/* -*- Mode: C++ -*- */ #include "test.h" #include "random.h" #include "sizes.h" template class Regtest { public: typedef typename Constants::Sizes Sizes; struct Options { size_t encode_srcwin_maxsz; }; #include "segment.h" #include "modify.h" #include "file.h" #include "cmp.h" #include "delta.h" void InMemoryEncodeDecode(const FileSpec &source_file, const FileSpec &target_file, Block *coded_data, const Options &options = Options()) { xd3_stream encode_stream; xd3_config encode_config; xd3_source encode_source; xd3_stream decode_stream; xd3_config decode_config; xd3_source decode_source; xoff_t verified_bytes = 0; xoff_t encoded_bytes = 0; if (coded_data) { coded_data->Reset(); } memset(&encode_stream, 0, sizeof (encode_stream)); memset(&encode_source, 0, sizeof (encode_source)); memset(&decode_stream, 0, sizeof (decode_stream)); memset(&decode_source, 0, sizeof (decode_source)); xd3_init_config(&encode_config, XD3_ADLER32); xd3_init_config(&decode_config, XD3_ADLER32); encode_config.winsize = Constants::WINDOW_SIZE; encode_config.srcwin_maxsz = options.encode_srcwin_maxsz; // TODO! the smatcher setup isn't working, // if (options.large_cksum_step) { // encode_config.smatch_cfg = XD3_SMATCH_SOFT; // encode_config.smatcher_soft.large_step = options.large_cksum_step; // } // if (options.large_cksum_size) { // encode_config.smatch_cfg = XD3_SMATCH_SOFT; // encode_config.smatcher_soft.large_look = options.large_cksum_size; // } CHECK_EQ(0, xd3_config_stream (&encode_stream, &encode_config)); CHECK_EQ(0, xd3_config_stream (&decode_stream, &decode_config)); encode_source.blksize = Constants::BLOCK_SIZE; decode_source.blksize = Constants::BLOCK_SIZE; xd3_set_source (&encode_stream, &encode_source); xd3_set_source (&decode_stream, &decode_source); BlockIterator source_iterator(source_file, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE); BlockIterator target_iterator(target_file, Constants::READ_SIZE); Block encode_source_block, decode_source_block; Block decoded_block, target_block; bool encoding = true; bool done = false; bool done_after_input = false; IF_DEBUG1 (XPR(NTR "source %"Q"u[%"Q"u] target %"Q"u[%lu] winsize %lu\n", source_file.Size(), Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, target_file.Size(), Constants::READ_SIZE, Constants::WINDOW_SIZE)); while (!done) { target_iterator.Get(&target_block); xoff_t blks = target_iterator.Blocks(); IF_DEBUG2(XPR(NTR "target in %s: %llu..%llu %"Q"u(%"Q"u) verified %"Q"u\n", encoding ? "encoding" : "decoding", target_iterator.Offset(), target_iterator.Offset() + target_block.Size(), target_iterator.Blkno(), blks, verified_bytes)); if (blks == 0 || target_iterator.Blkno() == (blks - 1)) { xd3_set_flags(&encode_stream, XD3_FLUSH | encode_stream.flags); } xd3_avail_input(&encode_stream, target_block.Data(), target_block.Size()); encoded_bytes += target_block.Size(); process: int ret; const char *msg; if (encoding) { ret = xd3_encode_input(&encode_stream); msg = encode_stream.msg; } else { ret = xd3_decode_input(&decode_stream); msg = decode_stream.msg; } (void) msg; switch (ret) { case XD3_OUTPUT: if (encoding) { if (coded_data != NULL) { // Optional encoded-output to the caller coded_data->Append(encode_stream.next_out, encode_stream.avail_out); } // Feed this data to the decoder. xd3_avail_input(&decode_stream, encode_stream.next_out, encode_stream.avail_out); xd3_consume_output(&encode_stream); encoding = false; } else { decoded_block.Append(decode_stream.next_out, decode_stream.avail_out); xd3_consume_output(&decode_stream); } goto process; case XD3_GETSRCBLK: { xd3_source *src = (encoding ? &encode_source : &decode_source); Block *block = (encoding ? &encode_source_block : &decode_source_block); if (encoding) { IF_DEBUG1(XPR(NTR "[srcblock] %"Q"u last srcpos %"Q"u " "encodepos %"Q"u\n", encode_source.getblkno, encode_stream.match_last_srcpos, encode_stream.input_position + encode_stream.total_in)); } source_iterator.SetBlock(src->getblkno); source_iterator.Get(block); src->curblkno = src->getblkno; src->onblk = block->Size(); src->curblk = block->Data(); goto process; } case XD3_INPUT: if (!encoding) { encoding = true; goto process; } else { if (done_after_input) { done = true; continue; } if (target_block.Size() < target_iterator.BlockSize()) { encoding = false; } else { target_iterator.Next(); } continue; } case XD3_WINFINISH: if (encoding) { if (encode_stream.flags & XD3_FLUSH) { done_after_input = true; } encoding = false; } else { CHECK_EQ(0, CmpDifferentBlockBytesAtOffset(decoded_block, target_file, verified_bytes)); verified_bytes += decoded_block.Size(); decoded_block.Reset(); encoding = true; } goto process; case XD3_WINSTART: case XD3_GOTHEADER: goto process; default: XPR(NTR "%s = %s %s\n", encoding ? "E " : " D", xd3_strerror(ret), msg == NULL ? "" : msg); CHECK_EQ(0, ret); CHECK_EQ(-1, ret); } } CHECK_EQ(target_file.Size(), encoded_bytes); CHECK_EQ(target_file.Size(), verified_bytes); CHECK_EQ(0, xd3_close_stream(&decode_stream)); CHECK_EQ(0, xd3_close_stream(&encode_stream)); xd3_free_stream(&encode_stream); xd3_free_stream(&decode_stream); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TestRandomNumbers() { MTRandom rand; int rounds = 1<<20; uint64_t usum = 0; uint64_t esum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rounds; i++) { usum += rand.Rand32(); esum += rand.ExpRand32(1024); } double allowed_error = 0.01; uint32_t umean = usum / rounds; uint32_t emean = esum / rounds; uint32_t uexpect = UINT32_MAX / 2; uint32_t eexpect = 1024; if (umean < uexpect * (1.0 - allowed_error) || umean > uexpect * (1.0 + allowed_error)) { XPR(NT "uniform mean error: %u != %u\n", umean, uexpect); abort(); } if (emean < eexpect * (1.0 - allowed_error) || emean > eexpect * (1.0 + allowed_error)) { XPR(NT "exponential mean error: %u != %u\n", emean, eexpect); abort(); } } void TestRandomFile() { MTRandom rand1; FileSpec spec1(&rand1); BlockIterator bi(spec1); spec1.GenerateFixedSize(0); CHECK_EQ(0, spec1.Size()); CHECK_EQ(0, spec1.Segments()); CHECK_EQ(0, spec1.Blocks()); bi.SetBlock(0); CHECK_EQ(0, bi.BytesOnBlock()); spec1.GenerateFixedSize(1); CHECK_EQ(1, spec1.Size()); CHECK_EQ(1, spec1.Segments()); CHECK_EQ(1, spec1.Blocks()); bi.SetBlock(0); CHECK_EQ(1, bi.BytesOnBlock()); spec1.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE); CHECK_EQ(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, spec1.Size()); CHECK_EQ(1, spec1.Segments()); CHECK_EQ(1, spec1.Blocks()); bi.SetBlock(0); CHECK_EQ(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, bi.BytesOnBlock()); bi.SetBlock(1); CHECK_EQ(0, bi.BytesOnBlock()); spec1.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE + 1); CHECK_EQ(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE + 1, spec1.Size()); CHECK_EQ(2, spec1.Segments()); CHECK_EQ(2, spec1.Blocks()); bi.SetBlock(0); CHECK_EQ(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, bi.BytesOnBlock()); bi.SetBlock(1); CHECK_EQ(1, bi.BytesOnBlock()); spec1.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 2); CHECK_EQ(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 2, spec1.Size()); CHECK_EQ(2, spec1.Segments()); CHECK_EQ(2, spec1.Blocks()); bi.SetBlock(0); CHECK_EQ(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, bi.BytesOnBlock()); bi.SetBlock(1); CHECK_EQ(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, bi.BytesOnBlock()); } void TestFirstByte() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(0); spec1.GenerateFixedSize(1); CHECK_EQ(0, CmpDifferentBytes(spec0, spec0)); CHECK_EQ(0, CmpDifferentBytes(spec1, spec1)); CHECK_EQ(1, CmpDifferentBytes(spec0, spec1)); CHECK_EQ(1, CmpDifferentBytes(spec1, spec0)); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(1); spec0.ModifyTo(Modify1stByte(), &spec1); CHECK_EQ(1, CmpDifferentBytes(spec0, spec1)); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE + 1); spec0.ModifyTo(Modify1stByte(), &spec1); CHECK_EQ(1, CmpDifferentBytes(spec0, spec1)); SizeIterator si(&rand, Constants::TEST_ROUNDS); for (; !si.Done(); si.Next()) { size_t size = si.Get(); if (size == 0) { continue; } spec0.GenerateFixedSize(size); spec0.ModifyTo(Modify1stByte(), &spec1); InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec0, spec1, NULL); } } void TestModifyMutator() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 3); struct { size_t size; size_t addr; } test_cases[] = { { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, 0 }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, 1 }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, 1 }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 2, 1 }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY(test_cases); i++) { ChangeList cl1; cl1.push_back(Change(Change::MODIFY, test_cases[i].size, test_cases[i].addr)); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl1), &spec1); CHECK_EQ(spec0.Size(), spec1.Size()); size_t diff = CmpDifferentBytes(spec0, spec1); CHECK_LE(diff, test_cases[i].size); // There is a 1/256 probability of the changed byte matching the // original value. The following allows double the probability to // pass. CHECK_GE(diff, test_cases[i].size - (2 * test_cases[i].size / 256)); InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec0, spec1, NULL); } } void TestAddMutator() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 2); // TODO: fix this test (for all block sizes)! it's broken because // the same byte could be added? struct { size_t size; size_t addr; size_t expected_adds; } test_cases[] = { { 1, 0, 2 /* 1st byte, last byte (short block) */ }, { 1, 1, 3 /* 1st 2 bytes, last byte */ }, { 1, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE - 1, 2 /* changed, last */ }, { 1, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, 2 /* changed, last */ }, { 1, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE + 1, 3 /* changed + 1st of 2nd block, last */ }, { 1, 2 * Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, 1 /* last byte */ }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY(test_cases); i++) { ChangeList cl1; cl1.push_back(Change(Change::ADD, test_cases[i].size, test_cases[i].addr)); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl1), &spec1); CHECK_EQ(spec0.Size() + test_cases[i].size, spec1.Size()); Block coded; InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec0, spec1, &coded); Delta delta(coded); CHECK_EQ(test_cases[i].expected_adds, delta.AddedBytes()); } } void TestDeleteMutator() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 4); struct { size_t size; size_t addr; } test_cases[] = { // Note: an entry { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, 0 }, // does not work because the xd3_srcwin_move_point logic won't // find a copy if it occurs >= double its size into the file. { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, 0 }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2 }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2 }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 2, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 3 / 2 }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 2 }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY(test_cases); i++) { ChangeList cl1; cl1.push_back(Change(Change::DELETE, test_cases[i].size, test_cases[i].addr)); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl1), &spec1); CHECK_EQ(spec0.Size() - test_cases[i].size, spec1.Size()); Block coded; InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec0, spec1, &coded); Delta delta(coded); CHECK_EQ(0, delta.AddedBytes()); } } void TestCopyMutator() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 3); struct { size_t size; size_t from; size_t to; } test_cases[] = { // Copy is difficult to write tests for because where Xdelta finds // copies, it does not enter checksums. So these tests copy data from // later to earlier so that checksumming will start. { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, 0 }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, 2 * Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY(test_cases); i++) { ChangeList cl1; cl1.push_back(Change(Change::COPY, test_cases[i].size, test_cases[i].from, test_cases[i].to)); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl1), &spec1); CHECK_EQ(spec0.Size() + test_cases[i].size, spec1.Size()); Block coded; InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec0, spec1, &coded); Delta delta(coded); CHECK_EQ(0, delta.AddedBytes()); } } void TestMoveMutator() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 3); struct { size_t size; size_t from; size_t to; } test_cases[] = { // This is easier to test than Copy but has the same trouble as Delete. { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, 0 }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, 0, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2 }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, 2 * Constants::BLOCK_SIZE }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, 2 * Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE }, { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 3 / 2, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 3 / 2 }, // This is a no-op { Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 2, 3 * Constants::BLOCK_SIZE }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY(test_cases); i++) { ChangeList cl1; cl1.push_back(Change(Change::MOVE, test_cases[i].size, test_cases[i].from, test_cases[i].to)); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl1), &spec1); CHECK_EQ(spec0.Size(), spec1.Size()); Block coded; InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec0, spec1, &coded); Delta delta(coded); CHECK_EQ(0, delta.AddedBytes()); } } void TestOverwriteMutator() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE); ChangeList cl1; cl1.push_back(Change(Change::OVERWRITE, 10, 0, 20)); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl1), &spec1); CHECK_EQ(spec0.Size(), spec1.Size()); Block b0, b1; BlockIterator(spec0).Get(&b0); BlockIterator(spec1).Get(&b1); CHECK(memcmp(b0.Data(), b1.Data() + 20, 10) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(b0.Data(), b1.Data(), 20) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(b0.Data() + 30, b1.Data() + 30, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE - 30) == 0); cl1.clear(); cl1.push_back(Change(Change::OVERWRITE, 10, 20, (xoff_t)0)); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl1), &spec1); CHECK_EQ(spec0.Size(), spec1.Size()); BlockIterator(spec0).Get(&b0); BlockIterator(spec1).Get(&b1); CHECK(memcmp(b0.Data() + 20, b1.Data(), 10) == 0); CHECK(memcmp(b0.Data() + 10, b1.Data() + 10, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE - 10) == 0); } // Note: this test is written to expose a problem, but the problem was // only exposed with BLOCK_SIZE = 128. void TestNonBlockingProgress() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); FileSpec spec2(&rand); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 3); // This is a lazy target match Change ct(Change::OVERWRITE, 22, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE + 50, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE + 20); // This is a source match just after the block boundary, shorter // than the lazy target match. Change cs1(Change::OVERWRITE, 16, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE + 51, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE - 1); // This overwrites the original source bytes. Change cs2(Change::MODIFY, 108, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE + 20); // This changes the first blocks Change c1st(Change::MODIFY, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE - 2, 0); ChangeList csl; csl.push_back(cs1); csl.push_back(cs2); csl.push_back(c1st); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(csl), &spec1); ChangeList ctl; ctl.push_back(ct); ctl.push_back(c1st); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(ctl), &spec2); InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec1, spec2, NULL); } void TestEmptyInMemory() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); Block block; spec0.GenerateFixedSize(0); spec1.GenerateFixedSize(0); InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec0, spec1, &block); Delta delta(block); CHECK_LT(0, block.Size()); CHECK_EQ(1, delta.Windows()); } void TestBlockInMemory() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); Block block; spec0.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE); spec1.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE); InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec0, spec1, &block); Delta delta(block); CHECK_EQ(spec1.Blocks(Constants::WINDOW_SIZE), delta.Windows()); } void TestFifoCopyDiscipline() { MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 4); // Create a half-block copy, 2.5 blocks apart. With 64-byte blocks, // the file in spec0 copies @ 384 from spec1 @ 64. ChangeList cl1; cl1.push_back(Change(Change::MODIFY, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, 0)); cl1.push_back(Change(Change::OVERWRITE, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 3, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2)); cl1.push_back(Change(Change::MODIFY, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 3, Constants::BLOCK_SIZE)); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl1), &spec1); Options options1; options1.encode_srcwin_maxsz = Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 4; Block block1; InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec1, spec0, &block1, options1); Delta delta1(block1); CHECK_EQ(4 * Constants::BLOCK_SIZE - Constants::BLOCK_SIZE / 2, delta1.AddedBytes()); Options options2; options2.encode_srcwin_maxsz = Constants::BLOCK_SIZE * 3; Block block2; InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec1, spec0, &block2, options2); Delta delta2(block2); CHECK_EQ(4 * Constants::BLOCK_SIZE, delta2.AddedBytes()); } void FourWayMergeTest(const FileSpec &spec0, const FileSpec &spec1, const FileSpec &spec2, const FileSpec &spec3) { Block delta01, delta12, delta23; InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec0, spec1, &delta01); InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec1, spec2, &delta12); InMemoryEncodeDecode(spec2, spec3, &delta23); TmpFile f0, f1, f2, f3, d01, d12, d23; spec0.WriteTmpFile(&f0); spec1.WriteTmpFile(&f1); spec2.WriteTmpFile(&f2); spec2.WriteTmpFile(&f3); delta01.WriteTmpFile(&d01); delta12.WriteTmpFile(&d12); delta23.WriteTmpFile(&d23); // Merge 2 ExtFile out; vector mcmd; mcmd.push_back("xdelta3"); mcmd.push_back("merge"); mcmd.push_back("-m"); mcmd.push_back(d01.Name()); mcmd.push_back(d12.Name()); mcmd.push_back(out.Name()); mcmd.push_back(NULL); //XPR(NTR "Running one merge: %s\n", CommandToString(mcmd).c_str()); CHECK_EQ(0, xd3_main_cmdline(mcmd.size() - 1, const_cast(&mcmd[0]))); ExtFile recon; vector tcmd; tcmd.push_back("xdelta3"); tcmd.push_back("-d"); tcmd.push_back("-s"); tcmd.push_back(f0.Name()); tcmd.push_back(out.Name()); tcmd.push_back(recon.Name()); tcmd.push_back(NULL); //XPR(NTR "Running one recon! %s\n", CommandToString(tcmd).c_str()); CHECK_EQ(0, xd3_main_cmdline(tcmd.size() - 1, const_cast(&tcmd[0]))); //XPR(NTR "Should equal! %s\n", f2.Name()); CHECK(recon.EqualsSpec(spec2)); /* TODO: we've only done 3-way merges, try 4-way. */ } void TestMergeCommand1() { /* Repeat random-input testing for a number of iterations. * Test 2, 3, and 4-file scenarios (i.e., 1, 2, and 3-delta merges). */ MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); FileSpec spec2(&rand); FileSpec spec3(&rand); SizeIterator si0(&rand, 10); for (; !si0.Done(); si0.Next()) { size_t size0 = si0.Get(); SizeIterator si1(&rand, 10); for (; !si1.Done(); si1.Next()) { size_t change1 = si1.Get(); if (change1 == 0) { continue; } // XPR(NTR "S0 = %lu\n", size0); // XPR(NTR "C1 = %lu\n", change1); size_t add1_pos = size0 ? rand.Rand32() % size0 : 0; size_t del2_pos = size0 ? rand.Rand32() % size0 : 0; spec0.GenerateFixedSize(size0); ChangeList cl1, cl2, cl3; size_t change3 = change1; size_t change3_pos; if (change3 >= size0) { change3 = size0; change3_pos = 0; } else { change3_pos = rand.Rand32() % (size0 - change3); } cl1.push_back(Change(Change::ADD, change1, add1_pos)); cl2.push_back(Change(Change::DELETE, change1, del2_pos)); cl3.push_back(Change(Change::MODIFY, change3, change3_pos)); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl1), &spec1); spec1.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl2), &spec2); spec2.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl3), &spec3); FourWayMergeTest(spec0, spec1, spec2, spec3); FourWayMergeTest(spec3, spec2, spec1, spec0); } } } void TestMergeCommand2() { /* Same as above, different mutation pattern. */ /* TODO: run this with large sizes too */ /* TODO: run this with small sizes too */ MTRandom rand; FileSpec spec0(&rand); FileSpec spec1(&rand); FileSpec spec2(&rand); FileSpec spec3(&rand); SizeIterator si0(&rand, 10); for (; !si0.Done(); si0.Next()) { size_t size0 = si0.Get(); SizeIterator si1(&rand, 10); for (; !si1.Done(); si1.Next()) { size_t size1 = si1.Get(); SizeIterator si2(&rand, 10); for (; !si2.Done(); si2.Next()) { size_t size2 = si2.Get(); SizeIterator si3(&rand, 10); for (; !si3.Done(); si3.Next()) { size_t size3 = si3.Get(); // We're only interested in three sizes, strictly decreasing. */ if (size3 >= size2 || size2 >= size1 || size1 >= size0) { continue; } // XPR(NTR "S0 = %lu\n", size0); // XPR(NTR "S1 = %lu\n", size1); // XPR(NTR "S2 = %lu\n", size2); // XPR(NTR "S3 = %lu\n", size3); spec0.GenerateFixedSize(size0); ChangeList cl1, cl2, cl3; cl1.push_back(Change(Change::DELETE, size0 - size1, 0)); cl2.push_back(Change(Change::DELETE, size0 - size2, 0)); cl3.push_back(Change(Change::DELETE, size0 - size3, 0)); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl1), &spec1); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl2), &spec2); spec0.ModifyTo(ChangeListMutator(cl3), &spec3); FourWayMergeTest(spec0, spec1, spec2, spec3); FourWayMergeTest(spec3, spec2, spec1, spec0); } } } } } }; // class Regtest #define TEST(x) XPR(NTR #x "...\n"); regtest.x() // These tests are primarily tests of the testing framework itself. template void UnitTest() { Regtest regtest; TEST(TestRandomNumbers); TEST(TestRandomFile); TEST(TestFirstByte); TEST(TestModifyMutator); TEST(TestAddMutator); TEST(TestDeleteMutator); TEST(TestCopyMutator); TEST(TestMoveMutator); TEST(TestOverwriteMutator); } // These are Xdelta tests. template void MainTest() { XPR(NT "Blocksize: %"Q"u\n", T::BLOCK_SIZE); Regtest regtest; TEST(TestEmptyInMemory); TEST(TestBlockInMemory); TEST(TestNonBlockingProgress); TEST(TestFifoCopyDiscipline); TEST(TestMergeCommand1); TEST(TestMergeCommand2); } #undef TEST int main(int argc, char **argv) { vector mcmd; string pn; const char *sp = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (sp != NULL) { pn.append(argv[0], sp - argv[0] + 1); } pn.append("xdelta3"); mcmd.push_back(pn.c_str()); mcmd.push_back("test"); mcmd.push_back(NULL); CHECK_EQ(0, xd3_main_cmdline(mcmd.size() - 1, const_cast(&mcmd[0]))); UnitTest(); MainTest(); MainTest(); MainTest(); MainTest(); MainTest(); return 0; }