{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VM import Foreign.C.Types import Foreign.ForeignPtr (newForeignPtr_) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr) import Foreign.Storable (Storable) -- import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Backend.Cairo as Chart -- import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Chart.Easy as Chart import qualified Language.C.Inline as C import qualified Language.C.Inline.Unsafe as CU import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) -- #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710 -- import Data.Functor ((<$>)) -- #endif C.context (C.baseCtx <> C.vecCtx <> C.funCtx) C.include "" C.include "" C.include "" -- | Solves a system of ODEs. Every 'V.Vector' involved must be of the -- same size. {-# NOINLINE solveOdeC #-} solveOdeC :: (CDouble -> V.Vector CDouble -> V.Vector CDouble) -- ^ ODE to Solve -> CDouble -- ^ Start -> V.Vector CDouble -- ^ Solution at start point -> CDouble -- ^ End -> Either String (V.Vector CDouble) -- ^ Solution at end point, or error. solveOdeC fun x0 f0 xend = unsafePerformIO $ do let dim = V.length f0 let dim_c = fromIntegral dim -- This is in CInt -- Convert the function to something of the right type to C. let funIO x y f _ptr = do -- Convert the pointer we get from C (y) to a vector, and then -- apply the user-supplied function. fImm <- fun x <$> vectorFromC dim y -- Fill in the provided pointer with the resulting vector. vectorToC fImm dim f -- Unsafe since the function will be called many times. [CU.exp| int{ GSL_SUCCESS } |] -- Create a mutable vector from the initial solution. This will be -- passed to the ODE solving function provided by GSL, and will -- contain the final solution. fMut <- V.thaw f0 res <- [C.block| int { gsl_odeiv2_system sys = { $fun:(int (* funIO) (double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void * params)), // The ODE to solve, converted to function pointer using the `fun` // anti-quoter NULL, // We don't provide a Jacobian $(int dim_c), // The dimension NULL // We don't need the parameter pointer }; // Create the driver, using some sensible values for the stepping // function and the tolerances gsl_odeiv2_driver *d = gsl_odeiv2_driver_alloc_y_new ( &sys, gsl_odeiv2_step_rk8pd, 1e-6, 1e-6, 0.0); // Finally, apply the driver. int status = gsl_odeiv2_driver_apply( d, &$(double x0), $(double xend), $vec-ptr:(double *fMut)); // Free the driver gsl_odeiv2_driver_free(d); return status; } |] -- Check the error code maxSteps <- [C.exp| int{ GSL_EMAXITER } |] smallStep <- [C.exp| int{ GSL_ENOPROG } |] good <- [C.exp| int{ GSL_SUCCESS } |] if | res == good -> Right <$> V.freeze fMut | res == maxSteps -> return $ Left "Too many steps" | res == smallStep -> return $ Left "Step size dropped below minimum allowed size" | otherwise -> return $ Left $ "Unknown error code " ++ show res solveOde :: (Double -> V.Vector Double -> V.Vector Double) -- ^ ODE to Solve -> Double -- ^ Start -> V.Vector Double -- ^ Solution at start point -> Double -- ^ End -> Either String (V.Vector Double) -- ^ Solution at end point, or error. solveOde fun x0 f0 xend = coerce $ solveOdeC (coerce fun) (coerce x0) (coerce f0) (coerce xend) lorenz :: Double -- ^ Starting point -> V.Vector Double -- ^ Solution at starting point -> Double -- ^ End point -> Either String (V.Vector Double) lorenz x0 f0 xend = solveOde fun x0 f0 xend where sigma = 10.0; _R = 28.0; b = 8.0 / 3.0; fun _x y = let y0 = y V.! 0 y1 = y V.! 1 y2 = y V.! 2 in V.fromList [ sigma * ( y1 - y0 ) , _R * y0 - y1 - y0 * y2 , -b * y2 + y0 * y1 ] main :: IO () main = undefined -- main = Chart.toFile Chart.def "lorenz.png" $ do -- Chart.layout_title Chart..= "Lorenz" -- Chart.plot $ Chart.line "curve" [pts] -- where -- pts = [(f V.! 0, f V.! 2) | (_x, f) <- go 0 (V.fromList [10.0 , 1.0 , 1.0])] -- go x f | x > 40 = -- [(x, f)] -- go x f = -- let x' = x + 0.01 -- Right f' = lorenz x f x' -- in (x, f) : go x' f' -- Utils vectorFromC :: Storable a => Int -> Ptr a -> IO (V.Vector a) vectorFromC len ptr = do ptr' <- newForeignPtr_ ptr V.freeze $ VM.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 ptr' len vectorToC :: Storable a => V.Vector a -> Int -> Ptr a -> IO () vectorToC vec len ptr = do ptr' <- newForeignPtr_ ptr V.copy (VM.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 ptr' len) vec