----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Numeric.GSL.Vector -- Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2007-14 -- License : GPL -- Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz -- Stability : provisional -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Numeric.GSL.Vector ( randomVector, saveMatrix, fwriteVector, freadVector, fprintfVector, fscanfVector ) where import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.HMatrix hiding(randomVector, saveMatrix) import Numeric.GSL.Internal hiding (TV,TM,TCV,TCM) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc(free) import Foreign.Ptr(Ptr) import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.C.String(newCString) import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO) fromei x = fromIntegral (fromEnum x) :: CInt ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Obtains a vector of pseudorandom elements from the the mt19937 generator in GSL, with a given seed. Use randomIO to get a random seed. randomVector :: Int -- ^ seed -> RandDist -- ^ distribution -> Int -- ^ vector size -> Vector Double randomVector seed dist n = unsafePerformIO $ do r <- createVector n app1 (c_random_vector_GSL (fi seed) ((fi.fromEnum) dist)) vec r "randomVectorGSL" return r foreign import ccall unsafe "random_vector_GSL" c_random_vector_GSL :: CInt -> CInt -> TV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Saves a matrix as 2D ASCII table. saveMatrix :: FilePath -> String -- ^ format (%f, %g, %e) -> Matrix Double -> IO () saveMatrix filename fmt m = do charname <- newCString filename charfmt <- newCString fmt let o = if orderOf m == RowMajor then 1 else 0 app1 (matrix_fprintf charname charfmt o) mat m "matrix_fprintf" free charname free charfmt foreign import ccall unsafe "matrix_fprintf" matrix_fprintf :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> CInt -> TM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Loads a vector from an ASCII file (the number of elements must be known in advance). fscanfVector :: FilePath -> Int -> IO (Vector Double) fscanfVector filename n = do charname <- newCString filename res <- createVector n app1 (gsl_vector_fscanf charname) vec res "gsl_vector_fscanf" free charname return res foreign import ccall unsafe "vector_fscanf" gsl_vector_fscanf:: Ptr CChar -> TV -- | Saves the elements of a vector, with a given format (%f, %e, %g), to an ASCII file. fprintfVector :: FilePath -> String -> Vector Double -> IO () fprintfVector filename fmt v = do charname <- newCString filename charfmt <- newCString fmt app1 (gsl_vector_fprintf charname charfmt) vec v "gsl_vector_fprintf" free charname free charfmt foreign import ccall unsafe "vector_fprintf" gsl_vector_fprintf :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> TV -- | Loads a vector from a binary file (the number of elements must be known in advance). freadVector :: FilePath -> Int -> IO (Vector Double) freadVector filename n = do charname <- newCString filename res <- createVector n app1 (gsl_vector_fread charname) vec res "gsl_vector_fread" free charname return res foreign import ccall unsafe "vector_fread" gsl_vector_fread:: Ptr CChar -> TV -- | Saves the elements of a vector to a binary file. fwriteVector :: FilePath -> Vector Double -> IO () fwriteVector filename v = do charname <- newCString filename app1 (gsl_vector_fwrite charname) vec v "gsl_vector_fwrite" free charname foreign import ccall unsafe "vector_fwrite" gsl_vector_fwrite :: Ptr CChar -> TV type PD = Ptr Double -- type TV = CInt -> PD -> IO CInt -- type TM = CInt -> CInt -> PD -> IO CInt --