{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Module : Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Algorithms Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2006-9 License : GPL-style Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz (aruiz at um dot es) Stability : provisional Portability : uses ffi High level generic interface to common matrix computations. Specific functions for particular base types can also be explicitly imported from "Numeric.LinearAlgebra.LAPACK". -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Algorithms ( -- * Supported types Field(), -- * Linear Systems linearSolve, luSolve, cholSolve, linearSolveLS, linearSolveSVD, inv, pinv, pinvTol, det, invlndet, rank, rcond, -- * Matrix factorizations -- ** Singular value decomposition svd, fullSVD, thinSVD, compactSVD, singularValues, leftSV, rightSV, -- ** Eigensystems eig, eigSH, eigSH', eigenvalues, eigenvaluesSH, eigenvaluesSH', geigSH', -- ** QR qr, rq, qrRaw, qrgr, -- ** Cholesky chol, cholSH, mbCholSH, -- ** Hessenberg hess, -- ** Schur schur, -- ** LU lu, luPacked, -- * Matrix functions expm, sqrtm, matFunc, -- * Nullspace nullspacePrec, nullVector, nullspaceSVD, orth, -- * Norms Normed(..), NormType(..), relativeError, -- * Misc eps, peps, i, -- * Util haussholder, unpackQR, unpackHess, ranksv ) where import Data.Packed.Development hiding ((//)) import Data.Packed import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.LAPACK as LAPACK import Data.List(foldl1') import Data.Array import Data.Packed.Numeric {- | Generic linear algebra functions for double precision real and complex matrices. (Single precision data can be converted using 'single' and 'double'). -} class (Product t, Convert t, Container Vector t, Container Matrix t, Normed Matrix t, Normed Vector t, Floating t, RealOf t ~ Double) => Field t where svd' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double, Matrix t) thinSVD' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double, Matrix t) sv' :: Matrix t -> Vector Double luPacked' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, [Int]) luSolve' :: (Matrix t, [Int]) -> Matrix t -> Matrix t linearSolve' :: Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t cholSolve' :: Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t linearSolveSVD' :: Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t linearSolveLS' :: Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t eig' :: Matrix t -> (Vector (Complex Double), Matrix (Complex Double)) eigSH'' :: Matrix t -> (Vector Double, Matrix t) eigOnly :: Matrix t -> Vector (Complex Double) eigOnlySH :: Matrix t -> Vector Double cholSH' :: Matrix t -> Matrix t mbCholSH' :: Matrix t -> Maybe (Matrix t) qr' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector t) qrgr' :: Int -> (Matrix t, Vector t) -> Matrix t hess' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t) schur' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t) instance Field Double where svd' = svdRd thinSVD' = thinSVDRd sv' = svR luPacked' = luR luSolve' (l_u,perm) = lusR l_u perm linearSolve' = linearSolveR -- (luSolve . luPacked) ?? cholSolve' = cholSolveR linearSolveLS' = linearSolveLSR linearSolveSVD' = linearSolveSVDR Nothing eig' = eigR eigSH'' = eigS eigOnly = eigOnlyR eigOnlySH = eigOnlyS cholSH' = cholS mbCholSH' = mbCholS qr' = qrR qrgr' = qrgrR hess' = unpackHess hessR schur' = schurR instance Field (Complex Double) where #ifdef NOZGESDD svd' = svdC thinSVD' = thinSVDC #else svd' = svdCd thinSVD' = thinSVDCd #endif sv' = svC luPacked' = luC luSolve' (l_u,perm) = lusC l_u perm linearSolve' = linearSolveC cholSolve' = cholSolveC linearSolveLS' = linearSolveLSC linearSolveSVD' = linearSolveSVDC Nothing eig' = eigC eigOnly = eigOnlyC eigSH'' = eigH eigOnlySH = eigOnlyH cholSH' = cholH mbCholSH' = mbCholH qr' = qrC qrgr' = qrgrC hess' = unpackHess hessC schur' = schurC -------------------------------------------------------------- square m = rows m == cols m vertical m = rows m >= cols m exactHermitian m = m `equal` ctrans m -------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Full singular value decomposition. svd :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double, Matrix t) svd = {-# SCC "svd" #-} svd' -- | A version of 'svd' which returns only the @min (rows m) (cols m)@ singular vectors of @m@. -- -- If @(u,s,v) = thinSVD m@ then @m == u \<> diag s \<> trans v@. thinSVD :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double, Matrix t) thinSVD = {-# SCC "thinSVD" #-} thinSVD' -- | Singular values only. singularValues :: Field t => Matrix t -> Vector Double singularValues = {-# SCC "singularValues" #-} sv' -- | A version of 'svd' which returns an appropriate diagonal matrix with the singular values. -- -- If @(u,d,v) = fullSVD m@ then @m == u \<> d \<> trans v@. fullSVD :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix Double, Matrix t) fullSVD m = (u,d,v) where (u,s,v) = svd m d = diagRect 0 s r c r = rows m c = cols m -- | Similar to 'thinSVD', returning only the nonzero singular values and the corresponding singular vectors. compactSVD :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double, Matrix t) compactSVD m = (u', subVector 0 d s, v') where (u,s,v) = thinSVD m d = rankSVD (1*eps) m s `max` 1 u' = takeColumns d u v' = takeColumns d v -- | Singular values and all right singular vectors. rightSV :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Vector Double, Matrix t) rightSV m | vertical m = let (_,s,v) = thinSVD m in (s,v) | otherwise = let (_,s,v) = svd m in (s,v) -- | Singular values and all left singular vectors. leftSV :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double) leftSV m | vertical m = let (u,s,_) = svd m in (u,s) | otherwise = let (u,s,_) = thinSVD m in (u,s) -------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Obtains the LU decomposition of a matrix in a compact data structure suitable for 'luSolve'. luPacked :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, [Int]) luPacked = {-# SCC "luPacked" #-} luPacked' -- | Solution of a linear system (for several right hand sides) from the precomputed LU factorization obtained by 'luPacked'. luSolve :: Field t => (Matrix t, [Int]) -> Matrix t -> Matrix t luSolve = {-# SCC "luSolve" #-} luSolve' -- | Solve a linear system (for square coefficient matrix and several right-hand sides) using the LU decomposition. For underconstrained or overconstrained systems use 'linearSolveLS' or 'linearSolveSVD'. -- It is similar to 'luSolve' . 'luPacked', but @linearSolve@ raises an error if called on a singular system. linearSolve :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t linearSolve = {-# SCC "linearSolve" #-} linearSolve' -- | Solve a symmetric or Hermitian positive definite linear system using a precomputed Cholesky decomposition obtained by 'chol'. cholSolve :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t cholSolve = {-# SCC "cholSolve" #-} cholSolve' -- | Minimum norm solution of a general linear least squares problem Ax=B using the SVD. Admits rank-deficient systems but it is slower than 'linearSolveLS'. The effective rank of A is determined by treating as zero those singular valures which are less than 'eps' times the largest singular value. linearSolveSVD :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t linearSolveSVD = {-# SCC "linearSolveSVD" #-} linearSolveSVD' -- | Least squared error solution of an overconstrained linear system, or the minimum norm solution of an underconstrained system. For rank-deficient systems use 'linearSolveSVD'. linearSolveLS :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t linearSolveLS = {-# SCC "linearSolveLS" #-} linearSolveLS' -------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general square matrix. -- -- If @(s,v) = eig m@ then @m \<> v == v \<> diag s@ eig :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Vector (Complex Double), Matrix (Complex Double)) eig = {-# SCC "eig" #-} eig' -- | Eigenvalues of a general square matrix. eigenvalues :: Field t => Matrix t -> Vector (Complex Double) eigenvalues = {-# SCC "eigenvalues" #-} eigOnly -- | Similar to 'eigSH' without checking that the input matrix is hermitian or symmetric. It works with the upper triangular part. eigSH' :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Vector Double, Matrix t) eigSH' = {-# SCC "eigSH'" #-} eigSH'' -- | Similar to 'eigenvaluesSH' without checking that the input matrix is hermitian or symmetric. It works with the upper triangular part. eigenvaluesSH' :: Field t => Matrix t -> Vector Double eigenvaluesSH' = {-# SCC "eigenvaluesSH'" #-} eigOnlySH -- | Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a complex hermitian or real symmetric matrix. -- -- If @(s,v) = eigSH m@ then @m == v \<> diag s \<> ctrans v@ eigSH :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Vector Double, Matrix t) eigSH m | exactHermitian m = eigSH' m | otherwise = error "eigSH requires complex hermitian or real symmetric matrix" -- | Eigenvalues of a complex hermitian or real symmetric matrix. eigenvaluesSH :: Field t => Matrix t -> Vector Double eigenvaluesSH m | exactHermitian m = eigenvaluesSH' m | otherwise = error "eigenvaluesSH requires complex hermitian or real symmetric matrix" -------------------------------------------------------------- -- | QR factorization. -- -- If @(q,r) = qr m@ then @m == q \<> r@, where q is unitary and r is upper triangular. qr :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t) qr = {-# SCC "qr" #-} unpackQR . qr' qrRaw m = qr' m {- | generate a matrix with k orthogonal columns from the output of qrRaw -} qrgr n (a,t) | dim t > min (cols a) (rows a) || n < 0 || n > dim t = error "qrgr expects k <= min(rows,cols)" | otherwise = qrgr' n (a,t) -- | RQ factorization. -- -- If @(r,q) = rq m@ then @m == r \<> q@, where q is unitary and r is upper triangular. rq :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t) rq m = {-# SCC "rq" #-} (r,q) where (q',r') = qr $ trans $ rev1 m r = rev2 (trans r') q = rev2 (trans q') rev1 = flipud . fliprl rev2 = fliprl . flipud -- | Hessenberg factorization. -- -- If @(p,h) = hess m@ then @m == p \<> h \<> ctrans p@, where p is unitary -- and h is in upper Hessenberg form (it has zero entries below the first subdiagonal). hess :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t) hess = hess' -- | Schur factorization. -- -- If @(u,s) = schur m@ then @m == u \<> s \<> ctrans u@, where u is unitary -- and s is a Shur matrix. A complex Schur matrix is upper triangular. A real Schur matrix is -- upper triangular in 2x2 blocks. -- -- \"Anything that the Jordan decomposition can do, the Schur decomposition -- can do better!\" (Van Loan) schur :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t) schur = schur' -- | Similar to 'cholSH', but instead of an error (e.g., caused by a matrix not positive definite) it returns 'Nothing'. mbCholSH :: Field t => Matrix t -> Maybe (Matrix t) mbCholSH = {-# SCC "mbCholSH" #-} mbCholSH' -- | Similar to 'chol', without checking that the input matrix is hermitian or symmetric. It works with the upper triangular part. cholSH :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t cholSH = {-# SCC "cholSH" #-} cholSH' -- | Cholesky factorization of a positive definite hermitian or symmetric matrix. -- -- If @c = chol m@ then @c@ is upper triangular and @m == ctrans c \<> c@. chol :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t chol m | exactHermitian m = cholSH m | otherwise = error "chol requires positive definite complex hermitian or real symmetric matrix" -- | Joint computation of inverse and logarithm of determinant of a square matrix. invlndet :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, (t, t)) -- ^ (inverse, (log abs det, sign or phase of det)) invlndet m | square m = (im,(ladm,sdm)) | otherwise = error $ "invlndet of nonsquare "++ shSize m ++ " matrix" where lp@(lup,perm) = luPacked m s = signlp (rows m) perm dg = toList $ takeDiag $ lup ladm = sum $ map (log.abs) dg sdm = s* product (map signum dg) im = luSolve lp (ident (rows m)) -- | Determinant of a square matrix. To avoid possible overflow or underflow use 'invlndet'. det :: Field t => Matrix t -> t det m | square m = {-# SCC "det" #-} s * (product $ toList $ takeDiag $ lup) | otherwise = error $ "det of nonsquare "++ shSize m ++ " matrix" where (lup,perm) = luPacked m s = signlp (rows m) perm -- | Explicit LU factorization of a general matrix. -- -- If @(l,u,p,s) = lu m@ then @m == p \<> l \<> u@, where l is lower triangular, -- u is upper triangular, p is a permutation matrix and s is the signature of the permutation. lu :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t, Matrix t, t) lu = luFact . luPacked -- | Inverse of a square matrix. See also 'invlndet'. inv :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t inv m | square m = m `linearSolve` ident (rows m) | otherwise = error $ "inv of nonsquare "++ shSize m ++ " matrix" -- | Pseudoinverse of a general matrix with default tolerance ('pinvTol' 1, similar to GNU-Octave). pinv :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t pinv = pinvTol 1 {- | @pinvTol r@ computes the pseudoinverse of a matrix with tolerance @tol=r*g*eps*(max rows cols)@, where g is the greatest singular value. @ m = (3><3) [ 1, 0, 0 , 0, 1, 0 , 0, 0, 1e-10] :: Matrix Double @ >>> pinv m 1. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 10000000000. >>> pinvTol 1E8 m 1. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 1. -} pinvTol :: Field t => Double -> Matrix t -> Matrix t pinvTol t m = conj v' `mXm` diag s' `mXm` ctrans u' where (u,s,v) = thinSVD m sl@(g:_) = toList s s' = real . fromList . map rec $ sl rec x = if x <= g*tol then x else 1/x tol = (fromIntegral (max r c) * g * t * eps) r = rows m c = cols m d = dim s u' = takeColumns d u v' = takeColumns d v -- | Numeric rank of a matrix from the SVD decomposition. rankSVD :: Element t => Double -- ^ numeric zero (e.g. 1*'eps') -> Matrix t -- ^ input matrix m -> Vector Double -- ^ 'sv' of m -> Int -- ^ rank of m rankSVD teps m s = ranksv teps (max (rows m) (cols m)) (toList s) -- | Numeric rank of a matrix from its singular values. ranksv :: Double -- ^ numeric zero (e.g. 1*'eps') -> Int -- ^ maximum dimension of the matrix -> [Double] -- ^ singular values -> Int -- ^ rank of m ranksv teps maxdim s = k where g = maximum s tol = fromIntegral maxdim * g * teps s' = filter (>tol) s k = if g > teps then length s' else 0 -- | The machine precision of a Double: @eps = 2.22044604925031e-16@ (the value used by GNU-Octave). eps :: Double eps = 2.22044604925031e-16 -- | 1 + 0.5*peps == 1, 1 + 0.6*peps /= 1 peps :: RealFloat x => x peps = x where x = 2.0 ** fromIntegral (1 - floatDigits x) -- | The imaginary unit: @i = 0.0 :+ 1.0@ i :: Complex Double i = 0:+1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The nullspace of a matrix from its precomputed SVD decomposition. nullspaceSVD :: Field t => Either Double Int -- ^ Left \"numeric\" zero (eg. 1*'eps'), -- or Right \"theoretical\" matrix rank. -> Matrix t -- ^ input matrix m -> (Vector Double, Matrix t) -- ^ 'rightSV' of m -> [Vector t] -- ^ list of unitary vectors spanning the nullspace nullspaceSVD hint a (s,v) = vs where tol = case hint of Left t -> t _ -> eps k = case hint of Right t -> t _ -> rankSVD tol a s vs = drop k $ toRows $ ctrans v -- | The nullspace of a matrix. See also 'nullspaceSVD'. nullspacePrec :: Field t => Double -- ^ relative tolerance in 'eps' units (e.g., use 3 to get 3*'eps') -> Matrix t -- ^ input matrix -> [Vector t] -- ^ list of unitary vectors spanning the nullspace nullspacePrec t m = nullspaceSVD (Left (t*eps)) m (rightSV m) -- | The nullspace of a matrix, assumed to be one-dimensional, with machine precision. nullVector :: Field t => Matrix t -> Vector t nullVector = last . nullspacePrec 1 orth :: Field t => Matrix t -> [Vector t] -- ^ Return an orthonormal basis of the range space of a matrix orth m = take r $ toColumns u where (u,s,_) = compactSVD m r = ranksv eps (max (rows m) (cols m)) (toList s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- many thanks, quickcheck! haussholder :: (Field a) => a -> Vector a -> Matrix a haussholder tau v = ident (dim v) `sub` (tau `scale` (w `mXm` ctrans w)) where w = asColumn v zh k v = fromList $ replicate (k-1) 0 ++ (1:drop k xs) where xs = toList v zt 0 v = v zt k v = vjoin [subVector 0 (dim v - k) v, konst' 0 k] unpackQR :: (Field t) => (Matrix t, Vector t) -> (Matrix t, Matrix t) unpackQR (pq, tau) = {-# SCC "unpackQR" #-} (q,r) where cs = toColumns pq m = rows pq n = cols pq mn = min m n r = fromColumns $ zipWith zt ([m-1, m-2 .. 1] ++ repeat 0) cs vs = zipWith zh [1..mn] cs hs = zipWith haussholder (toList tau) vs q = foldl1' mXm hs unpackHess :: (Field t) => (Matrix t -> (Matrix t,Vector t)) -> Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t) unpackHess hf m | rows m == 1 = ((1><1)[1],m) | otherwise = (uH . hf) m uH (pq, tau) = (p,h) where cs = toColumns pq m = rows pq n = cols pq mn = min m n h = fromColumns $ zipWith zt ([m-2, m-3 .. 1] ++ repeat 0) cs vs = zipWith zh [2..mn] cs hs = zipWith haussholder (toList tau) vs p = foldl1' mXm hs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Reciprocal of the 2-norm condition number of a matrix, computed from the singular values. rcond :: Field t => Matrix t -> Double rcond m = last s / head s where s = toList (singularValues m) -- | Number of linearly independent rows or columns. rank :: Field t => Matrix t -> Int rank m = rankSVD eps m (singularValues m) {- expm' m = case diagonalize (complex m) of Just (l,v) -> v `mXm` diag (exp l) `mXm` inv v Nothing -> error "Sorry, expm not yet implemented for non-diagonalizable matrices" where exp = vectorMapC Exp -} diagonalize m = if rank v == n then Just (l,v) else Nothing where n = rows m (l,v) = if exactHermitian m then let (l',v') = eigSH m in (real l', v') else eig m -- | Generic matrix functions for diagonalizable matrices. For instance: -- -- @logm = matFunc log@ -- matFunc :: (Complex Double -> Complex Double) -> Matrix (Complex Double) -> Matrix (Complex Double) matFunc f m = case diagonalize m of Just (l,v) -> v `mXm` diag (mapVector f l) `mXm` inv v Nothing -> error "Sorry, matFunc requires a diagonalizable matrix" -------------------------------------------------------------- golubeps :: Integer -> Integer -> Double golubeps p q = a * fromIntegral b / fromIntegral c where a = 2^^(3-p-q) b = fact p * fact q c = fact (p+q) * fact (p+q+1) fact n = product [1..n] epslist :: [(Int,Double)] epslist = [ (fromIntegral k, golubeps k k) | k <- [1..]] geps delta = head [ k | (k,g) <- epslist, g Matrix t -> Matrix t expm = expGolub expGolub :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t expGolub m = iterate msq f !! j where j = max 0 $ floor $ logBase 2 $ pnorm Infinity m a = m */ fromIntegral ((2::Int)^j) q = geps eps -- 7 steps eye = ident (rows m) work (k,c,x,n,d) = (k',c',x',n',d') where k' = k+1 c' = c * fromIntegral (q-k+1) / fromIntegral ((2*q-k+1)*k) x' = a <> x n' = n |+| (c' .* x') d' = d |+| (((-1)^k * c') .* x') (_,_,_,nf,df) = iterate work (1,1,eye,eye,eye) !! q f = linearSolve df nf msq x = x <> x (<>) = multiply v */ x = scale (recip x) v (.*) = scale (|+|) = add -------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Matrix square root. Currently it uses a simple iterative algorithm described in Wikipedia. It only works with invertible matrices that have a real solution. For diagonalizable matrices you can try @matFunc sqrt@. @m = (2><2) [4,9 ,0,4] :: Matrix Double@ >>> sqrtm m (2><2) [ 2.0, 2.25 , 0.0, 2.0 ] -} sqrtm :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t sqrtm = sqrtmInv sqrtmInv x = fst $ fixedPoint $ iterate f (x, ident (rows x)) where fixedPoint (a:b:rest) | pnorm PNorm1 (fst a |-| fst b) < peps = a | otherwise = fixedPoint (b:rest) fixedPoint _ = error "fixedpoint with impossible inputs" f (y,z) = (0.5 .* (y |+| inv z), 0.5 .* (inv y |+| z)) (.*) = scale (|+|) = add (|-|) = sub ------------------------------------------------------------------ signlp r vals = foldl f 1 (zip [0..r-1] vals) where f s (a,b) | a /= b = -s | otherwise = s swap (arr,s) (a,b) | a /= b = (arr // [(a, arr!b),(b,arr!a)],-s) | otherwise = (arr,s) fixPerm r vals = (fromColumns $ elems res, sign) where v = [0..r-1] s = toColumns (ident r) (res,sign) = foldl swap (listArray (0,r-1) s, 1) (zip v vals) triang r c h v = (r>=h then v else 1 - v luFact (l_u,perm) | r <= c = (l ,u ,p, s) | otherwise = (l',u',p, s) where r = rows l_u c = cols l_u tu = triang r c 0 1 tl = triang r c 0 0 l = takeColumns r (l_u |*| tl) |+| diagRect 0 (konst' 1 r) r r u = l_u |*| tu (p,s) = fixPerm r perm l' = (l_u |*| tl) |+| diagRect 0 (konst' 1 c) r c u' = takeRows c (l_u |*| tu) (|+|) = add (|*|) = mul --------------------------------------------------------------------------- data NormType = Infinity | PNorm1 | PNorm2 | Frobenius class (RealFloat (RealOf t)) => Normed c t where pnorm :: NormType -> c t -> RealOf t instance Normed Vector Double where pnorm PNorm1 = norm1 pnorm PNorm2 = norm2 pnorm Infinity = normInf pnorm Frobenius = norm2 instance Normed Vector (Complex Double) where pnorm PNorm1 = norm1 pnorm PNorm2 = norm2 pnorm Infinity = normInf pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 instance Normed Vector Float where pnorm PNorm1 = norm1 pnorm PNorm2 = norm2 pnorm Infinity = normInf pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 instance Normed Vector (Complex Float) where pnorm PNorm1 = norm1 pnorm PNorm2 = norm2 pnorm Infinity = normInf pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 instance Normed Matrix Double where pnorm PNorm1 = maximum . map (pnorm PNorm1) . toColumns pnorm PNorm2 = (@>0) . singularValues pnorm Infinity = pnorm PNorm1 . trans pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 . flatten instance Normed Matrix (Complex Double) where pnorm PNorm1 = maximum . map (pnorm PNorm1) . toColumns pnorm PNorm2 = (@>0) . singularValues pnorm Infinity = pnorm PNorm1 . trans pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 . flatten instance Normed Matrix Float where pnorm PNorm1 = maximum . map (pnorm PNorm1) . toColumns pnorm PNorm2 = realToFrac . (@>0) . singularValues . double pnorm Infinity = pnorm PNorm1 . trans pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 . flatten instance Normed Matrix (Complex Float) where pnorm PNorm1 = maximum . map (pnorm PNorm1) . toColumns pnorm PNorm2 = realToFrac . (@>0) . singularValues . double pnorm Infinity = pnorm PNorm1 . trans pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 . flatten -- | Approximate number of common digits in the maximum element. relativeError :: (Normed c t, Container c t) => c t -> c t -> Int relativeError x y = dig (norm (x `sub` y) / norm x) where norm = pnorm Infinity dig r = round $ -logBase 10 (realToFrac r :: Double) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Generalized symmetric positive definite eigensystem Av = lBv, -- for A and B symmetric, B positive definite (conditions not checked). geigSH' :: Field t => Matrix t -- ^ A -> Matrix t -- ^ B -> (Vector Double, Matrix t) geigSH' a b = (l,v') where u = cholSH b iu = inv u c = ctrans iu <> a <> iu (l,v) = eigSH' c v' = iu <> v (<>) = mXm