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1 files changed, 59 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/DNSKey.hs b/DNSKey.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38d336d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DNSKey.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
1module DNSKey where
3import Data.Binary
4import Data.Binary.Get
5import Data.Binary.Put
6import Data.Bits
7import qualified Data.ByteString as B
8import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
9import Data.Word
11-- RSA n e
12-- n = modulus
13-- e = exponent
14data RSA = RSA Integer Integer
15 deriving (Eq,Show)
17getRSA len = do
18 elen <- do
19 tog <- get
20 case tog :: Word8 of
21 0 -> get :: Get Word16
22 _ -> return $ fromIntegral tog
23 ebs <- getByteString (fromIntegral elen)
24 nlen <- fmap (fromIntegral . ((-) len)) bytesRead
25 nbs <- getByteString nlen
26 let e = snd $ B.foldl' (\(c,a) w8 -> (c-1, a + 256^c * fromIntegral w8)) (elen-1,0) ebs
27 n = snd $ B.foldl' (\(c,a) w8 -> (c-1, a + 256^c * fromIntegral w8)) (nlen-1,0) nbs
28 return $ RSA n e
30putRSA (RSA n e) = do
31 if elen > 255 || elen==0
32 then do
33 put (0 :: Word8)
34 put (fromIntegral elen :: Word16)
35 else do
36 put (fromIntegral elen :: Word8)
37 putByteString ebs
38 putByteString nbs
39 where
40 elen = B.length ebs
41 ebs = i2bs_unsized e
42 nbs = i2bs_unsized n
44-- |@i2bs_unsized i@ converts @i@ to a 'ByteString' of sufficient bytes to express the integer.
45-- The integer must be non-negative and a zero will be encoded in one byte.
47-- Thanks: Thomas DuBuisson (crypto-api)
48i2bs_unsized :: Integer -> B.ByteString
49i2bs_unsized 0 = B.singleton 0
50i2bs_unsized i = B.reverse $ B.unfoldr (\i' -> if i' <= 0 then Nothing else Just (fromIntegral i', (i' `shiftR` 8))) i
51{-# INLINE i2bs_unsized #-}
53main = do
54 bs <- L.getContents
55 let rsa = runGet (getRSA (fromIntegral $ L.length bs)) bs
56 bs' = runPut (putRSA rsa)
57 rsa' = runGet (getRSA (fromIntegral $ L.length bs)) bs'
58 print rsa
59 print rsa'