{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Module : Numeric.GSL.Fourier Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2006 License : GPL-style Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz (aruiz at um dot es) Stability : provisional Portability : uses ffi Fourier Transform. -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Numeric.GSL.Fourier ( fft, ifft ) where import Data.Packed.Internal import Data.Complex import Foreign.C.Types import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) genfft code v = unsafePerformIO $ do r <- createVector (dim v) app2 (c_fft code) vec v vec r "fft" return r foreign import ccall unsafe "gsl-aux.h fft" c_fft :: CInt -> TCVCV {- | Fast 1D Fourier transform of a 'Vector' @(@'Complex' 'Double'@)@ using /gsl_fft_complex_forward/. It uses the same scaling conventions as GNU Octave. >>> fft (fromList [1,2,3,4]) fromList [10.0 :+ 0.0,(-2.0) :+ 2.0,(-2.0) :+ 0.0,(-2.0) :+ (-2.0)] -} fft :: Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double) fft = genfft 0 -- | The inverse of 'fft', using /gsl_fft_complex_inverse/. ifft :: Vector (Complex Double) -> Vector (Complex Double) ifft = genfft 1