module LengthPrefixedBE ( LengthPrefixedBE(..) , encode_bigendian , decode_bigendian ) where import Debug.Trace import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Bits import Data.Binary import Data.Binary.Get import Data.Int {- From RFC4251... string Arbitrary length binary string. Strings are allowed to contain arbitrary binary data, including null characters and 8-bit characters. They are stored as a uint32 containing its length (number of bytes that follow) and zero (= empty string) or more bytes that are the value of the string. Terminating null characters are not used. mpint ( LengthPrefixedBE ) Represents multiple precision integers in two's complement format, stored as a string, 8 bits per byte, MSB first. Negative numbers have the value 1 as the most significant bit of the first byte of the data partition. If the most significant bit would be set for a positive number, the number MUST be preceded by a zero byte. Unnecessary leading bytes with the value 0 or 255 MUST NOT be included. The value zero MUST be stored as a string with zero bytes of data. -} newtype LengthPrefixedBE = LengthPrefixedBE Integer instance Binary LengthPrefixedBE where put (LengthPrefixedBE n) = do put len put bytes where bytes = encode_bigendian n len = fromIntegral (L.length bytes) :: Word32 get = do len <- get bs <- getLazyByteString (word32_to_int64 len) return . LengthPrefixedBE $ decode_bigendian bs where word32_to_int64 :: Word32 -> Int64 word32_to_int64 = fromIntegral encode_bigendian :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> L.ByteString encode_bigendian n = if (bit /= sbyte) then sbyte `L.cons` bytes else bytes where bytes = L.reverse $ unroll n sbyte :: Word8 sbyte = if n<0 then 0xFF else 0 bit = if L.null bytes then 0x00 else fromIntegral ((fromIntegral (L.head bytes) :: Int8) `shiftR` 7) unroll :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> L.ByteString unroll = L.unfoldr step -- TODO: Is reversing L.unfoldr more or less efficient -- than using Data.List.unfoldr ? -- Probably Data.ByteString.Lazy should export an unfoldrEnd -- function that efficiently unfolds reversed bytestrings. where step 0 = Nothing step (-1) = Nothing step i = Just (fromIntegral i, i `shiftR` 8) decode_bigendian :: (Num a, Bits a) => L.ByteString -> a decode_bigendian bs = if isneg then n - 256^(L.length bs) else n where n = L.foldl (\a b -> a `shiftL` 8 .|. fromIntegral b) 0 bs isneg = not (L.null bs) && L.head bs .&. 0x80 /= 0