path: root/KikiD/PortServer.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'KikiD/PortServer.hs')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/KikiD/PortServer.hs b/KikiD/PortServer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31101a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/KikiD/PortServer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
1{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
4module KikiD.PortServer (createTCPPortListener) where
6import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
7import Network.Socket hiding (send)
8import Network.Socket.ByteString
9import Data.Monoid ((<>))
10--import qualified Network.IRC as IRC
11import Network.HTTP.Base (catchIO,catchIO_)
12import Control.Concurrent.STM
13import Control.Concurrent
14import Control.Monad
15import Control.Monad.Fix
16import System.IO
17import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
18import Text.Printf (printf)
19import System.FilePath ((</>))
20import Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMQueue
21import Control.Monad.Loops
22import KikiD.Multiplex (pipeTransHookMicroseconds)
23import Control.Exception
24import Control.Concurrent.Async
25import Data.Serialize
27import Control.Arrow (second)
28--import qualified Merv.GetLine as MG
30{-instance Serialize IRC.Message where
31 put = putByteString . IRC.encode
32 get = do
33 x <- MG.getLine
34 case IRC.decode x of
35 Just x -> return x
36 Nothing -> fail ("IRC PARSE ERROR:'" <> B.unpack x <> "'")
39createIRCPortListener :: PortNumber -> B.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> Int
40 -> TBMQueue (ThreadId,TBMQueue IRC.Message) -> TBMQueue IRC.Message -> IO ()
41createIRCPortListener port name delay qsize maxconns postNewTChans outq =
42 createTCPPortListener port name delay qsize maxconns postNewTChans outq ircReact
46createTCPPortListener :: Serialize a => PortNumber -> B.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> Int
47 -> TBMQueue (ThreadId,TBMQueue a) -> TBMQueue a
48 -> (Handle -> TBMQueue a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
49createTCPPortListener port name delay qsize maxconns postNewTChans outq react =
50 bracket
51 -- aquire resources
52 (socket AF_INET Stream 0)
54 -- release resources
55 sClose
57 -- operate on resources
58 (\sock -> do
59 -- make socket immediately reusable - eases debugging.
60 setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1
61 -- listen on TCP port 4242
62 bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet port iNADDR_ANY)
63 -- allow a maximum of 15 outstanding connections
64 listen sock maxconns
65 sockAcceptLoop sock name delay qsize postNewTChans outq react
66 )
68sockAcceptLoop :: Serialize a => Socket -> B.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> TBMQueue (ThreadId,TBMQueue a) -> TBMQueue a
69 -> (Handle -> TBMQueue a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
70sockAcceptLoop listenSock name delay qsize postNewTChans outq react =
71 whileM_ (atomically $ fmap not (isClosedTBMQueue postNewTChans)) $ do
72 -- accept one connection and handle it
73 conn@(sock,_) <- accept listenSock
74 async $ bracket (do
75 -- acquire resources
76 hdl <- socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode
77 q <- atomically $ newTBMQueue qsize
78 thisChildOut <- atomically $ newTBMQueue qsize
79 async1 <- async (runConn hdl name q thisChildOut delay react)
80 async2 <- async (pipeTransHookMicroseconds thisChildOut outq 5000
81 (\() -> Just) -- no translation on outgoing
82 (\m -> return ()))
83 return (hdl,q,thisChildOut,(async1,async2))
84 )
85 -- release resources
86 (\(hdl,q,thisChildOut,(async1,async2)) -> do
87 cancel async1
88 cancel async2
89 atomically $ closeTBMQueue q
90 atomically $ closeTBMQueue thisChildOut
91 hClose hdl
92 )
93 -- run opration on async
94 (\(_,q,_,(async1,async2)) -> do
95 let tid = asyncThreadId async1
96 atomically $ writeTBMQueue postNewTChans (tid,q)
97 --link2 async1 async2 -- Do I need this?
98 waitBoth async1 async2
99 )
101runConn :: Serialize a => Handle -> B.ByteString -> TBMQueue a -> TBMQueue a -> Int
102 -> (Handle -> TBMQueue a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
103runConn hdl name q outq delay react = do
104 --send sock (encode (Message Nothing "NOTICE" ["*", ("Hi " <> name <> "!\n")]))
105 -- B.hPutStrLn hdl (encode (Message Nothing "NOTICE" ["*", ("Hi " <> name <> "!\n")]))
106 -- OnConnect Message...
108 race_
109 -- continuously read q and output to handle (socket)
110 -- to terminate thread, close q
111 (do
112 let pending = fmap not (atomically $ isEmptyTBMQueue q)
113 closed = atomically . isClosedTBMQueue $ q
114 whileM_ (fmap not closed) $ do
115 whileM_ pending $ do
116 m <- atomically (readTBMQueue q)
117 case m of
118 Just m -> B.hPutStrLn hdl (encode m)
119 -- Nothing means the Queue is closed and empty, so dont loop
120 Nothing -> return ()
121 threadDelay delay
122 --B.hPutStrLn hdl (encode (quit (Just "Bye!")) )
123 )
125 -- continuously input from handle and
126 -- send to provided outq
127 (whileM_ (atomically . fmap not $ isClosedTBMQueue outq) $ react hdl outq )
131ircReact hdl outq = do
132 line <- B.hGetLine hdl
133 -- debugging
134 dir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "merv"
135 tid <- myThreadId
136 let bQuit = (B.isPrefixOf "/quit") line
137 appendFile (dir </> "xdebug")
138 (printf "%s:%s\n(bQuit=%s) %s\n" (show tid) (show line) (show bQuit) (show $ IRC.parseMessage line))
139 -- end debugging
140 case IRC.decode line of
141 Just (IRC.msg_command -> "QUIT") -> atomically $ closeTBMQueue outq
142 Just m -> atomically $ writeTBMQueue outq m
143 Nothing | "/q" `B.isPrefixOf` line -> atomically $ closeTBMQueue outq
144 _ -> return undefined