{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} import Control.Applicative import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Bool import Data.Char import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8 import qualified Kiki import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.IO import System.Posix.User import CommandLine usage = unlines [ "cokiki [--chroot=ROOTDIR] [--homedir=HOMEDIR] [--passphrase-fd=FD]" , "" , "COMMANDS" , "" , " ssh-client" , " 1) Modify system ssh configuration to respect /var/cache/kiki/ssh_known_hosts." , " 2) Set kiki ssh-server key to /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key. If kiki already has" , " an ssh-server key configured, it will be replaced." , " 3) Refresh /var/cache/kiki/*" , "" , " ssh-server: TODO" , " strongswan: TODO" ] main = do (cmd,args) <- splitAt 1 <$> getArgs uid <- getEffectiveUserID let whenRoot action | uid==0 = action | otherwise = hPutStrLn stderr "operation requires root." let sel = case cmd of ["ssh-client"] -> pure (sshClient uid) <*> Kiki.ㄧchroot <*> Kiki.ㄧhomedir ["ssh-server"] -> pure (whenRoot sshServer) ["strongswan"] -> pure (whenRoot strongswan) _ -> pure $ hPutStr stderr usage spec = fancy [("--chroot",1),("--passphrase-fd",1),("--homedir",1)] [] "" case runArgs (parseInvocation spec args) sel of Left e -> hPutStrLn stderr $ usageErrorMessage e Right io -> io maybeReadFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe L.ByteString) maybeReadFile path = do doesFileExist path >>= bool (return Nothing) (Just <$> L.readFile path) sshClient uid root cmn = do -- /etc/ssh/ssh_config <-- 'GlobalKnownHostsFile /var/cache/kiki/ssh_known_hosts' sshconfig <- parseSshConfig . fromMaybe "" <$> maybeReadFile (root "/etc/ssh/ssh_config") let (ps,qs) = sshSplitAtDirective "GlobalKnownHostsFile" sshconfig myWriteFile f bs = do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Writing "++f -- L8.putStr bs L8.writeFile f bs sshconfig' <- case qs of d:ds | elem "/var/cache/kiki/ssh_known_hosts" d -> do hPutStrLn stderr "ssh-client already configured." return Nothing d:ds -> do hPutStrLn stderr "modifying GlobalKnownHostsFile directive" let hs = " " : "/var/cache/kiki/ssh_known_hosts" : drop 1 d stmt = take 1 d ++ hs return $ Just (ps ++ stmt : ds) [] -> do -- Unconfigured add fresh directive. let stmt = L8.unwords ["GlobalKnownHostsFile" , "/var/cache/kiki/ssh_known_hosts" , "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts" , "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2" ] return $ Just (sshconfig ++ parseSshConfig stmt) sshconfig' `deepseq` return () -- force lazy input maybe (return ()) (myWriteFile (root "/etc/ssh/ssh_config") . unparseSshConfig) sshconfig' -- /root/.gnupg/... <-- contains known hosts from /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts -- /var/cache/kiki/ssh_known_hosts <-- contains known hosts from /root/.gnupg/... Kiki.replaceSshServerKeys root cmn sshServer = do -- /etc/ssh/sshd_config <-- 'HostKey /var/cache/kiki/ssh_host_ecdsa_key' etc. return () strongswan = do -- etc/ipsec.conf <-- 'include /var/cache/kiki/ipsec.conf' -- /root/.gnupg/... <-- contains newly-generated ipsec subkey Kiki.refresh id (Kiki.CommonArgsParsed Nothing Nothing) -- /var/cache/kiki/ipsec.conf <-- contains configurations for each remote ipsec host -- /var/cache/kiki/ipsec.conf <-- contains '%default' configuration for this local host -- /var/cache/kiki/ipsec.d/certs <-- contains relevant certs -- /var/cache/kiki/ipsec.d/private <-- contains private key parseSshConfig bs = map tokenize $ L8.lines bs where tokenize l = L8.groupBy tokrel l' ++ [comment] where (l', comment) = L8.break (=='#') l tokrel x y = isSpace x == isSpace y unparseSshConfig ls = L8.unlines $ map L.concat $ ls sshSplitAtDirective d sshconfig = break (sshIsDirective d) sshconfig sshIsDirective d ls = case dropWhile isSpaceTok ls of g:_ | g == d -> True _ -> False where isSpaceTok "" = True isSpaceTok b = isSpace $ L8.head b #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0) bool :: a -> a -> Bool -> a bool f _ False = f bool _ t True = t #endif