{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module KikiD.PortServer (createTCPPortListener) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Network.Socket hiding (send) import Network.Socket.ByteString import Data.Monoid ((<>)) --import qualified Network.IRC as IRC import Network.HTTP.Base (catchIO,catchIO_) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fix import System.IO import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory) import Text.Printf (printf) import System.FilePath (()) import Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMQueue import Control.Monad.Loops import KikiD.Multiplex (pipeTransHookMicroseconds) import Control.Exception import Control.Concurrent.Async import Data.Serialize import Control.Arrow (second) --import qualified Merv.GetLine as MG {-instance Serialize IRC.Message where put = putByteString . IRC.encode get = do x <- MG.getLine case IRC.decode x of Just x -> return x Nothing -> fail ("IRC PARSE ERROR:'" <> B.unpack x <> "'") createIRCPortListener :: PortNumber -> B.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> TBMQueue (ThreadId,TBMQueue IRC.Message) -> TBMQueue IRC.Message -> IO () createIRCPortListener port name delay qsize maxconns postNewTChans outq = createTCPPortListener port name delay qsize maxconns postNewTChans outq ircReact -} createTCPPortListener :: Serialize a => PortNumber -> B.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> TBMQueue (ThreadId,TBMQueue a) -> TBMQueue a -> (Handle -> TBMQueue a -> IO ()) -> IO () createTCPPortListener port name delay qsize maxconns postNewTChans outq react = bracket -- aquire resources (socket AF_INET Stream 0) -- release resources sClose -- operate on resources (\sock -> do -- make socket immediately reusable - eases debugging. setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1 -- listen on TCP port 4242 bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet port iNADDR_ANY) -- allow a maximum of 15 outstanding connections listen sock maxconns sockAcceptLoop sock name delay qsize postNewTChans outq react ) sockAcceptLoop :: Serialize a => Socket -> B.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> TBMQueue (ThreadId,TBMQueue a) -> TBMQueue a -> (Handle -> TBMQueue a -> IO ()) -> IO () sockAcceptLoop listenSock name delay qsize postNewTChans outq react = whileM_ (atomically $ fmap not (isClosedTBMQueue postNewTChans)) $ do -- accept one connection and handle it conn@(sock,_) <- accept listenSock async $ bracket (do -- acquire resources hdl <- socketToHandle sock ReadWriteMode q <- atomically $ newTBMQueue qsize thisChildOut <- atomically $ newTBMQueue qsize async1 <- async (runConn hdl name q thisChildOut delay react) async2 <- async (pipeTransHookMicroseconds thisChildOut outq 5000 (\() -> Just) -- no translation on outgoing (\m -> return ())) return (hdl,q,thisChildOut,(async1,async2)) ) -- release resources (\(hdl,q,thisChildOut,(async1,async2)) -> do cancel async1 cancel async2 atomically $ closeTBMQueue q atomically $ closeTBMQueue thisChildOut hClose hdl ) -- run opration on async (\(_,q,_,(async1,async2)) -> do let tid = asyncThreadId async1 atomically $ writeTBMQueue postNewTChans (tid,q) --link2 async1 async2 -- Do I need this? waitBoth async1 async2 ) runConn :: Serialize a => Handle -> B.ByteString -> TBMQueue a -> TBMQueue a -> Int -> (Handle -> TBMQueue a -> IO ()) -> IO () runConn hdl name q outq delay react = do --send sock (encode (Message Nothing "NOTICE" ["*", ("Hi " <> name <> "!\n")])) -- B.hPutStrLn hdl (encode (Message Nothing "NOTICE" ["*", ("Hi " <> name <> "!\n")])) -- OnConnect Message... race_ -- continuously read q and output to handle (socket) -- to terminate thread, close q (do let pending = fmap not (atomically $ isEmptyTBMQueue q) closed = atomically . isClosedTBMQueue $ q whileM_ (fmap not closed) $ do whileM_ pending $ do m <- atomically (readTBMQueue q) case m of Just m -> B.hPutStrLn hdl (encode m) -- Nothing means the Queue is closed and empty, so dont loop Nothing -> return () threadDelay delay --B.hPutStrLn hdl (encode (quit (Just "Bye!")) ) ) -- continuously input from handle and -- send to provided outq (whileM_ (atomically . fmap not $ isClosedTBMQueue outq) $ react hdl outq ) {- ircReact hdl outq = do line <- B.hGetLine hdl -- debugging dir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "merv" tid <- myThreadId let bQuit = (B.isPrefixOf "/quit") line appendFile (dir "xdebug") (printf "%s:%s\n(bQuit=%s) %s\n" (show tid) (show line) (show bQuit) (show $ IRC.parseMessage line)) -- end debugging case IRC.decode line of Just (IRC.msg_command -> "QUIT") -> atomically $ closeTBMQueue outq Just m -> atomically $ writeTBMQueue outq m Nothing | "/q" `B.isPrefixOf` line -> atomically $ closeTBMQueue outq _ -> return undefined -}