path: root/lib/Types.hs
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1 files changed, 298 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Types.hs b/lib/Types.hs
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1{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
2module Types where
4import Data.Map as Map (Map)
5import qualified Data.Map as Map
6import Data.OpenPGP
7import Data.OpenPGP.Util
8import FunctorToMaybe
9import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
10import qualified System.Posix.Types as Posix
12-- | This type describes an idempotent transformation (merge or import) on a
13-- set of GnuPG keyrings and other key files.
14data KeyRingOperation = KeyRingOperation
15 { opFiles :: Map InputFile StreamInfo
16 -- ^ Indicates files to be read or updated.
17 , opPassphrases :: [PassphraseSpec]
18 -- ^ Indicates files or file descriptors where passphrases can be found.
19 , opTransforms :: [Transform]
20 -- ^ Transformations to be performed on the key pool after all files have
21 -- been read and before any have been written.
22 , opHome :: Maybe FilePath
23 -- ^ If provided, this is the directory where the 'HomeSec' and 'HomePub'
24 -- files reside. Otherwise, the evironment variable $GNUPGHOME is consulted
25 -- and if that is not set, it falls back to $HOME/.gnupg.
26 }
27 deriving (Eq,Show)
29data InputFile = HomeSec
30 -- ^ A file named secring.gpg located in the home directory.
31 -- See 'opHome'.
32 | HomePub
33 -- ^ A file named pubring.gpg located in the home directory.
34 -- See 'opHome'.
35 | ArgFile FilePath
36 -- ^ Contents will be read or written from the specified path.
37 | FileDesc Posix.Fd
38 -- ^ Contents will be read or written from the specified file
39 -- descriptor.
40 | Pipe Posix.Fd Posix.Fd
41 -- ^ Contents will be read from the first descriptor and updated
42 -- content will be writen to the second. Note: Don't use Pipe
43 -- for 'Wallet' files. (TODO: Wallet support)
44 | Generate Int GenerateKeyParams
45 -- ^ New key packets will be generated if there is no
46 -- matching content already in the key pool. The integer is
47 -- a unique id number so that multiple generations can be
48 -- inserted into 'opFiles'
49 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
51-- | This type describes how 'runKeyRing' will treat a file.
52data StreamInfo = StreamInfo
53 { access :: Access
54 -- ^ Indicates whether the file is allowed to contain secret information.
55 , typ :: FileType
56 -- ^ Indicates the format and content type of the file.
57 , fill :: KeyFilter
58 -- ^ This filter controls what packets will be inserted into a file.
59 , spill :: KeyFilter
60 --
61 -- ^ Use this to indicate whether or not a file's contents should be
62 -- available for updating other files. Note that although its type is
63 -- 'KeyFilter', it is usually interpretted as a boolean flag. Details
64 -- depend on 'typ' and are as follows:
65 --
66 -- 'KeyRingFile':
67 --
68 -- * 'KF_None' - The file's contents will not be shared.
69 --
70 -- * otherwise - The file's contents will be shared.
71 --
72 -- 'PEMFile':
73 --
74 -- * 'KF_None' - The file's contents will not be shared.
75 --
76 -- * 'KF_Match' - The file's key will be shared with the specified owner
77 -- key and usage tag. If 'fill' is also a 'KF_Match', then it must be
78 -- equal to this value; changing the usage or owner of a key is not
79 -- supported via the fill/spill mechanism.
80 --
81 -- * otherwise - Unspecified. Do not use.
82 --
83 -- 'WalletFile':
84 --
85 -- * The 'spill' setting is ignored and the file's contents are shared.
86 -- (TODO)
87 --
88 -- 'Hosts':
89 --
90 -- * The 'spill' setting is ignored and the file's contents are shared.
91 -- (TODO)
92 --
93 , initializer :: Initializer
94 -- ^ If 'typ' is 'PEMFile' and an 'External' 'initializer' string is set,
95 -- then it is interpretted as a shell command that may be used to create
96 -- the key if it does not exist.
97 , transforms :: [Transform]
98 -- ^ Per-file transformations that occur before the contents of a file are
99 -- spilled into the common pool.
100 }
101 deriving (Eq,Show)
104-- | This type is used to indicate where to obtain passphrases.
105data PassphraseSpec = PassphraseSpec
106 { passSpecRingFile :: Maybe FilePath
107 -- ^ If not Nothing, the passphrase is to be used for packets
108 -- from this file.
109 , passSpecKeySpec :: Maybe String
110 -- ^ Non-Nothing value reserved for future use.
111 -- (TODO: Use this to implement per-key passphrase associations).
112 , passSpecPassFile :: InputFile
113 -- ^ The passphrase will be read from this file or file descriptor.
114 }
115 -- | Use this to carry pasphrases from a previous run.
116 | PassphraseMemoizer PacketTranscoder
117 | PassphraseAgent
119instance Show PassphraseSpec where
120 show (PassphraseSpec a b c) = "PassphraseSpec "++show (a,b,c)
121 show (PassphraseMemoizer _) = "PassphraseMemoizer"
122instance Eq PassphraseSpec where
123 PassphraseSpec a b c == PassphraseSpec d e f
124 = and [a==d,b==e,c==f]
125 _ == _
126 = False
130data Transform =
131 Autosign
132 -- ^ This operation will make signatures for any tor-style UID
133 -- that matches a tor subkey and thus can be authenticated without
134 -- requring the judgement of a human user.
135 --
136 -- A tor-style UID is one of the following form:
137 --
138 -- > Anonymous <root@HOSTNAME.onion>
139 | DeleteSubkeyByFingerprint String
140 -- ^ Delete the subkey specified by the given fingerprint and any
141 -- associated signatures on that key.
142 | DeleteSubkeyByUsage String
143 -- ^ Delete the subkey specified by the given fingerprint and any
144 -- associated signatures on that key.
145 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
147-- | Use this type to indicate whether a file of type 'KeyRingFile' is expected
148-- to contain secret or public PGP key packets. Note that it is not supported
149-- to mix both in the same file and that the secret key packets include all of
150-- the information contained in their corresponding public key packets.
151data Access = AutoAccess -- ^ secret or public as appropriate based on existing content.
152 -- (see 'rtRingAccess')
153 | Sec -- ^ secret information
154 | Pub -- ^ public information
155 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
157data FileType = KeyRingFile
158 | PEMFile
159 | WalletFile
160 | DNSPresentation
161 | Hosts
162 | SshFile
163 deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Show)
165-- type UsageTag = String
166data Initializer = NoCreate | Internal GenerateKeyParams | External String | WarnMissing String
167 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
171type PacketTranscoder = (SymmetricAlgorithm,S2K) -> MappedPacket -> IO (KikiCondition Packet)
172type PacketDecrypter = MappedPacket -> IO (KikiCondition Packet)
174-- | Note that the documentation here is intended for when this value is
175-- assigned to 'fill'. For other usage, see 'spill'.
176data KeyFilter = KF_None -- ^ No keys will be imported.
177 | KF_Match String -- ^ Only the key that matches the spec will be imported.
178 | KF_Subkeys -- ^ Subkeys will be imported if their owner key is
179 -- already in the ring. TODO: Even if their signatures
180 -- are bad?
181 | KF_Authentic -- ^ Keys are imported if they belong to an authenticated
182 -- identity (signed or self-authenticating).
183 | KF_All -- ^ All keys will be imported.
184 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
186-- | The position and acces a packet had before the operation
187data OriginFlags = OriginFlags
188 { originallyPublic :: Bool
189 -- ^ false if SecretKeyPacket
190 , originalNum :: Int
191 -- ^ packets are numbered, starting from 1..
192 } deriving Show
194type OriginMap = Map FilePath OriginFlags
196type MappedPacket = OriginMapped Packet
197data OriginMapped a = MappedPacket
198 { packet :: a
199 , locations :: OriginMap
200 } deriving Show
201instance Functor OriginMapped where
202 fmap f (MappedPacket x ls) = MappedPacket (f x) ls
204origin :: Packet -> Int -> OriginFlags
205origin p n = OriginFlags ispub n
206 where
207 ispub = case p of
208 SecretKeyPacket {} -> False
209 _ -> True
211mappedPacket :: FilePath -> Packet -> MappedPacket
212mappedPacket filename p = MappedPacket
213 { packet = p
214 , locations = Map.singleton filename (origin p (-1))
215 }
217mappedPacketWithHint :: FilePath -> Packet -> Int -> MappedPacket
218mappedPacketWithHint filename p hint = MappedPacket
219 { packet = p
220 , locations = Map.singleton filename (origin p hint)
221 }
224-- | This type is used to indicate success or failure
225-- and in the case of success, return the computed object.
226-- The 'FunctorToMaybe' class is implemented to facilitate
227-- branching on failture.
228data KikiCondition a = KikiSuccess a
229 | FailedToLock [FilePath]
230 | BadPassphrase
231 | FailedToMakeSignature
232 | CantFindHome
233 | AmbiguousKeySpec FilePath
234 | CannotImportMasterKey
235 | NoWorkingKey
236 deriving ( Functor, Show )
238instance FunctorToMaybe KikiCondition where
239 functorToMaybe (KikiSuccess a) = Just a
240 functorToMaybe _ = Nothing
242instance Applicative KikiCondition where
243 pure a = KikiSuccess a
244 f <*> a =
245 case functorToEither f of
246 Right f -> case functorToEither a of
247 Right a -> pure (f a)
248 Left err -> err
249 Left err -> err
251data InputFileContext = InputFileContext
252 { homesecPath :: FilePath
253 , homepubPath :: FilePath
254 }
257-- | The 'KeyKey'-type is used to store the information of a key
258-- which is used for finger-printing and as a lookup key into
259-- maps. This type may be changed to an actual fingerprint in
260-- in the future.
261type KeyKey = [L.ByteString]
263keykey :: Packet -> KeyKey
264keykey key =
265 -- Note: The key's timestamp is normally included in it's fingerprint.
266 -- This is undesirable for kiki because it causes the same
267 -- key to be imported multiple times and show as apparently
268 -- distinct keys with different fingerprints.
269 -- Thus, we will remove the timestamp.
270 fingerprint_material (key {timestamp=0}) -- TODO: smaller key?
272isKey :: Packet -> Bool
273isKey (PublicKeyPacket {}) = True
274isKey (SecretKeyPacket {}) = True
275isKey _ = False
277isSecretKey :: Packet -> Bool
278isSecretKey (SecretKeyPacket {}) = True
279isSecretKey _ = False
282isUserID :: Packet -> Bool
283isUserID (UserIDPacket {}) = True
284isUserID _ = False
286isTrust :: Packet -> Bool
287isTrust (TrustPacket {}) = True
288isTrust _ = False
290-- matchpr computes the fingerprint of the given key truncated to
291-- be the same lenght as the given fingerprint for comparison.
293-- matchpr fp = Data.List.Extra.takeEnd (length fp)
295matchpr :: String -> Packet -> String
296matchpr fp k = reverse $ zipWith const (reverse (fingerprint k)) fp