path: root/haskell/Data/VCDIFF.hs
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authorJoe Crayne <>2018-10-27 16:26:10 -0400
committerJoe Crayne <>2018-10-27 16:26:10 -0400
commit4aab5a236e578f3cd97566bc142027e06e955f73 (patch)
tree9aeba26a693c8d17dfc66d6d98b2209a0be6b8b6 /haskell/Data/VCDIFF.hs
parent2d01ddf9bffb7be441e2cf1c7071240148839ab5 (diff)
build fix
Diffstat (limited to 'haskell/Data/VCDIFF.hs')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/haskell/Data/VCDIFF.hs b/haskell/Data/VCDIFF.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a776052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/haskell/Data/VCDIFF.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
14module Data.VCDIFF where
16import Control.Monad
17import Control.Monad.Primitive
18import Control.Monad.ST
19import Control.Monad.ST.Unsafe
20import Data.Bits
21import qualified Data.ByteString as B
22import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
23import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
24import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
25import Data.Coerce
26import Data.Int
27import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
28import Data.Monoid
29import Data.Primitive.Addr
30import Data.Primitive.ByteArray
31import Data.Primitive.ByteArray.Util
32import Data.Primitive.MutVar
33import Data.STRef
34import qualified Data.Text as T
35import Data.Text.Encoding
36import Data.Word
37import Foreign.C.Types
38import Foreign.C.String
39import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
40import Foreign.Ptr
41import Foreign.Concurrent
42import Foreign.Storable
43import Foreign.ForeignPtr (ForeignPtr)
44import GHC.Exts
45import GHC.TypeLits
47import Data.VCDIFF.Types
48import Data.VCDIFF.XDelta
50data Stream m = Stream
51 { streamArray :: StreamArray m
52 , streamPtr :: ForeignPtr Xd3Stream -- ^ HACK: this is only used to attach a finalizer
53 -- to 'streamArray'. Don't use this pointer.
54 -- This would be unnecessary if I could create a
55 -- MutableByteArray with a finalizer attached.
56 , streamSource :: MutVar (PrimState m) (Maybe (Source m))
57 }
60-- The xd3_config structure is used to initialize a stream - all data
61-- is copied into stream so config may be a temporary variable. See
62-- the [documentation] or comments on the xd3_config structure.
63config_stream :: PrimMonad m => Config -> m (Either ErrorCode (Stream m))
64config_stream cfg = do
65 (s,nptr) <- newStreamArray (either (Just . smName) (const Nothing) (smatch_cfg cfg))
66 c <- packConfig nptr cfg
67 let cptr = ptr (byteArrayContents c) :: Ptr Config
68 sptr = streamArrayPtr s
69 srcvar <- newMutVar Nothing
70 stream <- unsafeIOToPrim $ do
71 let finalize = do
72 -- freeHaskellFunPtr: aloc,free,getblk
73 xd3_abort_stream sptr
74 xd3_close_stream sptr
75 xd3_free_stream sptr
76 seq srcvar $ seq s $ return () -- Keep array s alive until the ffi functions finish.
77 fp <- newForeignPtr sptr finalize
78 return Stream
79 { streamArray = s
80 , streamPtr = fp
81 , streamSource = srcvar
82 }
83 unsafeIOToPrim (xd3_config_stream sptr cptr) >>= \case
84 XD3_SUCCESS -> return $ c `seq` Right stream
85 ecode -> return $ Left ecode
88set_source :: PrimMonad m =>
89 Stream m -> String -- ^ name for debug/print purposes.
90 -> Usize_t -- ^ block size
91 -> Xoff_t -- ^ maximum visible buffer (Suggested: set same as block size).
92 -- Rounds up to approx 16k.
93 -> m ()
94set_source stream nm blksz maxwinsz = do
95 src <- newSource nm blksz maxwinsz
96 {-
97 writeAtByte (streamArray stream)
98 #{offset xd3_stream, getblk}
99 nullPtr -- xdelta3.h documents this as an internal field.
100 -}
101 let strm = streamArrayPtr $ streamArray stream
102 unsafeIOToPrim (xd3_set_source strm $ sourcePtr src)
103 writeMutVar (streamSource stream) (Just src)
105data XDeltaMethods m u = XDeltaMethods
106 { xConfig :: Config
107 , xGetSource :: Xoff_t -> B.ByteString
108 , xOutput :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> m u
109 , xOnError :: ErrorCode -> String -> m u
110 , xBlockSize :: Usize_t
111 , xInterleave :: forall a. m a -> m a
112 }
114-- -- | Checks for legal flag changes.
115-- foreign import ccall "xdelta3.h xd3_set_flags" xd3_set_flags :: Ptr Xd3Stream -> Flags -> IO ()
117-- -- declared static
118-- foreign import ccall "xdelta3.h xd3_avail_input" xd3_avail_input :: Ptr Xd3Stream -> Ptr a -> Usize_t -> IO ()
120-- | This acknowledges receipt of output data, must be called after any
121-- XD3_OUTPUT return.
122-- -- declared static
123-- foreign import ccall "xdelta3.h xd3_consume_output" xd3_consume_output :: Ptr Xd3Stream -> IO ()
125requestedBlockNumber :: PrimMonad m => Stream m -> m (Maybe Xoff_t)
126requestedBlockNumber stream = do
127 msrc <- readMutVar $ streamSource stream
128 forM msrc sourceRequestedBlocknumber
130-- -- declared static
131-- foreign import ccall "xdelta3.h xd3_errstring" xd3_errstring :: Ptr Xd3Stream -> IO CString
133pokeCurrentBlock :: PrimMonad m => Stream m -> CurrentBlock -> m ()
134pokeCurrentBlock stream blk = do
135 msrc <- readMutVar $ streamSource stream
136 forM_ msrc (`sourceWriteCurrentBlock` blk)
138withByteString :: PrimBase m => B.ByteString -> (Ptr b -> Usize_t -> m a) -> m a
139withByteString d act =
140 let (fp,off,len) = B.toForeignPtr d
141 in unsafeIOToPrim $ withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr -> unsafePrimToIO $ do
142 act (ptr `plusPtr` off) (fromIntegral len)
144xdelta :: (PrimBase m, Monoid u) => XDeltaMethods m u -> (Stream m -> m ErrorCode) -> [B.ByteString] -> m u
145xdelta x xxcode_input ds = do
146 mstream <- config_stream (xConfig x)
147 either (\e _ -> xOnError x e "config_stream failed")
148 (flip ($))
149 mstream $ \stream -> do
150 set_source stream "VCDIFF" (xBlockSize x) (xBlockSize x)
151 let go withBlk [] = return mempty
152 go withBlk (d:ds) = do
153 let (fp,off,len) = B.toForeignPtr d
154 eof = null ds
155 when eof $ setFlush (streamArray stream) True
156 withByteString d $ \indata len -> do
157 avail_input (streamArray stream) indata len
158 go2 withBlk eof ds
159 go2 withBlk eof ds = do
160 ret <- withBlk $ xxcode_input stream
161 case ret of
162 XD3_INPUT -> if (not eof) then go withBlk ds else return mempty
163 XD3_OUTPUT -> do
164 m' <- nextOut (streamArray stream) (\(p,len) -> xOutput x p (fromIntegral len))
165 ms <- xInterleave x $ go2 withBlk eof ds
166 return $ m' <> ms
167 XD3_GETSRCBLK -> do
168 Just n <- requestedBlockNumber stream
169 let blk = xGetSource x n
170 withBlk' act = withByteString blk $ \p len -> do
171 pokeCurrentBlock stream $ CurrentBlock n len p
172 when (len < xBlockSize x) $ do
173 Just src <- readMutVar $ streamSource stream
174 sourceWriteEOFKnown src True
175 act
176 go2 withBlk' eof ds
177 XD3_GOTHEADER -> go2 withBlk eof ds -- No
178 XD3_WINSTART -> go2 withBlk eof ds -- action
179 XD3_WINFINISH -> go2 withBlk eof ds -- neccessary
180 -- -- These are set for each XD3_WINFINISH return.
181 -- xd3_encoder_used_source :: Ptr Stream -> IO Bool
182 -- xd3_encoder_srcbase :: Ptr Stream -> IO Xoff_t
183 -- xd3_encoder_srclen :: Ptr Stream -> IO Usize_t
184 e -> do
185 s <- errorString (streamArray stream)
186 xOnError x e s
187 xInterleave x $ go id ds
190decode_input :: PrimMonad m => Stream m -> m ErrorCode
191decode_input stream =
192 unsafeIOToPrim $ xd3_decode_input (streamArrayPtr $ streamArray stream)
194encode_input :: PrimMonad m => Stream m -> m ErrorCode
195encode_input stream =
196 unsafeIOToPrim $ xd3_encode_input (streamArrayPtr $ streamArray stream)
198-- RFC 3284
199newtype VCDIFF = VCDIFF L.ByteString
200 deriving Show
202chunksOf :: Usize_t -> L.ByteString -> [B.ByteString]
203chunksOf len bs | L.null bs = []
204 | otherwise = let (b,bs') = L.splitAt (fromIntegral len) bs
205 in L.toStrict b : chunksOf len bs'
207computeDiff :: Config -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString -> Result VCDIFF
208computeDiff cfg source patched = fmap VCDIFF $ xdeltaPure encode_input cfg source patched
210applyPatch :: Config -> L.ByteString -> VCDIFF -> Result L.ByteString
211applyPatch cfg source (VCDIFF delta) = xdeltaPure decode_input cfg source delta
213data Result x = Result
214 { result :: x -- ^ A possibly invalid result. To consume a lazy stream with fusion, avoid
215 -- evaluating 'resultError' until this field is fully processed.
216 , resultError :: Maybe (ErrorCode,String)
217 -- ^ If something went wrong while producing 'result', this
218 -- is an error code and message indicating what.
219 } deriving (Show,Functor)
221instance Monoid x => Monoid (Result x) where
222 mempty = Result mempty Nothing
223 mappend (Result x xe) y = Result (mappend x $ result y) (maybe (resultError y) Just xe)
225xdeltaPure :: (forall s. Stream (ST s) -> ST s ErrorCode) -> Config -> L.ByteString -> L.ByteString -> Result L.ByteString
226xdeltaPure codec cfg source input =
227 let bsize = chunk_size cfg
228 ds = chunksOf bsize input
229 smap = IntMap.fromList $ zip [0..] (chunksOf bsize source)
230 x :: XDeltaMethods (ST s) (Result L.ByteString)
231 x = XDeltaMethods
232 { xConfig = cfg
233 , xGetSource = \i -> case IntMap.lookup (fromIntegral i) smap of
234 Nothing -> B.empty
235 Just bs -> bs
236 , xOutput = \ptr len -> unsafeIOToST $ flip Result Nothing . L.fromStrict
237 <$> B.packCStringLen (castPtr ptr,len)
238 , xOnError = \e s -> return (Result L.empty (Just (e,s)))
239 , xBlockSize = bsize
240 , xInterleave = unsafeInterleaveST
241 }
242 in runST $ xdelta x codec ds
244defaultConfig :: Config
245defaultConfig = Config
246 { winsize = XD3_DEFAULT_WINSIZE
247 , sprevsz = XD3_DEFAULT_SPREVSZ
248 , iopt_size = XD3_DEFAULT_IOPT_SIZE
249 , flags = mempty
250 , sec_data = CompressorConfig 0 0 0
251 , sec_inst = CompressorConfig 0 0 0
252 , sec_addr = CompressorConfig 0 0 0
253 , smatch_cfg = Right SMATCH_DEFAULT
254 , chunk_size = 4096
255 }