ++ show (size y) where ox = one (rows x) oy = one (rows y) oc = one (cols x) one k = konst 1 k x2 = x * x <> oc y2 = y * y <> oc ok = cols x == cols y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | outer products of rows >>> a (3><2) [ 1.0, 2.0 , 10.0, 20.0 , 100.0, 200.0 ] >>> b (3><3) [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 , 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 , 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 ] >>> rowOuters a (b ||| 1) (3><8) [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 2.0 , 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 10.0, 80.0, 100.0, 120.0, 20.0 , 700.0, 800.0, 900.0, 100.0, 1400.0, 1600.0, 1800.0, 200.0 ] -} rowOuters :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double rowOuters a b = a' * b' where a' = kronecker a (ones 1 (cols b)) b' = kronecker (ones 1 (cols a)) b -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | solution of overconstrained homogeneous linear system null1 :: Matrix Double -> Vector Double null1 = last . toColumns . snd . rightSV -- | solution of overconstrained homogeneous symmetric linear system null1sym :: Matrix Double -> Vector Double null1sym = last . toColumns . snd . eigSH' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- infixl 0 ~!~ c ~!~ msg = when c (error msg) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- formatSparse :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> Matrix Double -> String formatSparse zeroI _zeroF sep _ (approxInt -> Just m) = format sep f m where f 0 = zeroI f x = printf "%.0f" x formatSparse zeroI zeroF sep n m = format sep f m where f x | abs (x::Double) < 2*peps = zeroI++zeroF | abs (fromIntegral (round x::Int) - x) / abs x < 2*peps = printf ("%.0f."++replicate n ' ') x | otherwise = printf ("%."++show n++"f") x approxInt m | norm_Inf (v - vi) < 2*peps * norm_Inf v = Just (reshape (cols m) vi) | otherwise = Nothing where v = flatten m vi = roundVector v dispDots n = putStr . formatSparse "." (replicate n ' ') " " n dispBlanks n = putStr . formatSparse "" "" " " n formatShort sep fmt maxr maxc m = auxm4 where (rm,cm) = size m (r1,r2,r3) | rm <= maxr = (rm,0,0) | otherwise = (maxr-3,rm-maxr+1,2) (c1,c2,c3) | cm <= maxc = (cm,0,0) | otherwise = (maxc-3,cm-maxc+1,2) [ [a,_,b] ,[_,_,_] ,[c,_,d]] = toBlocks [r1,r2,r3] [c1,c2,c3] m auxm = fromBlocks [[a,b],[c,d]] auxm2 | cm > maxc = format "|" fmt auxm | otherwise = format sep fmt auxm auxm3 | cm > maxc = map (f . splitOn "|") (lines auxm2) | otherwise = (lines auxm2) f items = intercalate sep (take (maxc-3) items) ++ " .. " ++ intercalate sep (drop (maxc-3) items) auxm4 | rm > maxr = unlines (take (maxr-3) auxm3 ++ vsep : drop (maxr-3) auxm3) | otherwise = unlines auxm3 vsep = map g (head auxm3) g '.' = ':' g _ = ' ' dispShort :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Matrix Double -> IO () dispShort maxr maxc dec m = printf "%dx%d\n%s" (rows m) (cols m) (formatShort " " fmt maxr maxc m) where fmt = printf ("%."++show dec ++"f") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | generic reference implementation of gaussian elimination -- -- @a <> gauss a b = b@ -- gaussElim :: (Fractional t, Num (Vector t), Ord t, Indexable (Vector t) t, Numeric t) => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t gaussElim x y = dropColumns (rows x) (flipud $ fromRows s2) where rs = toRows $ fromBlocks [[x , y]] s1 = pivotDown (rows x) 0 rs s2 = pivotUp (rows x-1) (reverse s1) pivotDown t n xs | t == n = [] | otherwise = y : pivotDown t (n+1) ys where y:ys = redu (pivot n xs) pivot k = (const k &&& id) . reverse . sortBy (compare `on` (abs. (!k))) -- FIXME redu (k,x:zs) | p == 0 = error "gauss: singular!" -- FIXME | otherwise = u : map f zs where p = x!k u = scale (recip (x!k)) x f z = z - scale (z!k) u redu (_,[]) = [] pivotUp n xs | n == -1 = [] | otherwise = y : pivotUp (n-1) ys where y:ys = redu' (n,xs) redu' (k,x:zs) = u : map f zs where u = x f z = z - scale (z!k) u redu' (_,[]) = [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Testable (Matrix I) where checkT _ = test test :: (Bool, IO()) test = (and ok, return ()) where m = (3><4) [1..12] :: Matrix I r = (2><3) [1,2,3,4,3,2] c = (3><2) [0,4,4,1,2,3] p = (9><10) [0..89] :: Matrix I ep = (2><3) [10,24,32,44,31,23] md = fromInt m :: Matrix Double ok = [ tr m <> m == toInt (tr md <> md) , m <> tr m == toInt (md <> tr md) , m ?? (Take 2, Take 3) == remap (asColumn (range 2)) (asRow (range 3)) m , remap r (tr c) p == ep , tr p ?? (PosCyc (idxs[-5,13]), Pos (idxs[3,7,1])) == (2><3) [35,75,15,33,73,13] ]