#include #include #include /* prototypes for ARKODE fcts., consts. */ #include /* serial N_Vector types, fcts., macros */ #include /* access to dense SUNMatrix */ #include /* access to dense SUNLinearSolver */ #include /* access to ARKDls interface */ #include /* definition of type realtype */ #include /* Check function return value... opt == 0 means SUNDIALS function allocates memory so check if returned NULL pointer opt == 1 means SUNDIALS function returns a flag so check if flag >= 0 opt == 2 means function allocates memory so check if returned NULL pointer */ int check_flag(void *flagvalue, const char *funcname, int opt) { int *errflag; /* Check if SUNDIALS function returned NULL pointer - no memory allocated */ if (opt == 0 && flagvalue == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n", funcname); return 1; } /* Check if flag < 0 */ else if (opt == 1) { errflag = (int *) flagvalue; if (*errflag < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed with flag = %d\n\n", funcname, *errflag); return 1; }} /* Check if function returned NULL pointer - no memory allocated */ else if (opt == 2 && flagvalue == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "\nMEMORY_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n", funcname); return 1; } return 0; }